Compared to encountering the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, it is a more dangerous situation! "He, he seems to be the one"

Weibull's hand holding the big knife trembled slightly.

"do not talk!"

Ba Jin stopped Weibull's words, his eyes widened, his eyes were full of deep fear, and he stared at the young figure with a knife in front of him.

Of course she couldn't have known.

What a terrifying monster is this... in front of her! But on this little paradise island, how could it be possible to attract such a monster? first.

Being chased and killed by the three admirals of the navy was like catching a dog, very embarrassed.

So much so that they escaped and came to the paradise island where they are currently.

It is precisely because they came here that they escaped by luck! That's what she thought in her heart.

I thought.

When she came to Paradise Island, she could show off her power.

Although it is true that they were able to show off their power just now.

But she never dreamed.

After showing off, the reinforcements sent by the Red Hair Pirates came so quickly.

The most terrifying thing was not that reinforcements came so quickly.

But the reinforcements dispatched turned out to be terrifying monsters of this level! This is what made Ba Jin and Weibull feel terrified and terrified.

"Breaking Five, Shattering Swordsman!"

"why is that!"

"The Red Hair Pirates, are they really idle? How could they send monsters of this level to destroy Jianhao. He has been the strongest in the world for nearly a hundred years!"

"Why such a trivial matter would dispatch such an existence!"

Ba Jin felt that she was going crazy.

If she just dispatched ordinary reinforcements, she would not be so uneasy and panic.

That's the problem.

Who could have imagined.

The one sent to deal with them turned out to be the legendary Destruction Swordsman! That is the most powerful existence in the world! It is logically impossible for such an existence to interfere with this garlic matter! Who can explain it! Ba Jin wailed in his heart , looked at Lu En in front of him with an increasingly frightened expression, his lips trembled, he didn't dare to speak for a while, his whole body was stiff in place, and he couldn't move.

"Mom, what should we do"

Weibull's words shuddered.


Even if he is lawless, he also understands how serious their situation is at present! What about Whitebeard's own son? Even if he firmly believes in this, he is also cowardly in the face of the current situation.

Not to mention Whitebeard's own son! Even if Whitebeard were to come in person! He always felt that it would be extraordinarily difficult and weak to cope with the current situation.

Because what they need to face in front of them is the strongest person in the world for nearly a hundred years! A terrifying existence capable of deterring the entire era by himself! "How can I know what to do!"

Ba Jin's legs were weak, almost paralyzed to the ground.

Facing Weibull's words, her head went blank, and naturally she could not answer.

What to do, if she knew what to do, she wouldn't be so embarrassed.

The two were in a state of despair, their faces were pale, and they stood there dumbfounded, motionless.


Lu En, who was holding the supreme sword and thunder teeth, looked at Weibull and Ba Jin quietly, without too much emotional disturbance, and seemed very indifferent.

Whitebeard II in front of Lu En.

Even if Whitebeard came in person, he wouldn't feel too much pressure! It's different now


Lu En's strength is completely different from before! Not to mention a mere white beard II, even in the face of a white beard at his peak, Lu En is confident that he can solve the opponent in half an hour.

It is no joke to be known as the strongest in the world in the past [-] years! "Is it them?"

Lu En turned his head and asked the more than [-] crew members who were following him.

At this time.

The twenty or so surviving crew members of the Red-haired Pirates are staring at Weibull with angry eyes: "My lord, it's them!"

"It was they who destroyed the order of our paradise island and put the whole island in a state of extreme chaos."


"Our people were also beheaded by him a lot.

About a hundred people died under his blade.

Your lord, you must avenge them!"

They were full of anger, clenched their fists, and their eyes were bloodshot.

The hatred for Weibull has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Whether Weibull is strong or not is of course strong! If Weibull's strength is too tyrannical, they would not have fled into the secret base to survive.

But now.

No matter how strong Weibull is, they just feel meaningless! Because.

Destruction Swordsman is here.

No matter how strong Weibull is, how does it make sense? It has no meaning at all! When faced with the most powerful existence in the world, even if Weibull's strength is comparable to that of Whitebeard at his peak, there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback. .

What's more, Weibull's strength was far inferior to that of Whitebeard at his peak.

Although many people in the sea gave Weibull a strength comparable to Whitebeard's peak, but that... is just a lie.

In real comparison, Weibull is simply weak and vulnerable.

"Okay, I'll take care of the matter here."

Lu En waved his hand.

A terrifying and majestic edge spread from his body.

The momentum is like a rainbow, soaring into the sky! The monstrous momentum, the swift and violent rushing forward, enveloped the bodies of Weibull and Ba Jin.

"This, this is!"

Ba Jin's face became paler and paler, and his whole body trembled, as if every cell in his body was subjected to an unparalleled terrifying squeeze and impact.

It made her figure look extraordinarily weak, and showed that weak posture without reservation, making her look humble and unbearable.

Her strength is still too weak after all.

The reason why she was able to swept across most parts of the sea was simply because she could control Weibull beside her and deceive the other party to serve her with many lies, that's all.

In terms of strength, she can't even be compared to the pirates who have a bounty of hundreds of millions.

"Mom, I, I'm so scared!"

Weibull was trembling all over, but his burly body seemed extremely weak, without any power at all.

Facing such terrifying coercion! Even Weibull can feel the huge gap! The two are at a completely different level! "Is this the most powerful existence in the world?"

"It's really scary!"

Weibull's head almost retracted below his neck, his face was terrified, his hand holding the big knife couldn't help shaking, and fear had already covered his heart.

It was the first time in his life that he saw it.

In this sea, there are monsters with such terrifying strength! This strength, just the feeling of oppression that is actually exposed, is enough to make Weibull tremble and dare not act rashly.

Both of them could only stand there shivering.

Facing Luen.

Their weakness and humility are basically revealed in all aspects without reservation.

This scene.

It fell into the eyes of the twenty or so crew members behind Lu En, which completely shocked them.

The powerful and unscrupulous Weibull didn't even have the courage to resist at this moment! What terrifying strength and power this is! "This, this is the strongest power in the world!"

"Lord Shattering Swordsman is worthy of being the strongest in the world in the past hundred years!"

"Just relying on the power is enough to easily oppress the two of them and not dare to act rashly.

This power is simply too terrifying."

Twenty people looked at Lu En's back with adoring eyes.

This back figure looks extraordinarily stalwart! This is the strongest in the world! The strongest in the world in the past [-] years! When they witnessed the scene just now, they could finally realize it deeply.

The strongest power in the world must be so terrifying! Stronger than Weibull, he can only tremble and dare not move.

This, isn't it enough to explain that all one person, just go to this station.

On the opposite side, Weibull and Ba Jin could only shiver and stiffen in place, without even the thought of resisting.

All this surprised everyone present.

The strongest in the world is worthy of being the strongest in the world! It is just might, but it is enough to intimidate the audience! Let the enemy have no courage at all.


The trembling expressions of Weibull and Bakin.

This made Lu En shake his head and let out a laugh: "So, it's too ridiculous that this is your arrogant capital before!"

Chapter 862 The knife in your hand is a waste!

Haven't seen Weibull before.

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