Look carefully.

can be captured.

Their number is about 800 or so! Although compared with the tens of thousands of elites in the Navy, these [-] and [-] seem insignificant.

But in fact, these 800 people 0, each of them is the elite of the elite! It can be understood in this way.

If 0 navy elites were to face these [-] [-] agents, the odds of winning would be at most [-] to [-]! It can be seen from this.

The terrible thing about these 0 agents! They come from 0! A terrifying spy organization! In addition to collecting intelligence, every one of the elites is very good at assassination! Assassination, intelligence! These two are [-] Every agent here is proficient in abilities.

Generally speaking.

It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to train an elite like 0.

Over the years, the number of organizations has grown, but

But it has always remained at the same level.

Always implement a concept.

There are not many people, but the elite! Only the absolute elite is absorbed, and there is no need for too many rice buckets! It can be expected.

This time.

A total of eight elites were dispatched, which was like hollowing out the entire organization.

The total number of people in the entire organization does not exceed one thousand.

But this time.

But a full eight hundred elites were dispatched! It can be clearly seen from here.

The importance that the world government takes on this matter, as the 0 dispatches of their darlings, have been dispatched in all aspects.

The side reflects how much the world government wants to obliterate the swordsman Lu En! This batch of 0 organizations is the follow-up team in the mouth of Akainu! With the 0 Rui of [-], they rushed to hide around the battlefield. to be officially announced.

A slaughter brewed by the world government, all parties are already in place! Eight hundred elites hid in every corner, and their eyes were icy and staring at the one above... the figure holding the knife did not act rashly, but waited for the best opportunity to assassinate.

"People, it's finally here."

The corner of Akainu's mouth moved slightly.

Of course he could see it.

On the island, many elite members of 0 have appeared! As the darling of the Five Old Stars, the 0 organization has been dispatched by [-] elites at one time.

From here, Akainu can also judge.

Those five 55-year-olds, how much do you want to kill the swordsman! "My people are here, Akainu, I hope you can control the battlefield perfectly.

You have to know that every training one of the people under my command consumes a huge amount of resources."

"These eight hundred elites are handed over to you to mobilize.

If they can complete the task, how much they lose, I won't care about you.

But if the mission fails and they lose a lot, I'll ask you!"

"and also"

"Even if I don't ask questions, the adults above will definitely want to kill you!"

A middle-aged man in a black suit walked up to Akainu with a bad tone.

"Don't worry, we will never lose this battle!"

For this warning and threat, Akainu's expression was indifferent, and he didn't take it to heart, instead he looked disapproving.

What a joke to lose! How much power did they dispatch this time, the three generals and even his... Marshal dispatched! Even if they are the strongest in the world, so what! They dispatched so much power, is it really just a decoration In Akainu's view.

In this battle, the possibility of their defeat is very slim! Victory is in sight! Even so.

Akainu was still full of energy, his eyes became sharp, and he didn't dare to relax and be careless.

"hope so!"

After the middle-aged snorted, he took a few steps back, quietly watching the battle situation on Paradise Island ahead, without interfering again.

"The whole army listens"

Akainu held the phone bug and spoke slowly.

The battle is about to break out! Boo Boo! The voice of the phone bug drifted into Lu En's ears very abruptly.


Luen, who is hundreds of meters above Paradise Island, is walking on the moon, looking down and looking down.

When he heard the sound of the phone bug ringing, he looked away, took out the phone bug, and put it to his ear.


Lu En narrowed his eyes slightly, still thinking about the current situation in his heart.

In order to deal with itself, the navy has made a lot of money! No! It should be said that the world government has done everything to deal with itself! It dispatched so much power at one time! Those old people are really willing! Just to deal with I am alone! But I have dispatched such a huge force.

Even if he was as strong as Lu En, when faced with the current situation, he would not dare to care for him.

"It's me, Kuzan!"

The voice of the phone bug made Lu En's spirit shift a little, and his eyelids twitched.

This guy, Qing pheasant, actually chose to call the phone bug at this critical moment. Thinking of the changes in the current situation, Lu En said to the phone bug in a playful tone: "Qing pheasant, you are really here. It's such a coincidence."

"and also"

"I really can't count on your information, otherwise I don't know where I will die in the end."

The phone worm was silent for a while.

quite a while.

Aokiji said: "Sorry, I didn't expect the navy to move so fast.

Even before the plan started, the news was only limited to the top of the Navy, and even the lieutenant general never knew about these plans!"

"And I, too, just got the news.

The moment I got the news, I immediately.

contacted you.

Next, you need to be careful, according to what I have heard."

"Three generals have been dispatched from the Navy headquarters, and this fellow Akainu has also been dispatched.

Tens of thousands of navies and more than thirty warships are rushing to your direction."

"Organization has moved more than [-]% of its power"

Aokiji's words were never finished.

But Lu En laughed and suddenly interrupted: "I think, you don't need to continue talking."

"What's the meaning"

Aokiji spoke in a hurry, looking a little stunned.


"They have come."

Lu En hung up the phone bug very simply, glanced down calmly, and fixed his eyes on the three generals and Akainu.

Chapter 869 The war broke out!Bombing and destroying the swordsman!

The air seemed to freeze.

The sea area of ​​Paradise Island is completely blocked by thirty-two and 32 warships! However, Paradise Island is a relatively common island, and there are not many ships passing through this sea area on weekdays.

Therefore, I did not see some sailboats passing by by chance before this battle broke out.

The oppressive atmosphere spread far and wide.

Chilling spirit rises! Tens of thousands of navy elites, holding the weapons in their hands, stand at their own posts, staring solemnly and nervously at the knife-wielding figure hundreds of meters in the air.

Of course they know.

Who the hell is this person! This time.

What they have to deal with is the most powerful swordsman in the world in the past [-] years! This is by no means a so-called small character! At least.

For them, this battle is very grand! Even if there is only one opponent, it gives them an endless sense of oppression.

Because the other party is a swordsman of destruction! This title is enough to make them tremble with fear.

"The whole army listens"

In the quiet environment, Akainu's loud cry sounded.

The whole army is holding on to the weapons in their hands! They understand.

The battle is about to break out! This is a battle of great disparity in the world! "Prepare for artillery fire"

"Bomb and kill the swordsman of destruction!"

Akainu shouted loudly.

The sound was harsh, resounding through the sky, wandering in all directions.

Atmosphere, a brief silence! Then.

"Light the fire!"


A navy officer, each holding a saber, waving the saber fell down.

Their voices were loud and majestic, deafening, and hummed in people's ears.

"Light the fire!"

All the elites of the navy made the same action one after another.

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