Give him another period of time, how strong will he be!"

"The strongest in the world in the past [-] years, what a terrifying monster!"

Akainu's mood fluctuated violently, his eyes fixed on the falling terrifying slash.

He can only experience it through personal experience.

Monsters of this level are really too threatening.

Akainu confesses.

If he was allowed to sit in the chairs of the old guys from the Five Old Stars, he would not dare to let this level of monsters continue to grow in an unknown direction.

For now.

Although the other party is the strongest in the world, things are still under control.

The amount of combat power at the general level is accumulated, and it is still able to compete and kill the opponent.

But if you go further.

Give them some time to grow.

All of this will be uncertain!" As I said long ago, the threat of this monster is far greater than that of the Four Emperors.

But at that time, even myself, I didn't really pay attention to it."

"it's good now."

"The two generals are dispatched at the same time, and they may not be able to stop them!"

Akainu was terrified.

For the first time he saw it with his own eyes.

In this sea, there are really monsters that are so powerful! At the same time.

Akainu's order has just been given.

The two generals, Fujitora and Green Bull, used their own tactics to block the terrifying slash that fell from the sky.

"What an incredible power!"

Green Bull was deeply moved.

Although Fujitora couldn't see it, he could feel that a majestic and terrifying force was descending rapidly from the horizon.

This power, Fujitora admits, can't be stopped by himself! "Let's do it."

Fujitora took a deep breath and said something in the direction of the green cow.

Only two generals can block it! This is only possible, not absolute! Immediately.

With his samurai sword in hand, Fujitora aimed at the terrifying slash on the horizon and slashed down suddenly.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

This knife is wrapped in extremely terrifying gravity fluctuations.

Huh!! The terrifying slash, which has accumulated a terrible gravity, is about to collide with the slash above.

the other side.

Green Bull also made a move.

It is also not weaker than Fujitora's terrifying move, which was released by the green bull and slammed into the sky with a punch.

Boom! The space seems to have been blasted by this punch! Terrible power, forced out by the fist! This punch, and Fujitora's knife, two violent and majestic forces, at the same time, rushed to the sky at the same time, about to meet with Fujitora. The slash released by Lu En launched a close collision.

"Both generals have shot."

"General Fujitora, General Green Bull, they will definitely be able to stop them!"

The hopes of tens of thousands of navy elites are pinned on Fujitora and Green Bull.

This slash from Lu En, if they can't stop it, the navy will definitely suffer heavy losses! The terrifying slash that fell from a high altitude carries a despairing power. The pressure was enough to make these tens of thousands of naval elites tremble.

They can feel it.

This can be called the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth! It was just the coercion of the momentum, but it had already turned into endless fear and dominated their bodies.

Countless gazes were gathered above the head.

The only hope is the currently shot Fujitora and Green Bull! Among them.

The high-level personnel, including Akainu, Kizaru, and other high-level officials, suppressed the throbbing in their hearts, did not dare to relax, and their eyes were fixed on the shocking confrontation that was about to break out above the sky.

Whether the two admirals of the naval headquarters can shake the strongest answer in the world today will be revealed soon! Feilu reminds you: three things to read for collection, recommended

Chapter 871 Destruction Swordsman is countless times more terrifying than rumored!

Dazzling! Brilliant! This slash from the sky, the halo emanating, is terrifying, and every cell in the body is trembling.

The majestic breath shrouded the sky and the ground below.

Thirty-two and 32 warships, tens of thousands of navy elites, including thirteen lieutenant generals, etc., all looked up at the sky, looking at this path with horror, from the terrifying slash released by the world's strongest hit.

Only when they experience it for themselves can they realize why the strongest force in the world makes so many people in this sea terrified! "General Fujitora and General Green Bull, can they stop it?"

this moment.

Even a few lieutenant generals couldn't help but be suspicious.


In the eyes of everyone's horror, shock and panic.

only see.

The slash released by Lu En collided with Fujitora's knife and Green Bull's punch.

The dazzling and terrifying forces collided with each other in an instant.

Boom! A loud bang, tearing the sky apart.

It was like thunder! It was deafening! Everyone's hearing was temporarily affected by this loud noise, and their ears were buzzing.

The space seemed to collapse.

Buzz! Visible.

Even the space showed signs of faint creeping.

Three completely different forces exploded with each other, eroded their strength, and developed extremely strong friction.

Zizizi! You can vaguely see the place where the forces collided, flashing dark purple thunder, entangling around, making the atmosphere here even more depressing! This collision can be called, the two generals and The strongest collision in the world! The clouds seem to be torn apart! The impact of this collision is too terrifying.

In less than a moment.

All can only see.

When you enter your eyes, there are dazzling halos everywhere! You can no longer see the objects around you, and your eyes are like looking directly at the sun.

Boom! The power of the explosion exudes an extremely surging airflow.

Taking the collision place as the starting point, the terrifying and majestic airflow quickly spread to all places.

Many objects are shrouded in this terrifying airflow.

Whether it is the two generals of the headquarters, or Lu En, the swordsman of destruction, their strength can be said to be the top of this sea.

Of course.

Compared to Lu En's strength, the two generals are much inferior.

But even so, there is no denying it.

The power of the two generals can shake the world and sweep one side! Therefore.

Not hard to predict.

What a terrifying momentum it will cause when their brewing power clashes with Lu En's knife.

When the power explodes.

The airflow, followed by an unparalleled airflow, like a storm, a hurricane, mercilessly began to crush all objects on this side, and penetrated under the sea.

Clap la la! The sea hit by the air current formed a frantically rotating vortex, the ocean current was turbulently rolled, and the rippling waves rolled wildly, which was difficult to control.

The sea water splashed thousands of meters into the sky and swayed everywhere.

A whirlpool, driven by this terrifying airflow, intensified! A total of 32 warships, the warships docked in this sea area, were shaken.

The suction generated by the vortex seems to be sucking the warships into it.

"This, what a terrifying power this is!"

When they opened their eyes, many of the elites of the navy on the deck couldn't help but widen their eyes, their expressions full of horror and shock.

Just a collision.

But give them one.

The sense of sight of the end of the world! This sea area seems to be destroyed at any time! "Not good!"

"Quickly control the warship, don't get caught in the whirlpool!"

Then the officers who reacted hurriedly drank.

This prevented the misfortune of the warship being swept into it by the ever-increasing vortex.

When it rains and the sky clears.

Sprinkled on the sea water of thousands of meters, and then sprinkled.

The terrifying collision just now seemed as if it had never happened.

But no one there will ever be able to forget.

The collision just now could be called a devastating collision! It was just the aftermath, but it created a huge vortex, which caused the ocean currents to vent and swell.

Look up.

The clouds seem to be disturbed by the air current, which is torn apart piece by piece.

at the same time.

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