Everyone was temporarily absent-minded, shocked by such a terrifying battle.

And Lu En has used the six-style shave, silently, to approach the location of the 0 agents who are hiding all over the paradise island.

"You, you are!"

When some of 0's agents felt Lu En approaching, they could only widen their eyes and look terrified, but it was difficult to make any response.

Because Lu En's knife is too fast! When 0's agents noticed Lu En, they also saw the supremely fast knife in Lu En's hand.

The knife flashed.

Heads fell! Pfft! Blood splashed and gushed out.

The pungent smell of blood wafted into the air.


Lu En staged a real slaughter! And.

It's still a very fast killing! No one can stop Lu En's actions, although these 0's elite strength is really good.

But in the face of Lu En's attack and killing, they were still unable to resist.

"One second!"

Lu En counted.

A total of 102 people were killed, about [-]:.

Not enough! Not fast enough! Lu En expressed his dissatisfaction with this speed.

"Need to speed up."

Lu En, who was carrying the supremely sharp knife and Lei Ya, accelerated the speed of attack and kill, so as to avoid the follow-up generals who would react and block it! "No!"

"Do not kill me!"

"Yes, it's the monster that destroys the swordsman!"

People have responded, but it's meaningless.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Visible.

One by one, the heads were cut off and thrown into the air, appearing in a parabola and rolled on the ground several times.

"two seconds"

At this time, Lu En had already beheaded about five hundred and thirty one people.


Lu En quickened his action.

The collection was cut off one by one! The agent fell into extreme panic.

But useless! Anyway.

It is difficult for them to escape from the strongest attack in the world! Lu En is too strong! In one second, hundreds of so-called elites were killed in seconds! "Three seconds three!"

When three seconds passed, Lu En slowly stopped.

The blade of the supremely sharp knife he was carrying was already covered with blood.

The bloodstains slid from the blade along the trajectory, and merged into the soil under his feet.

The smell of blood rose.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground! Heads rolled on the ground, all eyes widened, and they were still full of fear before dying.

The total number of corpses here is 0! It is also all the people hiding in Tiandao! However, Lu En stabbed one person at a time, and it only took three seconds to kill them easily! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read to collect, recommend

Chapter 873 Elite?The elite who can't stop even three seconds!

Bloody smell! The pungent bloody smell, as the sea breeze blows, the pungent smell that fills this side spreads and drifts farther.

Stand still.

Lu En held the supremely sharp knife, and the blood slipped from the blade, all from the blood of these elite agents.

one look.

Lu En's clothes were not stained with blood at all.

Fast! Too fast! It only took three seconds3, but Lu En easily eliminated a total of 0 elite agents! These hidden agents were still terrified before they died.


They didn't expect that Lu En would be so terrifying.

With no effort, their self-confidence was easily crushed, and their lives were eliminated.

The so-called 0 elites, when they came to Lu En, were purely a joke! Who would have thought that Lu En only spent three seconds to clear these more than 3 0 elites, no one would have thought! After seeing these elites, the people on the navy side only realized it later and saw the corpses and heads all over the place.

The smell of blood wafted into their sense of smell.

Silence! The atmosphere is extremely depressing! Numerous navies on the deck of the warship are still under the influence of the terrifying collision just now.

The collision just now was really shocking to the world.

They also thought that.

This day, it's going to be crushed! Right now.

They came back to their senses.

Following their gaze, they looked towards the coast of Paradise Island.

can see clearly.

In this coastal area, many corpses have appeared one after another.

All of them are wearing black suits, and you can tell the identity of these corpses at a glance! There is no doubt.

All of them are from the 0 organization! Only the organization can uniformly wear similar clothes! The air is filled with a pungent bloody smell.

The smell of blood and the air blended with each other, and then drifted farther away.

"dead, dead"

"Everything is dead!"

Tens of thousands of navy elites, with dull expressions, stared at the numerous corpses on the coast with their faces full of horror, their lips trembled, their emotions were shocked, and it was difficult to calm down.

Just now, what happened! Aren't these people hiding in Paradise Island all the elites of 0? They still remember.

If you want to join 0, you must be the elite of the elite! These words are deeply imprinted in their minds.



What did they see! These are the elites, they are the elites among the elites, but these elites, the ones who have been killed are so quick! There is no resistance! As soon as they return to their senses, they can only see this place. The corpse! Just this, can it be called an elite or an elite that spent a lot of resources to create "This, these corpses, are the elites of the 0 organization!"

"But are they dead like this?"

"It's all dead!"

A group of navy was terrified in their hearts, their eyes were wide and round, and their mood was difficult to calm down.

Fear! Deep fear, pierced into the hearts of every navy of them.

Such a powerful organization was overturned in an instant! They always felt that this matter was a bit like a dream, which made them unbelievable! As a member of the organization, everyone is an absolute elite.

All of their navies are well aware of this, and have a deep understanding of it.

But even so.

The elites are still smashed! Still in an instant, more than [-] people have been smashed! Is this really the elites? The elites will also be slain in such a terrifying way! Guru! Many navy throats roll, can't help it He swallowed his saliva, the infinite magnification in his heart.

Especially seeing these 0 elites dead, they are even more hairy and shudder.

Even such elites were all killed in the blink of an eye.

They, what counts as "it's not that they are too weak"

"And, instead, the monster of Destruction Jianhao is too strong!"

"For a split second, while we all have our eyes on it.

Destruction Swordsman has taken action, and we are completely unable to react, how on earth did these 0 members get killed!"

"After we react, we can only see clearly.

These people of 0 have been wiped out by the army, and they have all died under the blade of the swordsman."

"too fast!"

"There are more than 0 elite agents, but they were all eliminated in just a few seconds.

This, this is the strongest in the world!"

After this incident, many navies present deeply felt it.

To be known as the strongest in the world in the past [-] years is not just an empty name.

Instead, give them a feeling that the other party is more terrifying than rumors.

"I can't even stop Dazaohao for a few seconds."

"There are more than [-] of them!"

The mentality of some naval elites collapsed.

at the same time.

The generals such as Akagi, Kiwi, Lu Niu, etc., all fixed their eyes on Lu En, and their eyes became: unkind, full of killing intent and serenity.

Eyes moved.

They saw it clearly.

The many corpses lying under Lu En's feet are all elite corpses of the 0 organization! All the quilts were wiped out in an instant! This was something Akainu didn't expect, and he didn't realize it at all.

Lu En actually aimed at the harmless guys like 0.

Negligence! Akainu clenched his fists and his face became gloomy.

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