"The three generals shot at the same time."

"On the opposite side, the world's strongest destroyer swordsman!"

"Both, I think who can win, the general has a higher chance of winning!"

"Marshal Sakaski didn't move either. If the marshal did move, it would be four generals with the level of combat power to deal with the swordsman of Destruction alone!"

A group of navy began to chat in low voices.

While talking, their eyes never looked away.

Such a terrifying and terrifying battle is hard to witness once in a lifetime.

And today.

They are fortunate enough to witness the top-level terrifying collision in this sea! Destroying the swordsman, with his own power, is about to confront the three generals of their navy! The battle is about to start! No one dares to disturb the atmosphere here.

Akainu held a phone bug, his face was heavy, he stared at Lu En's figure, his brows furrowed, and he fell into contemplation, his head thoughts fluttering wildly.

The reason why he didn't sell it.

It's because, as a marshal, he needs to stabilize the morale of the army! "But"

"If in the battle, the swordsman of Destruction reveals his flaws, I will be able to take action."

Akainu thought.

He never cares about the comments and opinions of the world on him.


The goal of this trip, in Akainu's opinion, is the most important thing to kill the Swordsman of Destruction! As long as he can do this, Akainu feels that even if the world rejects him, he will not frown.

"Destruction Swordsman, I hope you can handle the pressure from the three generals together, and still not reveal any flaws!"

"Otherwise, then I can only say I'm sorry."

A smile appeared on Akainu's face, and the gloomy expression on his face was swept away.

No sneak attack! In Akainu's view, this is just a very legitimate method.

On the battlefield, there is no winner or loser, only life and death! How come the sneak attack is in plain sight.


Both sides started.

The yellow monkey holds the Tiancong cloud sword, urging

With the ability to activate the Devil Fruit, his body turned into a golden halo, and instantly disappeared where he was standing.

Facing the attack of the yellow monkey.

Lu En stood still, raised the supremely sharp knife, the armed color covered the blade, and slashed toward the empty direction on the left.

The blade cuts through the sky.

At an extremely terrifying speed, it fell directly.

But before it fell, the figure of the yellow monkey appeared.

"What a terrifying insight!"

Kizaru's eyes narrowed, and he raised Tiancong Cloud Sword to block it.

Bang! The two collided, rubbed, and burst into flames.

Boom! The aftermath spreads.

The soil on which the Yellow Monkey was stepping was directly impacted by the shock wave brought by Lu En's knife, and it collapsed and dented, forming a concave pothole.

"Kizuna, your speed doesn't seem to be that much."

Lu En laughed out loud.

Power, spread from the blade! Zizizi! Visible to the naked eye.

Lu En's supremely sharp sword was given to split the Tiancong cloud sword in Huang Yuan's hand! The lightsaber was clenched tightly by Huang Yuan, but as Lu En's supremely sharp blade slashed down, the halo became a little weaker , seems to be cut off at any time.

Enluen turned his head and glanced at the direction on the right.


A slash, aimed at his body.

It's Fujitora! "Don't forget, there is the old man!"

Fujitora snorted coldly and activated the Devil Fruit ability.

This slash is wrapped in extremely terrifying gravity, and wherever it passes, the ground is affected by gravity, and a ghastly gap is abruptly torn apart.

Rumble! The earth shakes like an earthquake.

Lu En kicked his feet and took a few steps back.

Boom! The slash slid past him, blasting the earth into a ferocious crack.

The terrifying gravity of the explosion directly pressed the soil to dent and collapse.

Rumbling! The earth is shaking! The whole island is shaken! At this time.

Lu En just dodged Fujitora's knife, but the figure of the kiwi already appeared beside him, turned into a halo of kiwi, holding the Tiancong cloud sword and beheading Lu En's head.

"I think, my speed is okay."

Kizuna had a wretched smile.

Tiancong Yunjian chopped down! Bang! Lu En raised the Supreme Sword and blocked it.

The supreme knife and the lightsaber in the hands of Kizaru rubbed together, flashing an unusually dazzling halo.

Rumbling! The ground under their feet could not withstand the aftermath of the airflow generated by the collision between the two. The bombardment collapsed and shattered, the crushed depressions, and countless cracks were like spider webs cracking in all directions.

"Green cow, do you want to watch the fun?"

Kizaru suddenly turned his head and shouted to the position behind Lu En.

In fact.

Lu En spread his knowledge, and he had already noticed it, the green bull in the back! "It's really not a good feeling to be beaten by the three generals!"

Lu En couldn't help sighing with emotion.

The figure flashed! Before the green bull's fist arrived, Lu En's figure had disappeared from the original place.

Boom! The green bull bombarded the earth with one punch.

The earth shattered! Rumbling! The terrifying force pierced the ground through a deep pit, and the aftermath filled the air. The area of ​​more than [-] meters was split into countless gaps by this punch, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

"How about it"

The green cow landed on both feet smoothly and stared at Lu En who appeared [-] meters away.


Kisaragi and Fujitora approached one after another, both of them holding weapons in their hands, their eyes solemn.

Although the battle situation just now, it seemed that they were relatively easy, but in fact there were endless crises hidden.

If they are a little careless, they may all be stabbed by Lu En.

Being hit by the strongest knife in the world is no joke! "It's a scary monster!"

Kizaru looked at the Tiancong Cloud Sword in his hand, and said with lingering fears.

On the Tiancong Cloud Sword, there was a relatively subtle crack, and if you didn't observe carefully, you wouldn't be able to see this crack at all.

Makes the yellow monkey very scary.

It's only been a few fights just now.

did not expect.

The Tiancong Cloud Sword was almost destroyed by force! Although this was a sword made by Kizaru using Devil Fruits, it was definitely not inferior to the ordinary sharp sword.

Unless you see it with your own eyes.

Yellow ape can't imagine it in this life.

The Tiancong Cloud Sword was almost cut off by someone! Moreover.

What's even more terrifying is that he just used Tiancong Yunjian to collide with Lu En a few times, and already caused Tiancong Yunjian to have this kind of damage! The huge pressure was firmly pressing on the shoulders of Kizaru.

"He is very strong!"

Fujitora's tone was solemn.

"This guy, whether it is strength or speed, or his own judgment, and fighting consciousness, every aspect is top-notch."

"What's even more amazing is that"

"According to rumors, the physique of this monster, Destruction Swordsman, can be compared with that of Kaido, or even not inferior.

That way, at least for now, one thing is certain."

"That is, an ordinary attack can't break his defense at all!"

"Not to mention hitting him hard, even if we want to break through his defenses, it will be a problem.

As for causing him a certain degree of injury, it's even more difficult!"

Green Bull waved his hand helplessly.

It was the first time he encountered such a tough enemy! In his eyes.

The shattering swordsman Luen in front of him can be said to be impeccable and has no weaknesses at all! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter 877 Fighting the three generals with one's own power!

Depressed! The three generals gathered together and looked at Lu En with a heavy face.

They can't imagine.

How could such a terrifying monster appear in this sea! First of all.

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