There's nothing we can do! We can only fight to the death! Slow down and see who can hold on to the end.

"That's all."

Fujitora sighed, holding a katana sword, the blade was full of armed colors.

"Prepare to keep fighting!"

The red dog drinks.

The four of them chose to take the initiative again.

"Eight-foot mirror!"

The speed of the yellow monkey is the fastest, and the rate is beside you, Lu En, and the Tiancong Yunjian swings down from his hand.

Bang! Lu En raised the supremely sharp knife and easily blocked the sword of the Japanese ape.


The red dog appeared.

Standing in front of Lu En.

A fiery breath spread from Akainu's body.

It's magma! Akainu's arms turned into magma, and slammed it at Lu En's head.

Enluen raised his brows, his expression remained unchanged, and he easily avoided his head.

Tick ​​tock! The lava slipped from Akainu's arm and fell on Lu En's shoulder, burning the shirt on the shoulder to create a huge pothole, and the fiery and terrifying temperature splashed directly on Lu En's shoulder.

But, it only caused a weak sting to Lu En, that's all.

"Old man, rarely kill!"

"Only for you, Destruction Swordsman, the old man has murderous intent!"

Fujitora appeared in the area less than ten meters beside Lu En, holding a samurai sword, closed his eyes tightly, the samurai sword was in his hand, and was directly chopped down.

Gravity Knife Tiger! Boom! Lu En's body was directly hit by this slash, wrapped in an extremely majestic slash.

The blow hit the surface of Lu En's body.

A terrifying shock wave sent Lu En's body flying hundreds of meters away.

Boom! Lu En slammed into a ruin with his back, shattering the ruin and turning it into countless wrecks scattered everywhere.

one look.

A hideous gap was torn open in the ground, spreading for hundreds of meters all the way, and finally stopped at the place where Lu En was lying.

"Don't be careless!"

Akainu's arms recovered from the lava and walked to Fujitora's side with a solemn expression.

"Of course not to be careless!"

Fujitora nodded.

Although hit.

But Fujitora doesn't think how much damage this knife can bring to Lu En! "Don't forget, there's me too!"

The figure of the green bull suddenly appeared in the sky, with a layer of armed armor under his feet, and stepped on the place where Lu En lay.

"not good!"

Akainu's pupils shrank, and Weiwei's expression changed somewhat, "We must attack, Lu Niu alone will face the Destruction Swordsman alone, and it is very likely that he will be severely injured!"

"Once the green bull is damaged to a certain extent, our four-man team will be broken.

At that time, our situation will be even more severe!"

After realizing this.

Fujitora and Kizaru took the initiative to attack again.

at this time.

Lu En, who was lying on the ground, looked at the green cow that was constantly magnifying from his eyes, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the smile on his face was intriguing.

Flip right.

The supremely sharp sword was held tightly in the palm of the hand.

Armor of armed color, all over the blade! Lu En rolled on the ground.

Boom! The green bull's right foot is covered with armed colors, and he stepped on it directly, stepping on the ground into a huge deep pit and denting it.

The terrifying power broke the ground open, cracking countless traces like spider webs.

Boom! The soil on this side was destroyed by the green cattle.

The smoke rose and drifted away.

"what about people"

The green bull raised his brows, his eyes turned quickly, and he was meticulous.

at the same time.

He tried his best to inspire the sight and hearing.

The domineering and domineering spread in all directions, covering every corner of the battlefield.


The green bull turned around suddenly, his fists covered with armed-colored armor, and suddenly bombarded the fog behind him.

Missed! Missed! What was hit was just a cloud of air.

"you guessed wrong."

Lu En appeared.

When the green bull punched the mist, Lu En's figure appeared beside the green bull.

"not good!"

The green cow's face changed dramatically.

Unable to react! He could only subconsciously raise his arms, trying to block Lu En's blade.

Never thought.

Lu En kicked out the green cow's chest with his armed color on.

Boom! With a loud noise, the green cow's body was hit by a huge force, spreading from his chest, causing him to vomit blood, and his entire chest was about to sag and fly upside down thousands of meters away.

Boom! Rolled on the ground for thousands of meters all the way.

The green cow's body was able to stop.

"Cough cough!"

The green cow vomited blood, and his body aura became a little chaotic. The fact that his face was full of horror and solemnity was staring at Lu En, who was holding a blade a thousand meters away, and did not dare to act rashly.

Too careless!" But fortunately, he wasn't hit by his supreme knife.

Otherwise, even if I don't die, I'll be half-crippled.

Now the result has been calculated.”

The green cow stood up from the ground, and its body became heavy, but it was still able to continue fighting.

The kick hit him in the chest.

It made the green cow feel as if his heart had been stabbed by an iron needle at that time, that kind of stinging pain that made him sweat and goosebumps.

Phew! He exhaled heavily, and the green cow stabilized the flow of breath in his body a little.

As soon as they met, they were kicked away by Lu En.

This made the Green Bull look particularly embarrassed.


After witnessing the green cow being knocked into the air, Akainu and the others were relieved.

Fortunately, it was not cut! Otherwise.

Next, their battle is really going to become: extraordinarily difficult.

The yellow monkey dodged and turned into a group of golden halo particles, condensed beside the green cow, and instructed earnestly: "Don't act rashly by yourself, you were lucky just now, and you were vigilant enough."


"You may have been destroyed by this monster, Jianhao, in one stroke!"

to this.

The green bull could only nod his head heavily, unable to refute.

He felt it too.

At that moment, how dangerous he was! Akainu and Fujitora came one after another, and the four of them gathered again, looking at Lu En with a solemn expression.

The atmosphere became depressing! The ground on which the two sides were stepping on was already riddled with holes, and just the aftermath of the battle shrouded the ground.

Kacha! Kacha! The remaining power erodes the broken cracks, allowing the cracks to spread farther.

Rumbling! There are also some softer soils that fall directly into the dark depths of the ground after cracking.

The existence of four generals is the strongest in the world today! Such a terrifying battle can be regarded as a peak duel that can change an era! No matter who wins or loses on the two sides, this result will undoubtedly affect the An entire era!

Chapter 882 Do your best!The general is going to work hard!

Boom! Boom! The battle continues.

One after another slashing, dragons and phoenixes dance.

Clouds of magma fell from the sky.

The slash wrapped in gravity flies everywhere.

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