And along with a shock wave, it diffused from the knee, causing the ground on this side to be dented.

"It's really a new thing for the general to kneel!"

Lu En looked down at Fujitora with a playful look on his face.

"Destroy the swordsman!"

Fujitora shouted in anger, endured the stinging pain in his body, and almost tried to support his body.

But helpless.

Lu En's feet stepped on his shoulders and firmly controlled his movements, as if he was carrying a lofty mountain on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to move.


Akainu, Kiabou and others are long overdue.

only see.

Akainu's arms turned into lava and smashed down on Lu En's head.

The fiery temperature rose, burning as if the space had evaporated.

A golden halo appeared beside Lu En out of thin air, and the golden particles continued to condense, finally turning into the figure of a kiwi, kicking Lu En with one kick.

Facing the attack of two generals.

Lu En took back the Supreme Sword.


In an instant, Lu En disappeared in place.

At this time.

Fujitora was able to breathe, and stood up from the ground with a face full of suffocation and anger, the bones of his knees were about to break, making his movements a little dull.

"How about it"

Green Bull walked to Fujitora's side with a solemn expression on his face.

"Just like you, I can't die for a while."

Fujitora spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood in his body rolled and was forcibly suppressed by him.

The disturbed breath gradually returned to normal after adjustment.

"Don't place orders!"

Akainu's tone was low and his expression solemn.

Once you are singled out and caught, it will be more fortunate than fortune.

"Ready to die."

Kizaru's eyes flickered, and he said something earnestly.

It's rare to see Kizaru showing such a serious attitude.


Akainu gave an order.

All out! The four naval admirals are dispatched at the same time.

The yellow monkey turned into a halo and arrived at Lu En's side first.

Tiancong Yunjian slashed down! Boom! Lu En raised the supremely fast sword and easily blocked Tiancong Yunjian from the outside.

Zizizi! The friction between the blade and the blade, flashing dazzling fire, like thunder, entangled between the two weapons, exuding an extremely oppressive sense of oppression.

The green cow also came.

With his fists covered in armed color, he aimed at Lu En's forehead from above.


Fujitora activated the devil fruit ability, and the terrifying gravity squeezed Lu En's body instantly.

The four directions of gravity are completely affected.

Lu En's body became: very heavy, lost the flexibility it should have, and instead became: dull.

This bit of interference is the deadliest in this level of combat! "I said it."

"This trick, I won't hit it a second time!"

Lu En narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced in Fujitora's direction.

In the face of the attacking green cow, there is also the attack of Akainu's arms turning into magma.

Lu En dodged very easily and disappeared in place.

Boom! Boom! The attack of the green bull and the red dog smashed hard on the place where Lu En was standing.

The ground was torn apart! The earth collapsed and cracked! Rumbling! This side of the earth collapsed and disintegrated, turning into countless debris and sinking into the dark underground.

The whole island was completely shaken! When Lu En appeared again, he was already hundreds of meters away.

He lifted the supreme sword in his hand and swung it suddenly.

One slash, slash! A terrifying slash, traversing the sky, aiming at the area where the four Akainus are located.


"Big fire!"

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

The four generals showed their fighting power one after another, showing their own housekeeping skills.

One after another terrifying power collided with the slash released by Lu En.

Boom! With a loud bang, the power exploded, spreading out an extremely unstable violent force, sweeping the Quartet.

Rumbling! The ground seems to have ushered in a big earthquake! The power of the slash was directly defeated! Thus.

The remaining power from the attacks released by the four generals' combat power all impacted on Lu En's body.


Lu En was shot thousands of meters away, and his back hit the ruins of a building.

Boom! The ruins of the building were smashed into countless pieces of debris, scattered in all directions, and some were even crushed into dust and disappeared with the wind.

"It's embarrassing"

Lu En walked out of the ruins and patted his clothes. There were a lot of bloodstains left on the bronze skin, but they were completely healed by the terrifying physical self-recovery.

Looked up.

He stared at the four Akainu in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Sure enough! As guessed.

With one enemy four, it is still very difficult.

Especially in terms of strength, his own slashing can't really shake the four generals' combat power and release the housekeeping skills at the same time.


The biggest advantage of himself lies in his physique! The immortal body of the half-murloc is Lu En's greatest support! If there is no such terrifying physique, Lu En's injuries have accumulated now, and I am afraid that he is already in a state of serious injury, facing the The danger of declining status.

"Even if it is above the four emperors, it will still be so unbearable if you fight four."

"My strength is still not strong enough!"

"The undead body of a murloc is not without limits.

Once I reach the limit and let the body's self-healing ability slow down, I will face defeat!"

"And this may be Akainu's main purpose.

Create more injuries for me, and make my physical recovery ability continue to decline."


"Break me down in one fell swoop!"

Lu En started to think.

The self-recovery ability of the body naturally has a limit.

When more injuries are accumulated, the more times of recovery, the healing power of the body will naturally decrease to a certain extent.


Every time these injuries are recovered, Lu En's stamina will be consumed.

That's the price to pay for such terrifying resilience! While Lu En thought.

The four of them, Akainu, attacked again.

Very suddenly, without warning! Kizaru, Fujitora, appeared beside Lu En.

A Tiancong cloud sword, a samurai sword covered with armed colors! Aim at Lu En's front and behind, and attack and kill together! Above the sky.

The green bull's fists covered the armed color and slammed down suddenly.

Akainu's hands turned into magma, with a very scorching temperature, and the target was completely aimed at Lu En.


The four of them roared coldly.


Lu En disappeared in place.

Boom! The power of the four people, all impact the same place, the next second.

Lu En's figure dodged, aimed in Fujitora's direction, and launched an attack! "I said so."

"The same trick, don't use it a second time!"

Lu En rushed towards Fujitora very fast.

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