Ordinary people can move one or two,

And his green cow, after being badly wounded, could only lie on the ground and survive.

"we lose!"

The green cow was exhausted, gave up struggling, and lay on its back on the soft soil.

The defeat was a complete defeat! The loser convinced the Green Bull! Although the two sides had different positions, the Green Bull did not show any dissatisfaction with this defeat.

On the contrary, he felt that it was reasonable to lose this battle.

Losing to a monster like Shabu Jianhao, what else is unacceptable "the strongest in the world in the past [-] years"

"Sure enough, it lives up to its reputation!"

Green Bull was very emotional.

The sea is thousands of meters away from the coast of Paradise Island.

The warships stayed on this side of the sea, motionless.

Standing on the deck of a warship.

Tens of thousands of navy elites all stared in the direction of the green cow with their frightened and shocked eyes, and then turned to look at the traces left by the meteorite just now.

They were stunned.

The meteorite was actually split open! General Green Bull was crippled by a punch! The Meteor Volcano brewed by General Akainu was completely overturned! It came from the terrifying offensive brewed by the three generals.

As a result, no one thought of it.

"The offensive of the three generals was easily resolved!"


"General Green Bull, was hit hard by a punch and was dying!"

"Too tragic!"

"After the distance from General Yellow Monkey was killed, then General Green Bull was also crippled!"

"The fighting strength of the four generals, there are two remaining.

And Marshal Sakaski and General Fujitora are still fighting on!"

"But, does it work?"

Speaking of which.

Many navies were silent.

They are deeply desperate! They can't see the slightest hope! What they can feel is deep despair! Even the flying squirrels and the many lieutenant generals of Huoshaoshan could smell the smell of defeat.

In the previous four-on-one fight, it was difficult to take down Lu En, the swordsman of destruction.

Now, two against one, how can it be obvious! They will lose! The kind of tragic defeat...! "It's useless."

"No matter how hard Marshal Sakasky tries, he will never be able to stop the monster of the Destruction Swordsman.

We have been defeated, and there is no room for it!"

"Unexpectedly, we dispatched three generals, one marshal, thirteen lieutenants, and tens of thousands of elites this time.

In the end, he still lost!"

"And how many people there are only one person on the other side!"

"The Swordsman of Destruction is worthy of being the strongest in the world in the past hundred years.

He did it abruptly, overturning the siege of tens of thousands of our personnel with one's own power!"

"The three generals, one died, one was maimed, and the remaining one is about to meet the fate of defeat."

"we lose."

All the navies have seen clearly the trend of the war.

Some of the navy were exhausted, and their legs were limp and paralyzed to the ground.

They can't even dream.

Obviously, such a terrifying battle is brewing, why is it still defeated? This is not common sense! It is not scientific! In the end.

They can only be described in one word.

Only the monster of the swordsman of destruction, really can't be judged by common sense!" A plan that has been brewing for a long time, against the swordsman of destruction.

I never thought that in the end it would pull down the curtain at the end in this way."

A group of lieutenant generals shook their heads bitterly and sighed.

at first.

They thought they were winning.

When the battle broke out, their inner convictions were shaken.


When the fighting power of the four generals suppressed Lu En, the swordsman of destruction, they thought that they could win.

Until Kizaru was killed with a single knife! Finally, their beliefs were completely torn apart! And then on.

The green bull was maimed by a punch! As a result, their confidence was devastated, and their bodies were devastated! At this moment.

The belief in victory in their hearts is gone.

An idea quickly sprouts from their heads, deeply rooted in their heads, and indelible.

"Destruction Swordsman, invincible!"

When I saw the two generals, one died and the other was disabled.

Their views on Lu En also changed completely.

This is a terrifying existence that can never be defeated! Even their fantasy of defeating Lu En was wiped out.

This can be imagined.

The strength that Lu En has shown has caused such a psychological shadow to them.

"Although they are still on the battlefield, there are still Marshal Sakaski and General Fujitora.

But they, thinking about it, are already powerless."

"We are defeated!"

"The defeat in this battle is the most tragic defeat for our navy in the past hundred years!"


"It is also our Navy's worst loss!"

"Two generals, one dead and one disabled!"

"For decades, there has never been an example of a general being killed in action.

But today, in this battle on Paradise Island, there is the first case of a general killed in action!"

"Even, in the end, even the Green Bull General was maimed and lay dying on the ground, on the verge of death."

"This battle"

"We lost, a mess!"

Chapter 893 Two generals and one marshal were all maimed!

Paradise Island.

The earth cracked and collapsed, and deep pits that were sunken bottomless, appeared in everyone's eyes.

The cracked traces, like an abyss, spread all the way for dozens of kilometers.

The battlefield has long been riddled with holes and devastated.

Hu! Hu! The green cow was lying on the ground dying, breathing without rhythm, his face was as pale as a piece of white paper, it looked bloodless, and his body looked particularly embarrassed.

He raised his head with difficulty, stared at the nearby battlefield, shook his head and sighed.

Akainu and Fujitora are already powerless! Now.

Their side lost a general, Kizaru, who was killed on the spot.

And his green bull was also badly wounded, and he was crippled with one punch, and he also lost the ability to continue fighting.

The combat power has dropped by more than half! The original four-on-one situation has suddenly changed into two-on-one! Four-on-one is just barely, how can two-on-one defeat the swordsman "not to mention"

"The current Sword Master of Destruction is in a state of absolute seriousness.

Compared to the time we fought against him before, it was countless times stronger.

The moment before and the moment after, the two are completely different!"

"If I really want to make a comparison, I can accept it, when I was first oppressed by us.

To destroy the swordsman, he only used [-]% of his strength."

"Twenty percent of the strength is enough to resist our oppression.

Now, when he uses ten percent of his strength, how terrifying it will be!"

Thinking of this, Green Cow shuddered, goosebumps all over his body.

What a terrifying monster! [-]% of its strength is enough to resist the attack of their four generals! Then.

The Destruction Swordsman after his full-strength eruption was much more terrifying before.

They have seen it all.

The scene where Kizaru was stunned was obviously the moment when the opponent broke out with all his strength! "This monster is unrivaled in strength!"

The green bull sighed and retracted his gaze, lying flat on the ground, no longer observing the trend of the battle.


In his opinion, in this battle, they lost everything! The defeat is set! In any case, the result of this battle cannot be changed...too much.

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