Even Akainu has lost his fighting ability after being slashed by Lu En!

Except for Kizaru who was slashed by a knife.

The other two generals, including an admiral in addition, faced Lu En's almost overwhelming strength, and the three of them lost one after another, a disastrous defeat! Now.

The two generals and a marshal have already been crippled by Lu En, and are no longer qualified to continue fighting! What happened to the result of this battle?

Basically, everyone can see it! Akainu and the others are defeated.

The defeat was very tragic! Lu En used his own strength to force him to the point where he was unable to fight back.

Especially at the end.

When Lu En's strength has ushered in a huge sublimation! No matter Akainu, Green Bull, Fujitora, even if the three of them join forces, no one can make a move in front of Lu En! One punch crippled the green cow! One stab, crippled Fujitora! It was also one slash, which severely damaged Akainu! This is the terrifying strength currently possessed by Lu En! It is as strong as the general of the navy, but it cannot do it, in the true sense Block Lu En's knife!

Chapter 894 Reinforcements are coming!Veteran shot!

"lost, lost"

"We have lost this battle completely!"

In the waters thousands of meters away from Paradise Island, more than two dozen warships stayed on the sea without moving.

Standing on the deck of a warship.

Tens of thousands of naval elites stared blankly at the battlefield of Paradise Island.

when seen.

The green bull was battered and was dying.

Fujitora was maimed by a knife! Akainu fell into the ruins and did not move.

This scene.

Let them completely wipe out the remaining ray of hope in their hearts.

This time.

Hope, all shattered! The last Fujitora and Akainu have been crippled one after another.

This also officially shows that in this battle, their side can only meet the fate of defeat.

In any case, it is already powerless! The general's combat power has been easily crippled.

What kind of way can they come up with to deal with such a terrifying enemy general in front of them!

"How to do"

All navies were in panic.

Three generals, one dead and two disabled! One marshal was also crippled on the spot! It can be seen from this that the high-end combat power of their side has basically been wiped out.

Only the ten 1st lieutenant generals are still sitting on the warship.

But what is the significance of this? They don't think that these lieutenant generals who can't even stop the aftermath can deal with the terrible monsters in front of them who are stronger than generals and can only withstand the fate of being killed in seconds.

"Shattering Swordsman, he is too strong!"

"We are defeated.

All of us will most likely die in this hellish place."

"In this battle, we were completely defeated!"

Countless navy voices wailed and lamented.

They can't even dream.

In a good situation, they still lost in the end.

I thought.

The battle strength of the four generals has already occupied a stable victory situation.

can be final.

Negligence! Still can't predict.

Destruction Swordsman can be so terrifying.

With his own strength, he resisted the oppression of the fighting power of the four generals, but even killed a general.

Thus, the stalemate was completely broken! The defeat began to gradually become clear after Kizaru was killed.

The four-on-one situation has been changed to three-on-one! This is enough to show that the situation on the navy side is very serious.

And then.

The green bull was maimed with a punch.

Since then, it has been announced that the defeat is over! Until the end.

Sure enough! As they guessed and expected, there was no mistake.

Akainu and Fujitora, the two of them couldn't stop the Destruction Swordsman, they were easily and severely injured one after another, and now their life and death are uncertain.

Too tragic! In this battle, they lost extremely miserable and embarrassing! Previously.

No matter what, they never imagined that with so much preparation and combat power, they would be overthrown by one person alone! The scene in front of them subverted their cognition.

Tens of thousands of navy elites are in a state of ignorance, their heads are blank, and they are in the mood of doubting life.

Including the ten lieutenant generals of the 1st Headquarters, with their hearts, they were all driven by what happened in front of them and became: panic, panic, and at a loss.

"Marshal Sakaski was beaten with ease, and now his life and death are uncertain."

"How can we handle the current situation"

The flying squirrel had trembling lips and a dry throat.

He did not dare to hold the mind of stubborn resistance.


They were also unable to defeat the monster in front of them.

The gap in strength is really too big! It's like a gap! It is not the number of people that can fill such a huge gap.

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, no matter how many people there are, they are only going to give away their heads, without any substantial meaning.

"We, it seems, have to wait to die."

The rest of the lieutenant generals had bitter faces, paralyzed on deck, just like the rest of the navy elite.

face this situation.

Even they can no longer maintain the idea of ​​stubborn resistance.

The generals are so embarrassed to lose.

How else could they be unable to resist! The strength of the Destruction Swordsman was deeply rooted in their bones, causing them to feel panic from the bottom of their hearts.

"Lieutenant General, what shall we do next?"

Many navies have set their sights on the few lieutenant generals.

Their eyes were full of hope.

For them.

The lieutenant general is the only factor that can turn the tide of the war at present.


It's just their wishful thinking.


Lieutenant General's heart is also helpless, his head is blank.

Compared with the state of the elites of the navy, they are generally the same, and there is not much difference.

I felt a lot of hopeful eyes gathered on my body.

Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan and many other lieutenant generals had bitter expressions on their faces. They looked at each other and could see deep in their eyes, their bitterness, helplessness, and deep despair! What should they do? If they knew what to do, then All right.

But in fact, they couldn't think of a way to solve the current desperate situation.

The generals and marshals were all maimed.

The rest of their combat power is basically just to deliver food.

What can they do "only"

"Wait to die!"

A small number of lieutenant generals are determined to die, and their faces are ashen.

At this time.

A dazzling halo filled the eyes of many navy elites.

This is a slash from Paradise Island.

It came from the slash of Lu En's supreme and fast knife! This knife was aimed at a warship! Then Boom! There was a loud noise that was deafening.

The terrifying force of the slashing explosion smashed the warship in an instant, including a lieutenant general on the warship, and thousands of naval elites.

All of them, without exception, were blasted by this terrifying slash, crushed their bodies on the spot, turned into dust, and sank to the bottom of the sea with the wreckage of the warship.

Boom! The power of the slash never dissipated, but went all the way and hit the second warship.

The second warship was directly cracked! All the objects and lives on the entire warship were without any accident, and were crushed on the spot by the violent force entrained by this terrifying slash.

The skeletons turned into dust, blended with the warships into wrecks, and with the breeze of the sea, they flew in the sky, and then fell, and finally fell into the sea.

Wow! The slash pierced through one sea area, slashing the sea and opening a terrifying crack of nearly [-] meters! This scene.

Falling into the eyes of the surviving lieutenant generals and navy elites made their moods even more fearful, shocking, and impacted on their inner endurance.

All of this is too shocking.

One knife, tearing the sea nearly ten thousand meters! In the process.

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