
Yan back!"

Lu En slashed with a knife.

The blade is sharp, cutting through the sky.

In an instant, a terrifying slash was forced out from the blade.

The purple slash, in the form of a circular arc, rushes forward swiftly.

Buzz! Where the slash passed, the space wriggled, creating a huge shake.

The earth is collapsing! Just slashing the airflow in all directions is enough to crush the broken soil on this side.

Rumbling! The ground cracked, and the cracks spread farther.

Aftermath, sweeping release.

Clap la la! The sea is rolled, like a storm coming, and the waves are surging.

The waves slammed in wave after wave.

The scene is very shocking.

All navies can only see.

A terrifying halo filled his eyes.

The terrifying coercion brought by it squeezed the bodies of the navy from all directions, causing them to tremble under the coercion of this terrifying slash.

The sea is turbulent.

The warship was shaken, and the left and right sides swayed, shaking violently.


Lu En just released a slash of [-]% of his power that traverses a thousand meters! It has been magnified infinitely in the eyes of Garp, Sengoku and Crane.

Close at hand! The dazzling halo completely obscured the vision of Garp and Sengoku! The aftermath of the power spread! The distance is far away, but the aftermath of this slash still caused the warship they were in to suffer. ravaged by a terrifying force.

Kacha! Kacha! There are bursts of harsh noises.

only see.

The deck cracked and shattered! You can imagine this.

What terrifying power is contained in this slash that strikes thousands of meters apart! It is so far apart that only the aftermath swept away, but it was enough to crack the warship! "Come on!"

The wrinkled face of Lieutenant General Crane was covered with a heavy color.

"This Knife Comes Down"

"To be honest, the three of us are very likely to die!"

Warring States felt a lot of pressure in his heart, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was staring at the slash in front of him, daring not to be careless.

Not to mention the warring states.

Even if he is as strong as Garp, he can smell the smell of death from this slash from thousands of meters!

Chapter 896 A knife traverses the kilometer, hitting the Warring States Karp hard!

"Going hard, Karp!"

Sengoku looked back at Garp, gritted his teeth and drank in a low voice.

The terrifying power contained in this slash, let the Warring States feel deeply.

If you don't go all out! They will surely die! There is no doubt about this.


Karp took a deep breath, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and raised his fists.

A layer of armed-color armor, condensed and wrapped around his fist, has an indestructible aura! "He, if you can't stand it, hide back."

Warring States did not look at the position of Lieutenant General He, and casually mentioned it.

"I'm not good at dealing with such swordsmen."

Crane didn't have a hard mouth, and took the initiative to take a half step back.

Her strength is not bad, but the most outstanding aspect is her resourcefulness.

In the face of this fierce slashing attack, General Crane had to give up three points and three points, giving up an open position to Garp, and the two of Sengoku to resist.

Her abilities are more in melee combat.

When faced with such a terrifying slash that is separated by thousands of meters, her abilities will be limited.

well known.

What makes Lieutenant General Crane famous in the sea is not her strength, but her strategies and scheming.

In this regard, she is the real expert, and even the Warring States period cannot be compared with her.

In terms of fighting, although her strength is not bad, it is still inferior to Sengoku and Garp.

At least.

The combat power of Lieutenant General Crane is far less tyrannical than that of the general! "Come on!"

Crane took a few steps back, staring solemnly at the dazzling slash ahead.

The slash is getting closer! The speed is extremely fast! Everything happened in the blink of an eye.


The Warring States period stimulated the Devil Fruit ability, and a golden halo began to reflect and shine in all directions along with the sunlight radiating from the scorching sun on the horizon.

The golden light is dazzling, like the second scorching sun! The Warring States period turned into a huge Buddha statue, with a layer of golden armor covering his entire body, making his appearance gradually form a big Buddha.

A dazzling golden light shines on this side.

Human fruit, phantom beast species, Buddha form! This is the devil fruit of the Warring States Period, an extremely rare and terrifying devil fruit.

It is not difficult to see from this.

Warring States has been serious.

He was very energetic! If it wasn't for this, of course he wouldn't display the shape of a big Buddha at will.

Over the years, the only time that the Warring States period was on top of the war did the Warring States period release the Devil Fruit form.

It can be seen that the Warring States seldom actively activate the Devil Fruit unless it is a last resort.

And now.

In the face of this terrifying slash that ran through a thousand meters, the Warring States had to release the form of the devil fruit, use all his strength, and no longer retain any power.


Warring States can be sure.

He will die! No! Not only himself, but the entire warship, not only... himself, even Garp, Crane and the others, will suffer the fate of being killed by this slash.

"Cap, are you ready?"

The Warring States tone was low.

The entire warship seems to be unable to accommodate his big Buddha.

The shining halo was so dazzling that it was impossible to see directly.

"Go ahead!"

Garp gritted his teeth and kicked his feet.

He jumped up, his fists armed with colored armor condensed, and he used it to the extreme.

As this sea, the strongest spokesperson of armed color domineering! Garp's armed color strength, naturally needless to say.

The slashing, getting closer and closer! It is close at hand! The terrifying power seems to burn the sea water on this side until it boils and bubbles.

Clap la la! The sea water floats and flows turbulently.

The warship looked extraordinarily small on the sea, shaken by the turbulent waters.


Sengoku's eyes were fixed on this terrifying slash, and he let out a hysterical roar.

He pointed his palms to the front.

The palm of a layer of golden armor filled with a shock wave, which was continuously concentrated, and the power became more and more violent and terrifying.


The Warring States attacked with both palms.

at the same time.

Garp was already standing in front of the slash, condensed the fists of the armed armor, and slammed it down fiercely.

"Break five,!"

Karp's eyes were bloodshot.

Whether it was Garp or Sengoku, both of them had already tried their best to face such a terrifying slash in front of them, and did not dare to hold back in the slightest.

Burning! Concussion! These two aftermaths, with the slashing attack, soon spread to the entire warship.

Kacha! Kacha! The warship was shattered, one after another like a spider web, cracking in all directions.


Crane raised his brows, and with a horrified look on his face, he glanced at the cracks that were filled with cracks on the deck under his feet, feeling a little suspicious.

She didn't think too much.

The situation at the scene did not allow her to think too much.


Crane raised his head, his face solemn, and looked at Garp and Sengoku's back seriously.

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