For the navy to survive.

Even if they linger, they recognize it.

this moment.

Both of them complied with Crane's proposal.

"This matter needs to be carried out by you in the Warring States period."

The crane pondered for a moment, then spoke again.

"I see."

Warring States nodded.

Think about it.

He also thought that, perhaps, among so many people at the scene, he was the only one who had the qualifications to negotiate.

The rest of the staff are still under-qualified.

"Let's go!"

Sengoku struggled to hold up his body.

Garp, who was beside him, also stood up.

Crane supported the two of them.

The three of them looked at the young figure holding the supreme sword not far away, their eyes were turbulent, their hearts were filled with emotion, and the expressions on their faces were mixed for a while.

This is the first time the Navy bowed its head to a person! In the eyes of Garp and Sengoku.

Destruction Swordsman is the first existence in the past [-] years that oppressed the entire navy to bow their heads! The only example over the years! Alone and relying on his own strength, he did it abruptly, oppressing the entire navy to be low and arrogant. Head! Such a feat is unprecedented!

Chapter 900 We are ants, and the swordsman is a god!

"Kapp, Sengoku, what are they going to do"

Akainu lay dying on the ground, opened his eyes with difficulty, with those bloodshot eyes, full of shock, staring blankly at the movement on the side of Karp Sengoku.

Could it be! They haven't given up? It's useless! The swordsman of destruction on the opposite side is no longer a terrible existence that they can fight against.

Not to mention that they were seriously injured, even if they were in their prime, they would definitely not be able to defeat this monster together! But Garp and Sengoku's behavior, why are they constantly approaching Shattering Sword Master? This is, since Looking for a dead end! "No, it's not right!"

Akainu's eyes twitched wildly, sensing the strangeness of things.

There is no reason why Garp and Sengoku can't see things and phenomena that he can see.

But you already know that you can't defeat it, why do you want to take the initiative to approach the horror except Akainu.

The green cow also saw that with the help of the crane, Garp and Sengoku approached the terrifying monster step by step! "What are they trying to do?"

The green cow was pale and breathless.

Tens of thousands of navy elites, the warships docked thousands of meters off the coast of Paradise Island, they were also stunned, watching the movements of Sengoku and Karp.

"Marshal of the Warring States and Lieutenant General Garp, are they going to use all the remaining power?"

"But this, what else can be done other than to die?"

"Invincible, we can't defeat this monster at all!"

"We are ants, the swordsman of destruction, he is a god!"

"An ant can't even be comparable to a human being, how can it be comparable to a god!"

Some of the navy's mentality collapsed, and there were bursts of wailing from crying.

They were already desperate.

The lieutenant general in the crowd, although frightened, was thoughtful.

"Is there any hope?"

They looked at the backs of Sengoku and Garp with a few strands of hope.

From the backs of the two, they caught a faint halo of hope.

Maybe! There is still hope! But, in the face of such a terrible monster.

How can they survive and how can they survive, even if they rack their brains, they can't figure out what the current behavior of Garp and Sengoku is! In the face of absolute power.

The so-called strategy is fragile and vulnerable! They have deeply realized this.

Whether it is the Warring States Period or the Crane, they are both famous for their ingenuity.

But in the face of a monster of the rank of Destruction Swordsman, so-called resourcefulness is meaningless.

in the battlefield.

Lu En, who put away the supreme knife, looked at Sengoku and Garp who were approaching with surprise, his expression became a little playful and weird.

Even he couldn't figure it out.

Are these three retired old people coming to die? "Let me see, what else do you want to do?"

"I want to use your strength to reverse the current desperate situation of the Navy, but can you really do it?"

Lu En's smile is intriguing.


With the help of Crane, Garp and Warring States walked all the way to the area less than ten meters in front of Lu En.

The pace stopped abruptly.

Warring States coughed again and vomited blood, making the huge scar and blood spilling out in front of him, making it even more conspicuous.

"Three, let's get straight to the point, I don't have much time to delay."

Lu En smiled and looked at the Warring States in front of him, Karp.

If you don't give yourself a satisfactory explanation! Then don't waste too much time on yourself.

after all.

If you want to destroy these navies participating in the battle today, it will take some time to prepare.

The number of navies here is no less than tens of thousands! Lu En estimates that it will take about a minute before and after to fully guarantee.

The navy here will all be destroyed here, and no one will be spared.

"We are here to negotiate with you!"

Warring States turned pale, looked at Lu En with a bitter look, and his tone was extraordinarily humble.

The dignified former admiral of the navy used to be in high spirits. When he was in command of the navy, he was quite mighty! Never thought about it.


The veteran of the Warring States period needs to bow his head and talk to Lu En humbly face to face.


Lu En was surprised.

He didn't expect that if these veterans want to negotiate something, it's not impossible that they want to let themselves go! But, can the Navy really afford this price? Lu En was suddenly curious.

Since the Warring States period proposed to negotiate, presumably the other party has already done it, and it needs to be prepared to pay a huge price.

Think of this.

Lu En is looking forward to the fact that the Warring States period can represent the navy, and the price is definitely not light! There is no less than [-] naval elites here, including colonels, lieutenant colonels, etc. The number of navies in these positions is simply not too much.


There are also lieutenant generals, generals, and current marshals.

With the strength of these guys, the cost of their lives is quite expensive! Even Lu En can't figure out how to save them. How expensive it would be to save these navies! However.

Since the Warring States proposed the intention of negotiation, I must have considered it in my heart.

"It can be negotiated, but you need to say a price that will make my heart move!"

"They can survive, but also, the price that makes them survive, have you really thought about it?"

Lu En took a deep look at the Warring States.

He has no idea how much it will cost.

Not to mention the more than [-] naval elites, they are just two generals and a marshal lying on the broken ground.

For these three alone, it must be very expensive for Lu En to let them go! "We have lost this battle."

When Warring States finished saying these words, his whole person seemed to be more than ten years old, the wrinkles on his face were more eye-catching and dazzling, and he sighed bitterly and helplessly.


"You guys lost, it's not very obvious, it needs to be acknowledged"

Lu En smiled.

He alone crippled the high-end combat power of the navy.

From that moment on! The Navy has already lost, and the loss is a mess! This does not need to be admitted by the Warring States! Is it just that, I want to exchange the qualification for the Navy to continue to survive. Sorry, this is a joke! "We are willing to spend a huge amount of money. The price, in exchange for the safe departure of all the navies present today.

You can offer a price, and if we can agree, we will agree."

Warring States took a deep breath, his tone was very weak.

The lack of confidence in negotiation and negotiation makes him unable to figure out how to take the dominant position.

If you cannot lead the trend of negotiation, you will be in a passive state.

This is very unfavorable to the negotiation! However, the Warring States period has nothing to do.

Those who were able to beat a little on their side were all beaten up, and what confidence could there be to say: "You are very refreshing, let me think about it."

"The price"

Lu En glanced at the Warring States with some surprise, and then he couldn't help laughing.

The Warring States are very clear about their current position.

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