Chapter 904 The nightmare of the world government is coming!

"Three billion bergs!"

The redhead looked at Lu En with a terrified expression on his face.

Good guy! The Navy would be willing to pay [-] billion bery as compensation! This seems, a little unbelievable! "My God!"

"Three billion bells!"

"This is actually a terrifying amount that the Navy uses as compensation."

"Is this the first time someone dared to extort the Navy, and the extortion was successful!"

Everyone looked at Lu En with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

Thirty billion! That's not a small number.

Even redheads were deeply moved by such a large number.

[-] billion Berry is indeed too much! Such a huge Berry, as compensation for the loss of the war, is too much! "They, agreed."

Ben Beckman couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, if they don't agree, they won't be able to leave Paradise Island alive."

Lu En smiled.

If the Warring States period shook his head.

Then Lu En can be sure that all the navy will die here, without exception! From the elite of the navy, to the marshals of the navy, and the heroes of the navy, no one can escape Lu En's palm.

really count.

[-] billion bery does not seem to be a very expensive figure.

At least.

Navy they got a future! If all the elites die.

The future of the navy can be described as bleak! Even in a few years, the navy will be replaced: it will disappear in this sea forever.

Using [-] billion bery to avoid such a situation in the Navy is the best choice for the Navy.

Use Berry to win the future of the Navy.

In Lu En's view, this is very reasonable! The price he gave is also very fair! [-] billion bellies is not too outrageous. For a behemoth like the navy, although it may hurt the muscles and bones, it is absolutely impossible. Not the kind that can't be taken out.

This price is just right! "Serve!"

Rakiru, Jesus looked at Luen with admiration on his face.

Ferocious man! The first one, the freak who can blackmail the Navy for [-] billion Berry! I have to say, this is definitely the first time the Navy has suffered such a huge loss in the past [-] years! I don't know why, after listening to Lu En's Words, they just feel extra comfortable and happy.

The Navy will also have [-] billion bery in compensation for this day! This is enough for the Navy to eat a pot.

This number made Rakiru and the others tremble with fear.

in their impression.

It seems that Lu En still has a lot of Berries accumulated in the Mir. "To be honest, how many Berries have you saved?"

Jesus Bu looked strangely at Lu En.

"Forgot to calculate, if you add the [-] billion bery of the Navy, it should be close to [-] billion berry."

Lu En thought about it and told the truth.

"Five billions"

The eyes of a group of people looking at Lu En were full of shock.

To them.

This is definitely an astronomical figure! [-] billion bergs! With so many assets, wouldn't it be possible to walk sideways in this sea! "Dude"

"Boy Luen, you are going to sack the navy to the bottom of it!"

A group of crew members said to Lu En in amazement.


They were also amazed at the horror of Lu En's strength! To be able to suppress the navy by one person, they had to pay [-] billion Berry as compensation.

This is enough to prove that Lu En's strength is terrible! Not everyone can make the Navy so jealous.

There is no doubt about this! Only Lu En did it.

This is enough to show that Lu En is completely different from ordinary people! "One person crushes the entire navy!"

"In my impression, only this kid did it!"

The red hair looked at Lu En's figure with great emotion.

In his impression, only Lu En can do it, crushing the entire navy by one person! Look at the sea.

Except for Lu En, no one can follow suit.

For nearly a hundred years, there has been only this one! Finally.

Redhead felt it deeply.

Why do so many people in this sea call Lu En the strongest in the world in the past [-] years! When he heard about today's events, the redhead had to be amazed.

The world's strongest, well-deserved! The strength of the navy is so strong that the redhead is not confident, can be a four emperors.

against the navy.

It is conceivable that the power of the navy is by no means so simple.

But all this.

But Lu En did it by himself.

One person, easily crushed the navy, and achieved a feat that is difficult for the imperial capital to do! Such a move can be described as one person, comparable to the entire Four Emperor Pirates! No! It is even stronger than the Four Emperor Pirates. many.

At the scene, there was a lot of talk.

Only Ben Beckman, who was standing beside the redhead, could understand the redhead's mood at the moment.

The two looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

The back waves push the front waves! These front waves have been beaten on the beach.

"Do you remember"

Ben Beckman was in a trance.


Redhead puzzled.

"I once said that this kid is an uncompromising genius."

Ben Beckman's mouth moved slightly.

"It's a word you often talk about, I didn't say it, I already believed it.

This kid is indeed a terrifying genius!"

The red-haired tone was full of emotion.

"I have to change now, what I said in the past."

Ben Beckman shook his head, "He is not a genius, but a monster, a monster more terrifying than a genius, more like a monster.

In terms of genius, it is impossible to measure at all!"

This description also made the red hair deeply agree.

Indeed! Genius is no longer enough to describe Lu En! If it is only genius, it is not so terrifying! Many feats by Lu En can be said to be monsters.

Genius Sorry, geniuses can't do it! There are many geniuses in this sea.

But there is only one person who can do something like Lu En, only Lu En himself! There are so many people in the sea.

Who can stand out from the crowd, who is not a so-called genius, but who can be as unmanned as Lu En! Not a single one! Surrounded by many cadres and companions, and then in the middle.

With a smile on his face, Lu En felt the peace of this atmosphere, and his mood also became: very peaceful.

Although the strength has become stronger.

Compared with the past, he is much stronger! But his mood has never changed! He has always been a crew member of the Red-haired Pirates! And these companions are always his companions! At this time.

A slightly amused voice sounded from the crowd.

"Boy Luen, you're not afraid, the navy and the others are back on their word. I can't believe what they say.

In case you regret it at that time.”

"Your [-] billion bellies are just a waste of water."

For words such as .

Lu En replied with a very relaxed smile: "Don't worry, they don't dare! What belongs to me belongs to me after all, and no one can take it away!"

"Even in the navy, the same is true!"

These words.

It shows Lu En's deep confidence in his own strength! Does the navy dare to go back on his word? Lu En believes that the navy will never dare! The crew members who heard Lu En's words around also felt Lu En's majestic confidence.

Since you can defeat the navy once, is it really difficult to defeat the navy for the second time? Everything is difficult at the beginning! With the first time, the second time is naturally no problem! The navy wants to stop this kind of monster, the difficulty factor is too high High! "Boy Luen, what's next?"

The red-haired man walked through the crowd and walked to Lu En's side, asking curiously.

"Find the source of the trouble and fix it all at once.

Avoid, there will be more troublesome things in the future, which will waste my time."

"It's better to solve it all at once, and it can prevent a lot of troubles in the future."

Lu En smiled and told the truth.

"that is to say"

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