As the news spread.

The news that the Navy was overturned by one person has become a hot topic of discussion.


The power of the Shattering Swordsman has also been pushed to the highest point! A position above the four emperors! Such a position is unprecedented! Throughout the ages, there is only one person! The pattern of the new world was easily broken.

The Four Emperors are no longer the highest! Because everyone knows it.

Above the four emperors, there is an existence that can never be shaken!

Chapter 908 Five Old Stars Panic!The pressure brought by Lu En!

A round of scorching sun hangs on the edge of the sky, scattered with golden halos illuminating the earth.

The golden sun shines on the sea, and with the flow of the current, it flashes with dazzling colors, as dazzling as the gold of the ocean.

Clap la la! The ocean current flutters, rippling ripples and waves, rolling and spreading in all directions.

A piece of earth-shattering news spread rapidly from the new world, across a sea area, to the great waterway.

Also at the same time.

The great waterway was swept by the news, causing huge waves and turmoil.

The navy, in the minds of many pirates, symbolizes an absolutely unstoppable behemoth.

It also symbolizes the scales that constrain their many actions.

But who would have thought.


As a monstrous navy, it would take the initiative to surrender to a pirate, and to surrender to a pirate, voluntarily admit defeat and pay compensation.

All of this really makes the pirates deeply questioned and shocked.


After the authenticity of the news is confirmed.

The pirates of the sea have also become more and more arrogant! The reason why the navy makes them fear, of course, is because the power of the navy has always suppressed the pirates, and no one can make the navy fail in the true sense.

Even the Whitebeard Pirates in those days did not let the Navy lose that war!

The navy, this time actually lost to a person! Let a pirate trample the navy's face on the ground.

when the news spreads.

What shocked people was not only the fear of destroying the swordsman! The majesty of the navy was also weakened as the news spread more and more widely.

The many wild behaviors of the pirates have long since evolved more and more violently.

The navy has bowed to the pirates, and the pirates will naturally not have too many scruples in their hearts.

Since then.

The sea is in chaos! Trapped in extremely turbulent conditions.

Everyone is in danger! The navy can no longer restrain the pirates, and the pirates are becoming more and more daring and crazy.

Many islands and kingdoms have also been plundered by pirates because of this, and have fallen into desperation, and even the fate of the country's subjugation.

And the name of the Swordsman of Destruction has been publicized to the point that no one knows about the sea.

It can be said that the prestige is resounding all over the world! Basically no one can ignore the four words of Destruction Swordsman.

It has become a hot topic of conversation.

In the past hundred years, the world's strongest, well-deserved, recognized by everyone, no one dared to refute such a reputation.

"Try to ask"

"Who can shake the foundation of the navy by himself"

"No one can do it!"

"Even the four emperors can't do it."

"Only Destruction Swordsman, he did it by himself!"


No one can refute the name of the strongest in the world! It is recognized by everyone in the sea! At the same time.

When the sea is roaring and roaring.

This shocking news gradually drifted towards the Red Earth Continent.

one look.

The sea area ahead is coming to an end! It is a continent with red soil! It is also called the red soil continent by everyone! A vast continent on both sides of the great waterway and the new world is guarded here by countless elite naval elites, as well as the world Many elite specialties arranged by the government are also stationed here.

Above the Red Earth Continent, is the area where the Five Old Stars, the head of the world government, live.

Mary Joa.

Inside a splendid castle.

living room.

The five old stars gathered here, their eyebrows knitted together, and all they could catch under their eyelids were heavy emotional waves.

The atmosphere is depressing! Half a sound.

Tatata! A sound of footsteps came from the door of the living room.

The pace was a little hasty and messy.

When Wu Laoxing looked up, he saw an agent 0 in a black suit, with a look of urgency on the front, and a color of horror in his eyes, and quickly walked to the living room.

"grown ups."

The agent bowed his head, his lips trembled, and his words shuddered.

It can be seen from here.

His mood is very disturbed! "Is the news from the navy true?"

The tone of the five old stars became: extraordinarily heavy.

just now.

They received a message from the Navy.

It's just! They can't believe it, and they can't accept this and let the people under them go to verify whether the news is true! Although they don't think that the Navy will deceive them, the news is too unbelievable.

They had to be more cautious and send people to inquire more accurately.

At least.

Let them also understand the process of the battle on Paradise Island! Facing the questioning of the Five Old Stars.

The agent didn't dare not answer, and hurriedly opened his mouth to tell the truth: "The navy has lost, and the news is now spreading across the sea.

Basically, the sea is already known to everyone!"

"All pirates are crazy. The first time they saw the defeat of the navy, they completely lost their original scruples, and plundered the surrounding kingdoms and islands!"

"Many kings of kingdoms have come to seek the protection of our world government.

He also said that they will soon be unable to withstand these crazy pirates."

As the agent's remarks just fell.

The atmosphere is getting weirder and weirder! The five old stars and five people are all silent.

Faced with this kind of thing, the five of them found that they were speechless for a while.

Is it possible for the navy to lose? Their heads become: blank.

I can't figure it out at all! The navy has dispatched enough

Three generals, a marshal, and a dozen lieutenant generals were dispatched, and even a total of thirty-two 32 warships were dispatched! The navy, how could they be defeated? Are you on vacation? With so much power to deal with one person, it ends in failure! How can they accept this result! "You said just now that the navy is really defeated"

The eyes of the five old stars became: extraordinarily sharp and stern, coldly looking at the agent in front of him.

Being stared at by five people, the agent shivered and said in an uneasy tone: "Yes, yes, my lord, this news has now spread to the sea and has been verified by all forces!"

"General Yellow Monkey has already died under the blade of the Destruction Swordsman."

"Marshal Sakaski, as well as Fujitora and General Green Bull were successively crippled by the Swordsman of Destruction.

Now it is carrying a warship, returning to the Navy Headquarters the same way."


"The four lieutenant generals were instantly stunned by the terrifying aftermath of the battle!"

"Nearly ten warships were destroyed on the spot.

Tens of thousands of navy elites have all died under the terrifying force that broke out from the swordsman."

"Together with the 0 organization, all the members dispatched have been killed by the broken swordsman, no one can survive, all of them are dead."

The agent is sincere.

According to all the accurate information he had investigated, he truthfully informed the Five Old Stars in front of him without any reservations or concealment in the slightest.

The air suddenly froze.

These remarks impacted the world view of the Five Old Stars, causing the world view of the five people to have some signs of deformation.

"Wait a moment."

One person quickly asked, "I remember that both Garp and Sengoku were dispatched.

Can't they stop the monster Shattering Swordsman?"

Of course, the Five Old Stars clearly know who Garp and Sengoku are! They are more willing to believe in Garp and Sengoku's strength than generals.


The agent hesitated for a moment and said: "As soon as we met, Lieutenant General Garp and the Warring States Marshal were instantly crippled.

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