Charlotte Lingling was moved.

Eagle Eye of Qiwuhai, Empress Hancock, etc.

They are also watching how this turmoil will end.

The world's strongest, and the world's government! Who will be better of the two? Whether strength is more important, or power is more important, these two represent two extremes! One is the extreme of strength! The other is the extreme of power! Then ! Here comes the problem.

In the end who can laugh at the end no one can figure out, let alone jump to conclusions.

Because either side is very likely to win! Even.

This incident has already alarmed the revolutionary army! The revolutionary army headed by Dorag has also paid great attention to the actions of Shattering Swordsman.

Because Drago smelled it.

The opportunity to change the times seems to be in front of us! "The opportunity came very suddenly!"

Drago would never have imagined it in his life.

A great opportunity to overthrow the world government turned out to be created by one person for them.

Think of this.

Drago was very emotional.

Destruction Swordsman, the monster, is indeed growing too fast.

In the blink of an eye.

Everyone has been trampled.

even reached.

With his own power, he can shake the world government! This is something that Drago never imagined.

It's not even half a year.

Back then, the hairy boy he could handle at his fingertips has become the existence of the sea standing at the top! Now let alone his Dorag! Even if he dispatches the entire revolutionary army, is it possible to shake the swordsman of destruction? Impossible! There are lessons to come.

The navy, dispatched so much power, what is the meaning in the end.

The Navy still lost.

He single-handedly overturned the navy, and even in the end, the navy had to repay the compensation of [-] billion berries in a very humiliating way, so that the remaining power could be transported to the navy headquarters.

If not so.

Almost everyone can expect it.

The navy had already been wiped out at that time! This time, it was a great opportunity for the swordsman of destruction to land on the Red Earth Continent! As the saying goes.

Don't miss the opportunity, the time will never come! With this idea in mind.

Drago began to give orders to those under his opponent.

Since then.

The leather army also began to move! They have gathered their strength in the sea area on the other side of the Red Earth Continent, waiting for the opportunity to come.

a time.

The sea, the wind and the clouds are surging! All eyes are gathered on the side of the red earth continent.

Almost [-]% of the people in the sea are waiting for the final result.

Pirates, revolutionary army, kingdoms of countless sizes, and even the navy, they all pay close attention to the movements on the Red Earth Continent.

Everyone is waiting.

The moment when the swordsman was destroyed and he set foot on the red soil continent.

What happened here on the Red Earth Continent is truly a sight to behold! No matter the new world, or the great waterway.

Everyone on both sides is paying close attention to the movements of the Red Earth Continent.

Because they can understand.

The end of the matter here on the Red Earth Continent also means that this era will be completely changed! "The Swordsman of Destruction"

"With the world government!" Who is the final winner?

Preliminary estimates show that there are no less than hundreds of millions or even billions of people who have paid attention to this matter.

Without exception, they all stared at the movements on the Red Earth Continent.

The movement of the red earth continent represents the change of the times! For this.

Of course people don't dare to miss it! This is the most earth-shattering event in the past century! Even the one of Rocks was far inferior to this one! Few people knew about the battle of Rocks, and few people knew about it. few.

However, the turmoil caused this time is really too violent.

It can be said with absolute certainty, and without exaggeration.

Billions of people in the sea, even tens of billions of people, are always staring at the red earth continent

at the same time.

In this red earth continent in full view.

Hundreds of meters above.

White clouds flutter.

The golden halo sprinkled from the edge of the sky, through the clouds, and swayed on the soil above the red earth continent.

At this moment, the Red Earth Continent has been placed by the Five Old Stars with countless elite personnel, and they have inspected the surrounding area, and have never let go of any corners and suspicious areas.

Ever since I found out.

Shattered Swordsman is already on his way to the Red Earth Continent.

The Five Old Stars began to issue orders to mobilize most of the elites to inspect every corner of the Red Earth Continent.


The Five Old Stars did not expect that these trash fishes would be able to solve the monsters like Shattering Swordsman for them.

But their purpose is only to give them an early warning.

That alone is enough! Just act as a reminder to them.

They also don't expect too much from these trash fish.

at this time.

During these elite inspections.

One of the people in the crowd suddenly raised his head, reached out tiredly to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and looked up at the sky.

Immediately after.

He saw it.

A small black spot is falling from the sky, and it is infinitely magnified in his eyes! Take a closer look.

This black spot is actually a person! A very young male! "Wait!"

Chapter 911 One person, one knife, board Mary Joa!

A roar full of fear resounded through the sky, wandering in all directions.

All around, the atmosphere suddenly changed: Silence! Silence! No sound.

It was quiet, as if one could hear the heartbeat.

at the same time.

Panic boiling! The meaning of fear, with the spread of the sound, deeply penetrated into the hearts of everyone present.

There are no less than a hundred people here.

Hundreds of elites patrol the edges of the red earth continent to prevent any changes.

But they never expected it.

Monsters will break in from them! Everyone can't help but raise their heads, their faces are terrified, their eyes are wide and round, and the depths of their eyes contain a deep color of fear, staring at the sky.

Blue sky, white clouds fluttering.

A black dot, infinitely magnified from their eyes.

That is a person! A very young figure! From the edge of the sky, at an extremely terrifying speed, it slammed down to the area where they were located.

Wait until you can see the features of the person coming.

Their fears were almost solidified and carried through to their hearts, causing their bodies to tremble uncontrollably, their legs weak, and they could be paralyzed to the ground at any time.

"Yes, it's him!"

"It can't be wrong, I see it clearly."

"Oh my God!"

"This monster is indeed here!"

"The monster is here! Destroying the monster, Jianhao, is about to come to the Red Earth Continent!"

When bursts of shouts, full of fear, quickly drifted and spread in all directions.

right under their eyes.

Boom! A figure fell smoothly from the sky, stepping on the red soil continent.

A loud bang pierced the sky.

The entire Red Earth Continent seems to have ushered in a huge earthquake.

The ground trembled, and with the terrifying sound, everyone standing in this area felt the terrifying monstrous pressure that swept over their bodies.

The ground was shaken! They were on the ground, and their bodies fell to the side involuntarily.

Thump! Thump! The so-called elites fell to the ground one after another, staring at the dusty area ahead with horror, unable to move their eyes.

Kacha! Kacha! Visible to the naked eye, the ground split open a path of hideous cracks that quickly spread farther.

Boom! The soft soil, with the spread of cracks, fell down and turned into countless pieces of debris, sinking directly into the bottomless ground.

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