Every configuration and structure of the King of Heaven has basically been recorded, although it is impossible to imitate or imitate the King of Heaven.

But at least the role of many places has been studied.


In Im's head, carrying the information of the ancestors of the past dynasties to study the King of Heaven, he can naturally do it very accurately and control the King of Heaven.

It's just that the keys are not all collected, which restricts many of the places where the king can control.

But for Im.

Even if these keys are lacking, as long as he can mobilize the Heavenly King and let the Heavenly King release enough destructive power, it will be enough to overcome the current difficulties.

"Listen, you must activate the King of Heaven before he arrives!"

Im finally asked again.

Once the program to activate the Heavenly King is blocked, their doom is about to come! If you don't rely on foreign objects, even Im is not guaranteed to be able to entangle with a monster like the Destruction Swordsman.

Only the King of Heaven is the last trump card in Yimu's heart! If this trump card is solved in advance, then even Yimu can only end up with hatred.

For Luan.

Im sorry.

If this monster can be controlled.


This is definitely the biggest killer of world politics other than the Heavenly King! "But you shouldn't, you shouldn't take the initiative to come to the Red Earth Continent!"

"I came to my home court, and I still want to leave alive. I can't let a monster like you leave, an unstable and uncontrollable factor like you."

"I think"

"It's better to kill it early!"

Im's eyes flickered, and anticipation grew in his heart.

The king of forbidden weapons is about to start! And at that moment.

This is the moment when their world politics fully counterattack! Could it be?

I really think that their world government has been able to stand for many years, just because the navy's rice buckets are not of course! It's because they control the king! Although they haven't fully collected the keys yet, the initial use of the king is indeed more than enough.

If you want to control the king in all aspects, you need a lot of keys.

For now.

Yimu's palm has not yet controlled so many keys, so he can only choose to take the second place and forcibly activate the Heavenly King to respond to the enemy! "Master Yimu, rest assured, no matter how strong the Destruction Swordsman is, it cannot stop us from activating the Heavenly King today.

As long as the Heavenly King is activated, no matter how strong he is, it will be useless!"

The five old stars nodded one after another and walked towards the Heavenly King.

The closer they got, the more frightened they became! Oh, the king! The legendary forbidden weapon was right in front of them.


They can't see the full picture of the king! The king is too big.

Although he was sleeping here, the appearance of the Heavenly King was not contaminated with any dust.

It can also be seen from this that the people who knew that the King of Heaven was sleeping here in all dynasties also cleaned the King of Heaven on a regular basis to keep the appearance of the King of Heaven clean and tidy.

after getting close.

The Five Old Stars felt it up close.

The overwhelming sense of oppression brought to them by a behemoth like the King of Heaven is too great! The King of Heaven is like a majestic mountain. When they raised their heads and looked up into the sky, they could only make a preliminary estimate that the height of the King of Heaven might reach more than a thousand meters.

In the appearance of the king, it is also covered with a layer of indestructible armor.

Tap lightly.

Boom! Boom! A crisp and pleasant voice lingered in their ears.

This kind of material, the five old stars they have heard and seen, have all experienced a lot of this mysterious material in their lives.

But it was also the first time they saw this mysterious material.

The hardness is unprecedented! Compared with Hailou stone, one of the most materials in the world, it is countless times harder! "No wonder!"

"The King of Heaven is called the forbidden weapon!"

Wu Laoxing was overwhelmed with emotion, looking at the huge king in front of him, his face full of excitement and excitement.

Only the front.

The Heavenly King they saw was similar to the front part of a sailboat.

The difference is that the appearance of the King of Heaven is almost all made of this extremely mysterious material.

Indestructible! Even with the use of armed colors, the five old stars did not leave a trace on this appearance! This made the five of them even more emotional.

The King of Heaven, who is called a forbidden weapon, is indeed extraordinary! "What material is this?"

Someone is suspicious.

"I don't know, but I have to admit that the horror of ancient weapons is far beyond our imagination.

A hundred years ago, how brilliant the world was"

"If not, how could such a terrifying weapon be left behind!"

"At our current level, it is impossible to imitate the King of Heaven.

In addition to the lack of human and material resources, it is impossible to completely digest the core technology of the king!"

The five old stars began to talk in admiration.

They are really unimaginable.

The technology of a hundred years ago can actually reach such a terrifying level! Until now, they have not been able to imitate and create

similar weapons.

One can imagine.

Since the technology of a hundred years ago can produce the king, it can be preliminarily estimated, it is a great pity that such technology has disappeared in the long river of time.


The technology of a hundred years ago has been able to mobilize so many human and material resources to create such a terrifying taboo weapon.

This is enough to make the five old stars deeply admire.


just thought of.

The identity of the creator of the king of heaven, the five old stars raised their brows one after another, and their faces became: not very natural.


It involved some secrets, which made the five old stars moved and feared.

These secrets, if they spread to the sea, will be able to subvert the whole world! And these are secrets that the world government has been trying to hide, and even wish to completely erase them from this world! "Who would have thought."

"Birth of a King"

"It is closely related to a family!"

Wu Laoxing's eyes were somewhat gloomy.

The manufacture of the Heavenly King has a very inseparable connection with the clan.

Although they are reluctant to mention this matter, they have to admit that these mad scientists who created the King of Heaven are truly top geniuses! If not.

How could such a terrifying weapon be produced in the eyes of the Five Old Stars.

The Heavenly King in front of him can be said to be the most terrifying weapon in this world, no one! Even the Hades of the past could not be compared with the Heavenly King in front of him.

"This material is the key to producing Hailou stone!"

"Now you know, where did Hailou Stone come from?"

Im not knowing when, he walked to Wu Lao Xing's side, reached out and caressed the hard layer of material on the surface of Tian Wang.

The Five Old Stars also heard a little about what Im said.

It's just that they didn't go too deep into it.

But they didn't expect it.

The origin of the sea floor stone is actually produced by the material in front of us! "Let's put it this way, we extracted about the size of a thumb from this material, which is enough to make a ton of sea floor stone."

"From here you can imagine for yourself."

"The hardness of this material is many times higher than that of Hailou stone"

Im continued to introduce.


The five old stars were moved by it.

Hailou stone is divided into two types.

One is the naturally generated sea floor stone.

This kind of sea floor stone is generally condensed and concentrated from the bottom of the sea, and it takes a long time to condense into a little sea floor stone.

And the second.

That's what Im said.

Extract these materials from the appearance of the Heavenly King in front of you, decompose their constituent elements, and then integrate them into the rest of the materials to create an artificial sea floor stone.

The ability of artificial sea floor stone and natural sea floor stone is similar, whether it is hardness or other abilities, there is basically no big difference.

At present, only the world government controls the technology of artificially producing sea floor stones.

Because in other places, the fundamental conditions for making sea floor stones cannot be found.

That is, these mysterious materials on the appearance of Tianwang! "This, only need to extract the size of the thumb, dilute it, and integrate it with the rest of the materials, but it can produce a ton of sea floor stones!"

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