Lu En began to think in his heart.

A conservative inference can be drawn initially.

The first point is that the king must have all the keys collected before it can be activated, which is inevitable.

But why now Wang has been activated to think over and over again.

Lu En thought for a moment.


The Heavenly King is only activated, but it does not mean that the Heavenly King has been activated in all aspects! There is also a certain difference between the two.

"Having some keys in hand, you can control some of the powers of Heavenly Kings.

Therefore, Im and the Five Old Stars, although they have activated the King of Heaven, they cannot use the full power of the King of Heaven."

After figuring this out, Lu En looked at the weapon below with an increasingly amused expression.

Heavenly King! This is one of the three ancient weapons.

Known as a taboo weapon capable of destroying the world! Compared with Neptune and Pluto, Lu En believes that Tianwang is more mysterious.

And according to rumors.

Among the three ancient weapons, the Heavenly King is the most terrifying and also the most mysterious.

Never thought.

Today today.

I was fortunate enough to be able to see the face of the King of Heaven.

This surprised Lu En.

This can also be verified from here.

That is, the rumors are correct.

The King of Heaven is indeed hidden under the Red Earth Continent, right under Mary Joa.

If this news spreads out, it will definitely have a very huge impact on this sea.

There is no doubt about this.


The Heavenly King is in the hands of the World Government, and even if someone covets him, he will never dare to act rashly.


"The goal of the Five Old Stars and Yimu is to activate the King of Heaven and use the power of the King of Heaven to kill me in Mary Joa?"

Lu En basically understood.

Whether it's Im, or the Five Old Stars.

They didn't dare to deal with Lu En alone, let alone deal with Lu En with manpower.

since the total defeat of the navy.

In their eyes, Lu En's strength is already invincible! Basically.

Looking at the sea, I can't find the kind that the second person can fight against...

Even if many forces join forces, it will not help! Therefore.

They can only find some other way.


Using the power of the king is the most effective way for them! It is also the only way they can take to deal with Lu En! Except for the use of the king, they no longer have any measures that can be used to deal with the so-called strongest in the world. Destruction Swordsman Luen.

"It's a good idea."

"But, can you really do it?"

Lu En smiled.

He is also very interested! The power of the King of Heaven is known to be terrifying.

The Heavenly King, as the most mysterious of the three ancient weapons, is also considered the most terrifying one, a taboo weapon capable of destroying the world.

Then here comes the problem.

How powerful can it be, at least for now.

Whether it's Lu En, or the rest of the sea, they can't judge.

As the most terrifying heavenly king among the three ancient weapons, the power it unleashes, and what realm the heavenly king can reach, most of the time, it only exists in people's rumors.

Little is known about its true power.

In other words, in this world, those who knew the power of the Heavenly King were already dead.

In today's world, no one can accurately judge how powerful the Heavenly King is.

And this time.

It should be the first time that the King of Heaven has come out in decades, or even hundreds of years! It was the first time that he was awakened by someone! Moreover, it was forced to wake up! "The power of the King of Heaven, many rumors say that its power is very terrifying.

Otherwise, it will not be given such a terrible title, which is enough to destroy the world."

"Since I was fortunate enough to witness it today!"

"If I don't experience the so-called power that can destroy the world, wouldn't it be a coincidence that I came to Mary Joa in vain. I also really want to feel the power of the king, can it really kill me?"

Lu En's eyes flickered and his mind was about to move.

One of the three ancient weapons, the King of Heaven, who collides with the strongest in the world can be better

Chapter 920 A suspended city, covering the sky and the sun!

Rumble! A violent vibration enveloped the entire Mary Joa.

All the dragon people in Maryjoa have fled outside Maryjoa desperately, trying to escape this terrifying turmoil that shrouded the Holy Land.


"Run away!"

"Maryjoa is going to collapse, and those who don't want to die, immediately.

Leave Mary Joa!"

The Tianlong people who have always been arrogant, in the face of such disasters, appear small and fragile.

in the process of escaping.

Many Tianlong people were sucked into the cracks by the collapsed earth and disappeared again.

Countless celestial dragons began to cry.

this day.

It's their disaster day! It's a huge catastrophe for the entire Tianlong people! They never dreamed that Mary Joa would one day usher in the fate of collapse and collapse in all aspects.

They had never imagined such a thing before.

But the fact happened right in front of them, and they couldn't bear to believe it.

There is only one thought left in their minds now, and that is to live.

At all costs, they must escape from Mary Joa and live! If they continue to stay in Mary Joa, they can expect that they will die without a whole body, and the corpse will be buried in the ruins. .

Escape! Must escape as fast as possible! That's what was in their heads.


A celestial dragon, rushing to escape from Mary Joa.

at the same time.

The collapse of Mary Joa also spread more and more widely, and the area of ​​several kilometers was covered in almost all aspects.

Boom! The ground collapsed, and many broken pieces fell below.

A huge and spacious underground pit also appeared in everyone's eyes.

When they saw such a huge pit, this group of Tianlong people was even more frightening.

They are also the first to know.

There is such a huge basement hidden directly under Mary Joa! "This, this basement, has always existed in Mary Joa"

Many Tianlong people were stunned.

For the first time in their lives, they felt the world's deep malice towards them.

They lived for many years.

The ancestors have lived in Mary Joa for generations.

But it was the first time they heard it.

Beneath Marijoya, there is a basement hidden! The concealment of this information has been concealed from them, the residents living in Marijoya.

"The collapse of Mary Joa is closely related to the basement"

At this time.

Tianlong talents reacted.

When they saw the appearance of the basement, they finally understood.

Why Mary Joa has never had an earthquake before, but today it is very rare, and an unprecedented huge earthquake turmoil broke out.

Countless palaces and buildings that shook the entire Mary Joa.

Feelings! It's because of this basement! As the sky covers the sun and hangs, a dazzling and dazzling halo falls from the sky and shines on the basement below.


Let the fleeing Tianlong people, they also clearly capture, in this spacious basement, is standing a terrifying object like a mountain.

This behemoth appeared in their eyes.

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