In the great waterway, you can provoke anyone, but you must never provoke a big monster with a reward of [-] million! But today.

Belloc, however, forgot the words that warned him yesterday.

And took the initiative to provoke the other party! Because from beginning to end, Belloc never thought of it.

In a place like Carnival City, he actually encountered such a big monster.

Before that, Belloc, in any case, could not have imagined what would happen today.

"Five Billion Monsters"

"Destroy the swordsman!"

Bellock shivered, unable to control the fear.

It seems to be spreading.

In an instant.

All the pirates on the deck of the entire ship were covered by this deep fear! "The Swordsman of Destruction"

"Actually, it turned out to be the Sword Master of Destruction!"

A group of pirates were terrified.

This is the big pirate with a bounty of [-] million! They can't imagine it.


They would provoke such a big monster! At the same time.

On another pirate ship controlled by Captain Worm, all the pirates stared blankly ahead.

in their eyes.

The young figure holding a katana sword.


The face on the reward list that they witnessed a few days ago gradually overlapped! The two of them are the same person! This means that the person in front of them... is the one they have decided a few days ago, and they must not provoke them. The big monster destroys the swordsman! It is also the current great waterway, and all people who have the same heart are listed as beings that must not be provoked! But they actually killed each other and provoked each other.

this moment.

Worm and a group of pirates beside him stood stiffly on the deck, motionless.

They, no longer dare to act rashly, stay where they are.

The pirates with a bounty of [-] million, for them, can’t even mention it, at this moment they are facing a bounty as high as: no doubt Berry’s big monster! “Actually, it’s this monster!”

"He, appeared in Carnival City!"

Worm's voice trembled.

Even his hands that were clenching the big sword seemed weak, the words of the big sword in his hand fell on the deck, and there was a small sound, wandering around.

Whether it's Worm, or the rest of the hundreds of pirates.

when informed.

What they were facing was the [-] million monster Destruction Swordsman! All of a sudden, the courage in their hearts to resist vanished.

It's not a class comparison! Standing in front of each other, they are purely a group of ants, and they don't even have the ability to resist.

Just like Baal and other hundreds of pirates on the ship that was wiped out in an instant.

face this.

A slash that can split even the sea.

They, no matter what block you give them, [-] lives will not be enough to kill each other! They will never doubt this.

"Listed by many pirates in the great waterway as a taboo monster that cannot be provoked, destroy the swordsman!"

"We, offended, are the swordsmen of destruction!"

There was only a deep sense of fear in the hearts of a group of pirates.


Bucky stayed:.

Hundreds of Pirates such as Arrita, Mochi, Kabbage, etc., were also stunned.

Their eyes, involuntarily, moved to Lu En's figure.


at this moment.

They also all knew Lu En's true identity! "Five, five hundred million"

Bucky's throat is dry.

It can make the navy offer a reward of [-] million bery! What is this concept! Looking at the great waterway, the bounty can be as high as: [-] million berry, there are only a handful of people! Even if there are people as strong as Qiwuhai, it is difficult to find a few bounties. It's Gundam: [-] million Berries! "Destruction Swordsman!"

"He is the legendary Swordsman of Destruction!"

Al Rita's big eyes were full of horror and horror.


They also gathered to make a solemn statement.

When encountering a monster like Dasha Jianhao, you must not provoke it! Today.

They actually met each other.

Who would have thought this! The current great waterway.


No one does not know the prestige of Destruction Swordsman! The number of pirates with a bounty of [-] million Berry is very small.

As for the prestige, recently, the prestige of the swordsman of destruction, Lu En, has swept the entire great waterway! Every corner of the island has heard the prestige of the swordsman of destruction! But it is such a legendary monster! moments before them.

This feeling is even more frightening.

'We all add up'

"It's not enough for a fraction of the other party's bounty!"

Mochi, Kabbage couldn't help but blurt out.

This is definitely the pirate with the highest bounty they have ever encountered in their entire life! [-] million bellies! They can't even think about how terrifying a monster with such a high bounty is! At this moment.

In their minds, they began to recall the slash that split the sea involuntarily! This is the level of strength of [-] million monsters! No wonder! Never had insight.

The power class is completely different! They are not difficult to imagine.

in the great fairway.

At best, they can only be regarded as ordinary middle-level pirates.

But the shattering swordsman Luen! In their minds.

Inevitably, it can be ranked at the top of the class! The gap in the middle is not... visible to the naked eye! "Why does such a monster appear here?"

"Could it be!"

"Even this [-] million monsters are deeply interested in John's treasure?"

Bucky is going crazy.

His eyes were bloodshot, fear shrouded his heart, the yellowish parchment in his hand was tightly held by him, and his mind turned wildly.

He thought early.

In the end whether to give John's treasure to the other party.

If the other party really came for John's treasure.

They are not qualified to refuse! If you provoke such a monster.

Bucky will never doubt that the other party destroying their entire pirate group is as simple and easy as drinking water, without the slightest pressure.

There is no comparison between them and each other on a horizontal line at all! There is no comparison! It's like a big pirate suddenly descending into a village where only the old, the weak and the sick are left! The atmosphere is quiet and depressing! Countless pairs are all over the place The frightened eyes were fixed on Lu En's body.

And notice this.

Lu En couldn't help laughing: "To be honest, I'm just sending letters, so why bother!"

Is this a tragedy caused by a letter originally just sending letters, Lu En didn't want to make such a big noise.

But helpless.

Those pirates just now were really too noisy.

Therefore, he solved the other party smoothly, so as to make the place more quiet.

Sure enough! Get rid of some small trash fish.

This is where it starts to get: extraordinarily quiet.


Lu En rolled his eyes, looked at Bucky who was beside him with a terrified face, and showed a meaningful smile.

I noticed Lu En's eyes.

Bucky's body trembled, and a cold air came from the soles of his feet, making him horrified, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back, hurriedly took out the yellowed sheepskin roll in his hand, and handed it forward.

"Mr. Destruction Swordsman, I would like to give you John's treasure map!"

Chapter 154 You are afraid that you have misunderstood the meaning of intern!

Bucky is cowardly! He has to be cowardly! After what happened just now, he has deeply understood who is standing in front of him. This is the swordsman of destruction! The big monster with a bounty of [-] million Berry! With a reward of [-] million Berry, the strength is self-evident! Bucky admits that if the opponent raises his hand, he may be killed in seconds! Thinking about it.


Bucky gave in.

He had to take out John's treasure map, which he finally got, and prepare to hand it to Lu En: "Mr. Destruction Swordsman, this is John's treasure map!"

Treasure is precious, but it is more important than life! Of course Bucky will not bury himself in this sea for the treasure.

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