Phew! Exhale heavily.

Lu En took his eyes and seriously began to look at the many stalls on both sides of the street.

It's time to buy some supplies.

This time I rushed to Alabasta, and it is impossible to arrive in a few days.

Avoid the need to find islands again halfway through to buy Luen thinks.

This time, he should try his best to buy all the supplies he needs to sail the sea for several days.

In this way, you can save a lot of time.



Lu En was about to take a step, but the action stopped abruptly.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and they shone brightly.

I always feel like there are a pair of eyes prying in the dark! Someone is staring at me! Lu En is interested.

Mingming had just landed in Carnival City, and it was less than an hour away.

It only took half an hour to send a letter to Bucky.

Go back and forth.

Unexpected! Just

I felt that I was being watched.

The efficiency of the other party seems to be a little high! The color of the news spreads, with Lu En as the center point, covering all directions.


Lu En didn't take this matter too seriously.


At most, they are some short-sighted bounty hunters who want to plot their own head worth 1 million berg.

No! More precisely.

If you take it to the Don Quixote family.

That would be worth a billion berry! "Sure enough!"

"Wealth moves people's hearts!"

"The bounty of one billion Berry, even I am a little moved."

"However, if you want to exchange my head for the bounty, you might as well give it a try.

If I die, then of course I can only blame me for being inferior!"

Lu En smiled.

In this sea area, people die every day! Of course, Lu En is ready to be killed by the enemy in battle! The same.

I hope that when others come to kill him, they will also be prepared for this.

Walk around the street several times.

Lu En has already prepared all the materials that need to be purchased.

It only took three minutes in total.

Simple and straightforward! Carrying a huge package and carrying it on his back, Lu En took a step and was ready to rush to the north coast where the sailboat was docked.

The letter delivery is complete! Next is the time to rush to Alabasta! Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, and his steps slowed down deliberately.

Before setting sail for Alabasta.

He didn't mind taking a look.

Who are the eyes that spy on secretly! "A guy who is very good at concealment"

"I can't even notice what I see."

"This means that he may not be standing in this area within [-] meters of me.

Perhaps, spy on me from a distance!"

"Is this to protect myself?"

"What a cautious guy, it seems that this battle will not be easy."

Lu En's mind and thoughts fluttered.

The other party did not dare to approach him.

It is very likely that the other party has no absolute certainty to take him down and wants to find a more appropriate time! "The attributes of the body have improved, and as a result, my premonition of the crisis has become stronger!"

"If you don't dare to approach and want to kill me, what conditions do you need?"

Lu En suddenly thought of a way.

while walking.

Carrying a huge package, he has walked to an open area in Carnival City.

There is no hidden place here, it is very spacious! Lu En thinks.

If the opponent wants to attack, he will definitely choose this moment! "Aren't you attacking yet?"

"It's really cool."

"A person who can generally be so calm, if it's not because of his personality, then it is definitely his own profession that requires absolute calmness."

"Mo Fei"

Lu En already had some guesses.

It's just that he can't judge.

Whether this snoop is a pirate, a bounty hunter, or a navy can be ruled out! If it is the navy, it is impossible for the navy to remain silent for such a long time.

Except for the navy.

Then there are only two guesses left, whether the other party is a lone ranger, or the companion is still on the way, but has not yet arrived at the scene.

Therefore, he was the only one staring at Lu En, and he never moved.

If it is such a guess, then the other party must be a pirate! There are more general bounty hunters and lone rangers.

"The pirates who want to plot against my head are very novel!"

The corners of Lu En's mouth twitched slightly.

I'm not afraid that the other party won't make a move, as long as he shows a little sign of leaving.

If the other party really wanted to wait for his accomplices to besiege him, he would definitely reveal his flaws, so he hurriedly attacked him and tried to stop him.

"Let me see how holy you are!"

Lu En carried the package and stopped staying too long, as if he was about to rush to the coast and was about to leave.

No accident! Lu En guessed right! Bang! A sound of breaking through the air came from a distance and slammed into Lu En's ear.

"Right, southeast!"

Lu En turned around, his eyes narrowed slightly, staring in a certain direction.

A bullet is already in sight! Raise your hand slightly.

Lu En's right hand was covered with armed color, and with two fingers, he easily caught the bullet that was attacking at his forehead at this moment! "Distance"

"Three kilometers away!"


Lu En moved his gaze to the southeast along the azimuth angle that the bullet came from.

Line of sight, penetrating three kilometers away.


In his vision, he vaguely captured a figure with a sniper rifle! As expected! Just as Lu En had guessed before.

The snoop is a sniper! A sniper with a very cautious and calm personality! Only a sniper can satisfy many of the conditions that Lu En inferred before.

Chapter 157 Prey?The Blackbeard Pirates sniper!

The top of the towering building of hundreds of meters.

A tall and thin man, wearing a shirt and trousers, a black cape, a black hat similar to a cockscomb, and a pair of glasses that look like a scope in his right eye.

He was holding a sniper rifle, half squatting on the fence, and the muzzle was aimed at a figure in front of him.

"It's really a coincidence, I never thought it would be such a coincidence.

Originally, I just wanted to come to Carnival City to snatch some supplies.

I never thought that I actually encountered a prey!"

"One, the bounty is as high as: the prey of a billion Berry!"

He showed an excited smile.

He recognized it.

Yes! He recognized Lu En's identity.

However, what he valued was not the [-] million berries offered by the navy.

It's from the Don Quixote family, the billion berry bounty list released in the underground world! But then I thought about it.

He then showed a pity expression: "Unfortunately, the bounty exchanged for one billion berries should be ruined.

Boss Blackbeard, now desperately wants to hunt down a pirate with a high bounty."

"Seven Thirty Zero"

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