A sailboat sails on this sea, as far as the eye can see, in all directions, without an island.

Being in the middle of the sea makes people feel only small.


Lu En raised the samurai sword in his hand, aimed at the sea in front of him, and waved the blade in his hand.

咻!! A sharp slash, cut through the sky in an instant, slashed the sea directly, and set off huge waves that rolled and swayed.

Clap la la! The splashing sea water reached a height of [-] meters, and then fell to the deck, soaking Lu En's shoulders.

"Since swordsmanship.

Basic, upgrade to swordsmanship.

After getting started."


The level has improved a lot at one time!"

Lu En couldn't help showing a smile.

It's been a day since I left Carnival City.

The goal is Alabasta! The journey was smooth and there were not too many accidents.


During this day, you can also see a lot of pirates.


Most of them were scared away when they saw Lu En's face.

There is no reason for it! Now.

In the great waterway, the prestige of destroying the swordsman is really too loud! The reward list of [-] million is circulated in every corner of the great waterway.

resulting in.

Many pirates can see Lu En's face.

Not hard to imagine.

When these pirates really see Lu En, what will they do?

The first time, 05 is inevitable, it is to turn around and run away! "Distance from Alabasta"

"Only two days to go!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

Take back the katana in your hand and remove the map view.

can be clearly seen.

Carnival City, in fact, is not very far from Alabasta, so there is no need for a long journey like ten days and eight days.

And it took a day.

The effect of [-] million Berry's buying this ship is fully demonstrated.

It's so much faster than a normal boat! That's it.

It can also save Lu En a lot of time.

In general.

Fifty million berries are indeed worth it! Rather than spending them rotten in the warehouse, Lu En felt that it would be more comfortable to use these berries to buy something more worthwhile.

if it is possible.

Lu En didn't mind, he could use these Berries to add an extra 1 animal-type devil fruit to exchange for a big quick knife, or even a good quick knife.

It’s a pity! A good knife is hard to come by! Otherwise, he wouldn’t have to travel thousands of miles to find the so-called Rodney’s treasure! Just to get a good knife! With a good knife, It is very important to improve the strength of a swordsman.

simply put.

If Lu En's strength can play [-]%, this is the limit.

Then! If you get a good knife, Lu En's strength can be used to [-]%, even [-]%, [-]%! It can be seen from this.

Why this sea.

Most swordsmen are so eager for these good knives! It is because of good knives that they can improve their swordsmanship.

and strength.

If it is purely about hardness, armed color can always fill the deficiency of lack of hardness.

But why, Hawkeye is still so keen on the supremely fast knife is because the good knife itself can make the swordsman wield the knife and bring better improvement in all aspects, not just the hardness and strength of the blade. .

Mention that devil fruit.

Luen so far.

He didn't get it.

What is the devil fruit.

However, he wouldn't swallow it anyway.

Devil fruit, it will become his burden! Especially this cheap devil fruit! [-] million bery devil fruit is expensive, it is too cheap! Good devil fruit, billions of shells.

It is very possible! Even if the devil fruit of [-] million Berries is given to Lu En, he would not dare to eat it.

Just like Bucky, who swallowed the Devil Fruit inexplicably, that's all he can do in this life.

"It's still a long way from Alabasta, and I'm not in a hurry to log in to an island to purchase supplies.

The current supplies can definitely support Alabasta!"

"In leisure time"

"You can practice swordsmanship.

! "

Lu En raised the samurai sword.

The blade is covered with a layer of dark red armor.

The armed color is dispatched! At present, Lu En's control of the armed color is becoming more and more proficient! In particular, the armed color is used on the blade to launch a more terrifying slash! "Just target the sea kings!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

clearly captured.

Ahead of the sea, a huge black phantom was gradually preparing to emerge.

It's a sea king! Lift the blade in your hand.

Cut down with a single knife! 咻!! A dazzling and sharp slash, swift and violent, slammed into the front.

The entire sea is penetrated by a huge gap.

Take a look! The sea seems to be split open! Huge cracks have spread on both sides in previous years.

Along with it, a terrible aftermath is contained around the slash.

Boom! A loud bang.

The whole sea is turbulent.

The rolling waves spread out in all directions.

A crack appeared on the huge sea surface that spread thousands of meters away.

Clap la la! The high splashing sea water rolled and rushed to a height of [-] meters, and then the words fell.

A corpse of a sea king, floating on the sea.

The smell of blood wafted away and melted into the sea water.

It seems to be cut in two! It's easy.

Without any pressure, Lu En instantly killed this sea king.

This made him have to miss it.

The sea kings of the new world are still somewhat menacing.

But the sea kings of this great waterway are purely a sense of sight to send people's heads.


The bloody smell attracts more sea kings.

Lu En was also in high spirits and kept slashing.

This sea has been turned upside down by the tumult! The waves are rolling and sweeping in all directions.

The whole sea.

It used to be peaceful and peaceful.

But under these fierce and terrifying slashes.

The sea seems to be burning and boiling, surging and surging, and the sailboats that give way to the sea are constantly swaying under the fierce waves.

Distant seas.

A pirate ship gradually sailed.



No less than two hundred pirates looked excited and excited, looking longingly at the boundless sea in the distance.

"Captain, the next island, we are about to arrive at Carnival City!"

"From the East China Sea, sailing all the way to the first half of the great waterway, this is too easy!"

"Yes, Captain, I think now, even if we set foot on the great waterway, we will surely let the name of our pirate group spread throughout this sea area!"

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