His so-called strongest ability is completely vulnerable in front of the opponent! "Just now, that slash, even the sea, slashed open!"

Daz was horrified.

"I saw."

Crocodile took a deep breath, suppressing the throbbing in his heart.


That sharp slash, his heart still lingers! His life is on the line! This is the real moment of life and death! If it wasn't for luck this time, his head would have been penetrated! He didn't think so.

That slash he could block.

Not to mention that he is wearing Hailou stone handcuffs now, even if he faces this slash in his prime, he is not confident that he can block this slash.

"I think, among so many pirates in the great waterway"

"In terms of strength alone, this swordsman is definitely among the best, at the top of the sea!"

Until now, the fear in Crocodile's heart has not dissipated.

As can be seen.

The impression left by that slash just now was really too profound!

Chapter 182 Red attribute card!Once again alarmed the Warring States!

Just when Lu En was about to get out of the iron cage.

In his ears, the familiar voice of the system came.

[Ding! Check if a red card is dropped around the host, whether to pick it up] En red! Lu En's footsteps as he was about to leave stopped abruptly.

This time, he really didn't expect it! Actually, a red attribute card dropped here! Turned around from whom.

Lu En stared straight at Crocodile.

Apart from the other party, he couldn't think of anyone else! As expected! A dazzling red halo appeared in his eyes, almost filling the entire field of vision.

Although it is not as exciting as gold, red is already a pleasant surprise! Lu En didn't expect to drop golden cards on Crocodile! It was a great luck to be able to drop red! "Today, it seems to be my lucky day!"

A smile appeared on Lu En's face.

As for Crocodile and Daz, who were watched by Lu En, they looked at each other with a deep sense of panic and anxiety.

What the hell is going on here! "Seven Thirty Zero"

Could it be that the other party repented and wanted to kill them if that was the case.

They don't think that they, who are imprisoned by Hailoushi, can resist Lu En's knife! "Pick up!"

Lu En didn't think too much.

[The pickup is successful, the red card is the attribute point +25, whether to absorb it] Phew! Lu En exhaled heavily, his expression was a little excited.

Attribute points! This effect is too big! You can only dominate, choose to bless any skill! And.

A full twenty-five points! This is much higher than the golden card dropped from Rayleigh last time! Of course.

It is also purely because the golden card that Rayleigh dropped last time not only gave out attribute points.

More importantly, it has improved Lu En's three-color domineering power by five levels to 55! "One attribute point is enough to improve my strength!"

Lu En thought to himself.

No surprise! Once these attribute points are properly used to improve his skills, it will definitely give Lu En a huge baptism and sublimation in all aspects! Plus the 2 attribute points he originally had.

A total of one attribute point! "This trip, the harvest is really great!"

Lun believed that it was the most correct move to rush to the Beru Islands this time.

Time wasted a little.

But the harvest is really huge! Using these attribute points, we can improve Lu En's skills and physical attributes in a balanced manner in all aspects! Naturally, his strength will also usher in a rapid increase! So.

Right under Crocodile's gaze.

Lu En turned around again and gradually left the dark iron cage.

Get out of the iron cage and return to the deck of the warship.

The warm sun shines from the sky.


The flying squirrel sat on the ground, took a deep breath, looked at Lu En, did not dare to move, the panic in his eyes still remained, and it never disappeared.

With that slash just now, he thought that he was going to die! But he didn't expect it.

It was just to shock him! But it was undeniable that this slash really stunned him.

Don't let him dare to stop Lu En any more! "I said it before, just to ask something.

It must be so inspiring.”

Lu En walked to the flying squirrel with a smile.

"Broken Swordsman"

The flying squirrel whispered, his face heavy.

It came from Lu En's sense of oppression, which almost made him unable to breathe.

A terrifying coercion enveloped his body! When he recalled the slash just now, his fear of Lu En became even more powerful.

"It's over, don't worry, I won't kill you.

At any rate, you even gave me the Navy Sixth Form, if you kill you, wouldn't it make me ungrateful?"

Lu En smiled.


Flying Squirrel blushed, clenched his fists, but could not refute.

He could feel that he was severely humiliated! However, he was able to fight any refutation for a few minutes, and the Navy's Six Forms were learned by the other side! This allowed him how to refute! "This warship, it seems that it is not normal. sailed.

It's a pity, if you hadn't stopped me earlier, I wouldn't have destroyed this warship."

Lu En glanced at the huge hole not far away.

You can see the sea in the distance from the hole.

The entire warship is already close to the brink of shattering.

One slash! With just one slash, Lu En pierced most of the warship.

Even the sea water can gradually penetrate into the internal structure of the warship.

"You monster!"

Flying Squirrel stared at Lu En and couldn't help but blurt out.

Learned Navy Six in a few minutes! Other than that.

Extraordinarily superb swordsmanship.

, terrifying speed, strength and other aspects.


Lu En is really too young! It was the first time that flying squirrels met in this sea.

So young, yet already possessing such terrifying strength! No doubt.

In his mind, Lu En is an out-and-out monster! "Monster?"

The corners of Lu En's mouth curled slightly, "many people have said that."

Turn around.

Putting away the samurai sword in his hand, Lu En took a step, step by step towards the direction of the warship fence.

Jump up.

Very smoothly, he returned to the deck of the sailboat and left the already dilapidated warship.

Witness it all.

The Flying Squirrel didn't stop! He didn't have the ability or the guts to stop it! So far.

That slash, still vivid in his mind, echoed in his mind.

Back on the deck of the sailboat.

Lu En glanced at the edge of the coast.

For some reason, the battle between the navy and the pirates, which had come to an abrupt end, looked a little surprised.

He doesn't know yet.

The reason why the battle here stopped was purely because of the scene where Lu En killed the flying squirrel in seconds! A pair of eyes were fixed on Lu En's body, including the navy and the pirates.

The eyes they looked at Lu En were full of deep fear and shock.

"Everyone, goodbye!"

Lu En looked at this group of experienced navy and pirates, and withdrew his gaze, not planning to stay here too much, let alone interfering in the battle between the two.

The battle between the navy and the pirates, what is there to do with him? He just wants to rush to Alabasta quickly! After all the preparations are made.

Start sailing! Gradually.

Under the eyes of many pirate navies on the coast.

only see.

The whole sailboat left the coast of Beru Islands far away.

From their line of sight, it gradually reduced to a tiny black spot, which gradually disappeared, and could no longer be captured.


Except for warships.

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