Kingdom of Alabasta, West Coast.

"Stop them!"

"Never let them set foot on the coast of Alabasta!"

The escort resisted, armed with spears, and launched a fierce offensive.

Not far from the coast.

Six pirate ships, as six 66 different pirate groups, formed the pirate alliance.

As a result, they joined forces to launch a violent invasion of the kingdom of Alabasta! Cannonballs attacked from afar and hit the edge of the coast.

one look.

Dozens of escorts, wrapped in artillery fire, were killed in Huangquan.

Can't stop it! Yes! The guards of the Kingdom of Alabasta can't stop the invasion of these pirate alliances! "Kill!"

"Brothers, the kingdom of Alabasta, today will become the force ruled by our Pirate Alliance!"

"Get rid of these guys and start the invasion of Alabasta!"

"Today, we are bound to win!"

"Little ones, give me a run"

The sound of the pirates shouting and shouting resounded through the sky.

The fire is getting fiercer! Rumble! The artillery fires! The whole coast is reduced to a battlefield.

On the ground were the bodies of the guards, scorched black and hideous.


No accident! The escort army is at a disadvantage and is losing ground! On the contrary, the pirates who are constantly approaching the coast, the more they fight, the more brave they are, and their morale is like a rainbow.

"If this goes on, we will lose!"

The guards were all in a hurry and stared straight ahead.

at the same time.

Edge of the sky.

White clouds fluttered, and the golden sun shone down.

Among the tense guards, one of them, for some reason, seemed to have a feeling, as if the sun on the horizon seemed to be obscured by dark clouds.

He couldn't help but raised his head slightly.


He saw a terrifying picture! On the blue sky.

above the sky.

A tiny black spot that gradually enlarges.


displayed in the eyes.

His eyes widened, his face full of horror and fear.

"That, that is"

"one person!"

A young man! The other party came out of nowhere! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter 201 That terrifying slash from the sky!

Horror! This escort member was stunned.

His eyes were sluggish, he raised his head to look at the sky, and watched helplessly, the figure who was walking through the air with his feet on the air.

This scene.

It really shakes his worldview! Someone is soaring in the sky! "He, is he a devil fruit person!"

"No, no!"

"The reason why Captain Bell can soar in the sky is because the devil fruit has transformed into a falcon, so he can travel above the sky.

However, this person has not changed his Devil Fruit form at all!"

"He actually, just relying on his personal ability, can walk in the air!"

"This person, why do I always feel a sense of familiarity"

The members of the escort team were dumbfounded, their eyes terrified and horrified.

Yes! It's the familiarity! Like, deja vu! This moment.

He even ignored that he was still in the middle of a fierce battlefield.

He stared blankly at the figure on the horizon, unable to speak, his head was blank.

The hands holding the spear were trembling slightly.

in the sun.

White clouds fluttered and moved in his eyes.

And that human figure became more and more clearly visible! Standing in the sky, standing in the sky! This made him feel unbelievable and creepy! "This person is terrifying!"

"Very scary!"

"It's even more terrifying than those... pirates."

He was shaking all over.

Boom! Cannon fire.

The flames rose and filled the coast.

The pirate ship gradually approached the edge of the coast, and the battle did not stop, but intensified and became: more and more intense.

There are countless corpses on the ground! Six pirate ships frantically launched artillery fire to kill the guards on the coast.


The escort army suffered heavy losses! There were originally thousands of people, but now gradually, there are only less than [-] people left.

On the opposite side, the pirates lost only a few dozen people.

One can imagine.

This battle.

What is the disadvantage of the escorts of the Kingdom of Alabasta! If nothing else happens.

This battle will end soon! It will end with the pirates as the victor! It will eventually lead to.

Pirates invaded the kingdom of Alabasta, setting off more intense fighting! "Kill!"

"Little ones, the kingdom of Alabasta is within easy reach, within easy reach!"

"From now on, Alabasta is our territory.

Territories under our jurisdiction will bring great benefits to us!"

"Plunder the kingdom of Alabasta, start here!"

"The Baroque Works Society has been dealt with, and Crocodile, the king of the Shichibukai, has also been arrested.

Now, no one in Alabasta can stop our invasion!"

Sure enough! A group of pirates did get the news that Crocodile was captured and the Baroque Works was uprooted.

Otherwise, they would never dare to deal with the kingdom of Alabasta easily.

It can be judged from here.

The Baroque Works Society was uprooted, and it was of great help and criticality to the development of the kingdom of Alabasta.

But, it is undeniable.

With its disappearance, it led to its prestige, and then affected Alabasta.


Most pirates will be just around the corner.

This is the current situation that the Pirate Alliance has invaded! "Block them and never let them set foot on the coast! "Behind us, is the Kingdom of Alabasta!"

"Once they are invaded, the people of the kingdom of Alabasta will inevitably suffer huge hardships and pains.

No matter what, no matter what the cost, we must block it!"

A group of guards roared hysterically.

They clearly understood.

Once these pirates are allowed to invade the kingdom of Alabasta.

Then, what awaits the kingdom of Alabasta will be hell! The kingdom ruled by pirates is so miserable! They can't imagine it.

Being ruled by a group of pirates will bring about a lot of changes to their entire kingdom of Alabasta.

Was previously

The nightmare ruled by the Baroque Workers lingers in their hearts.


The war is endless! The war is raging, and it spreads to the coast.

One by one shells, frantically attacked the guards stationed on the coast from the pirate ship.

"Go and inform the Navy!"

"Notice, Navy, on the way!"

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