Chapter 227 Even Drago is afraid of the three-point monster!

"Secret swordsmanship.

Yan back!"

咻!! A dazzling and fierce slash, which was instantly forced out from the blade. The purple slash lingered with terrifying shock waves, and there were some faint red flames.

Take Lu En as the direction.

The purple slash presented a semi-circular arc, instantly covering the bodies of Drago and Sabo in front of them.

This slash contains two attack effects! Vibration and scorching! This blow is Lu En's strongest blow! Lu En will understand when we meet.

He is not yet Dorag's opponent, so he directly motivates the strongest knife, and wants to see how Dorag, one of the top combat powers in this sea, will block it.

"let me see"

"What a difference!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

The slashing slashes released by the Demon Sabre Spring Rain contained many terrifying attack effects, as if even the space was torn apart and kept squirming.

This scene.

Falling into Drago's eyes, his face changed slightly.

So weird! He's been through countless battles in his life, but this is the first time he's seen it.

This kind of slash with such a strange power! "This knife is terrifying!"

Drago's eyes narrowed, and his expression became: serious.

"Seven Thirty Zero"

Immediately after.

His hands were covered with a layer of armed color, which was countless times higher than Sabo's domineering, covering his hands, and his eyes stared at the slashing attack from the front.

It's getting closer! The closer it gets! The more shocking Drago is.

"this, this"


Drago's face was full of horror.

He could never have predicted it.

The aftermath of a slash can actually have shocking power fluctuations! This is too scary! "Except for the shocking aftermath, I seem to have caught it."


"What kind of power is this?"

Dorag was unexpected in this life.

In the slash that he faced in front of him, he saw countless kinds of forces intertwined, shock aftershocks, and faint flames.

in the middle ground.

It is the most powerful force in that slash! "The Swordsman of Destruction"

"This is really a monster!"

"The future is terrifying!"

Drago took a deep breath and suppressed the many emotional fluctuations in his heart.

Finally! A slash, covering Drago's body.

Boom! A loud bang resounded above the sky.


Sabo was affected by this aftermath, and the entire surface of the body's skin burst into cracks and gaps, and the bloodstains spread to the body again.

Pfft! Sabo's entire body was swept away dozens of meters away by the aftermath, hitting the ruins, vomiting blood, and his face became more and more pale.

He was looking at Lu En with a look of horror and horror.

I can't figure it out at all! What kind of power is this! "Destruction Sword Master, this monster!"

The impression left on Sabo today is really too deep.

Obviously, this slash was blocked! But the aftermath could actually make his body injury even heavier.

This, before this, Sabo never imagined! Boom! A figure was directly forced back more than ten meters.

It's Dorag! Take a closer look.

The clothes on Drago's body were all torn apart, and the surface of the skin had a slight burning sensation, and even the internal organs, under the shock and fluctuations, were almost in danger.

Take a look at Drago's hands.

Even if it is covered with a layer of armed color.

But just at that moment.

Drago still felt a prick.

Extend the whole body! This knife.

Drago blocked it.

Yes! But even so, Drago never thought that he could smell the threat of death in the knife just now.

"What kind of monster is this!"

Drago growled in his heart.

He looked at the scars on his hands, and then at the many traces left on his body, his expression became: very dignified and ugly.

Blocked! But the price is not too small! Although it is not a serious injury, it is not unscathed! This knife forced Dorag back more than ten meters away! For this result.

It was in line with Lu En's expectations.

He never expected that this knife could kill Dorag in seconds! At least.

Still shook the opponent.

It is conceivable.

"My strength is no longer weak!"

A smile appeared on Lu En's face.

Even if you look at the new world! It's not a weak one anymore! Although it can't be said to be a strong person in the top class, Lu En believes that even in the face of a drought, he will definitely not be easily defeated in a short period of time.

Although it is still a bit difficult to beat the drought.

But Lu En can be sure.

The moment when returning from the great channel to the new world.

His strength is enough to shake the drought! "I am not a waste of time in the great waterway during this time."


"You didn't expect that I would return to the new world so soon!"

Lu En's smile seemed meaningful.

See you next time! The drought will surely make your jaw drop! "Even the leader has been forced to retreat!"

Kerla was paralyzed on the ground with a bewildered face, unable to speak.

Her eyes widened and she looked at Lu En's figure in horror.

Stronger than a leader! He was still forced to retreat by this knife! "It's a terrible knife, so, you are satisfied"

Drago stared at Lu En and said lightly.

"Of course, looking forward to the next meeting."

Lu En smiled.

After weighing the strength of Dorag, he also measured the standard of his own strength to look at this sea.

This made him feel very comfortable.

"Wait a moment."

Drago raised his brows and called to Lu En.

Turn around.

Lu En looked surprised: "Could it be, Mr. Drago, who wants to kill me on the spot"

Drago said bluntly, "At the moment, I can't do this easily.

I don't know, with such terrifying strength, are you interested in joining the revolutionary army?"

He might be able to kill Luen.

However, it will never be as easy as imagined.


Some of the information he investigated made him not dare to kill Lu En! "It turned out to be for this matter."

Lu En suddenly shook his head and laughed, "I'm very sorry, I don't have any thoughts or thoughts about things like subverting this world and changing this world."

Drago stared at Lu En: "that's a pity!"

He really felt very sorry.

If the Revolutionary Army can absorb this top-level monster! Presumably.

It will definitely greatly improve the overall strength of the revolutionary army! This point, Drago will never have the slightest doubt. "By the way, I have a message for you."

Drago looked at Lu En and suddenly said, "Although, this news is not important information to you.

But at least, it can be regarded as a reminder!"


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