Lu En in front of him is definitely not someone they can crush, on the contrary, they are just humble characters that the other side can crush.

"you you!"

Several pirate captains with a bounty as high as hundreds of millions of berries were trembling with words, and their hearts were covered with fear, and they couldn't help shaking.

"Didn't I tell you?"

Lu En slowly lifted the demon knife Chunyu in his hand, looked at the group of horrified pirates in front of him, and said with a smile, "People will always grow!"

"And you are a pity"

"Before finding out my information, you set up an ambush to besiege me. This move is something that I admire very much. I admire your courage and courage."

"But ignorance is the culprit that ruined your life!"

The words fall.

The demon knife spring rain, slowly slashing down.

咻!! A sharp slash, with shock waves.


The earth was torn apart! Hundreds of pirates were killed on the spot by this knife.

Even the body was torn apart by the aftershocks of this terrifying earthquake, reduced to dust and dissipated in the air.

The sky is full of blood and fog, dancing gracefully.

The surviving pirates looked at Lu En in horror, and couldn't help roaring hysterically in their hearts.

Indeed! People will grow! But it is too exaggerated for you to grow so much! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter 231 I have accepted the heads you sent in the drought!

How long did it take for them to return to the great waterway from the new world? How long did it take them to get the news from the drought, and it took less than a month before and after! Even if their intelligence showed errors, they shouldn't be so wrong! But in fact .

The strength of Lu En they encountered was indeed far beyond their imagination, so they were completely unexpected.

Lu En's strength was so terrifying.

At the end of the day.

Really just because the drought gave them the wrong information.

No! It's just that Lu En's growth rate is really too fast! It's so fast that they can't predict at all.

That's why.

It will only appear at this moment, what happened in Longhuan Long Island and they murdered Lu En.

If they had known that Lu En's strength was so strong, how could they have set up an ambush so easily! "By the way, you just said that your head is worth [-] million Berry, I heard right?"

Lu En suddenly turned to look at a middle-aged man with an intriguing smile on his face.

Four hundred million bery! That's not a small amount.

Look around.

Lu En looked at the corpses all over the place, his eyes twinkling brightly.

These are all Berry! Berry means little to Lu En because Lu En doesn't know how to consume it.

Can be met with an absolute Mir.


Lu En knew how he should spend these Berries correctly! Of course there are many treasures on the Absolute Mir, and there is even a very high possibility that there will be a precious supreme knife.

Although it is only possible, if it occurs, the price must be very high.

This made Lun have to accumulate some Berry.

in case the emergency.

Or! On the Absolute Mir, you can occasionally see some precious and scarce items.

Just like last time.

Swordsmanship of the Golden Lion.

Handwritten notes, etc. These are not a small help to Lu En.

In the final analysis! There still needs to be enough Berry to buy these precious objects.


Where did Berry come from? Lu En looked at the group of pirates who were still alive with a strange smile on his face.

I'm sorry, since you all took the initiative to send it to your door! If you don't accept it, it will be disrespectful to you. "Drought, the head you sent, I reluctantly accept it!"

"Next time I rush to the new world, I will thank you for your help.

It just so happens that I don't have much Berry on me, and I also thank you for sending warmth across thousands of miles."

Lu En smiled.

do not know.

Let the drought know what is happening now.

I'm afraid! The drought will be so angry that I will return to the great waterway from the new world on the spot.

Why didn't the drought take the initiative? It's very simple! The drought was contained in the new world! And.

In the great waterway, on the territory of the navy, if the drought is rash, the general must be ready to be dispatched at any time.

How could the navy turn a deaf ear to the return of such a dangerous man as a drought to the great waterway.

It is exactly this.

Only then did the drought mobilize more than a dozen pirate groups, all of whom rushed to the great waterway to deal with Lu En.

What a pity! The drought neglected Lu En's terrifying growth rate.


All he did was just to increase Berry's income for Lu En.

"Heads worth [-] million Berry, I took it!"

Lu En smiled and looked at the burly middle-aged man in front of him.

The latter quickly transformed into a huge bear! Devil fruit ability! This was not beyond Lu En's expectations.

It can be judged from the beginning that, as a pirate group under the command of the beasts, the pirates naturally need to have the animal-type devil fruit as a prerequisite.

"Even if you are very strong, we will not be defeated so easily."

The remaining group of pirates shouted in anger.

See you.

Lu En laughed.

Slowly, he raised the demon sword Chunyu in his right hand.

Dark red armament color covering the blade.

Without any hesitation.

Slashing with a knife! 咻!! A sharp slash, reaching the front of the pirate in an instant.

Filling their eyes, they can only see the dazzling light.

Body, can't move! The speed of this slash is too fast! They can't react at all! "Hide!"

They were angry and unwilling to drink.

But they could only watch helplessly, the dazzling and sharp slashes continued to rest on their bodies.

However, they were completely unable to move and were rigid in place.

"This knife"

"I will die!"

The pirate with a bounty of [-] million bery was terrified in his heart.

The slashing halo fills the field of vision.

In an instant! Boom! There was a loud bang, and a terrifying slash slammed into the area that was thousands of meters away.

Rumble! The whole earth is shaking.

The earth cracked, and cracks spread in all directions.

A slash directly traverses thousands of meters away.

Wherever he went! All the pirates were cut in half! With this knife, Lu En controlled the shock wave.

Because he didn't want to destroy these corpses, otherwise, how to exchange Berry took this into account, and Lu En's knife was slightly more powerful.

But never thought.

The power of this knife is still so terrifying! There are messes everywhere! One after another, the remains of the corpses are dumped to the side, and the blood flows along the trajectory, infiltrating the soil.

The pungent bloody smell melted into the air and moved with the wind.

The battle broke out in less than a few minutes.

At the scene, there are still less than 200 pirates left, [-] people! Twelve pirates! Today, there are still a total of [-] pirates left.

It means that the eleven pirates were all destroyed by Lu En on the spot! Seeing the scene, there are still traces.

Lu En really wants to ask! 0 In the end, who is besieging and killing whom? I am besieging and killing thousands of people by myself! The remaining pirates stared at the many corpses on the ground, trembling and paralyzed on the ground , looking at Lu En who is holding the demon sword, Spring Rain, as if looking at a demon.

Fear filled their hearts.

"Strange, monster!"

"Broken Swordsman"

"This is the sword-shattering swordsman who made countless pirates in the great waterway fear. Before, we actually wanted to surround and kill monsters of this level!"

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