It is also in line with Lu En's plan to leave it to the team members to complete.

"Finally, I can go out to sea again to perform missions!"

"Although this is the second time our team has performed the mission, compared to the last time, the difficulty of the mission is completely different from the same level!"

"This time our mission is to hunt and kill the plague, the second biggest sign of the Beast Pirates, plague Quinn!"

The three team members were in high spirits and their blood boiled.

For Lu En's small goal, it is definitely a very difficult task for them! The last mission to destroy the team was also for the Beast Pirates.

But the difference is that the last time I dealt with it was a group of small trash fish under the command of the drought.

And this time! It's just the second mission, what they need to deal with is no longer a drought.

It is above the drought, the plague Quinn! The Beast Pirates are under the fire, the terrible existence above the drought! Look at the new world.

The prestige of the epidemic is very prominent.


Even the epidemic itself, he would never have imagined it.

In the sea area of ​​the New World, someone really dared to take him as the target of hunting! It is also the idea of ​​​​such as the epidemic.

Lu En will be more unscrupulous, and he doesn't have to worry too much about being penetrated by the epidemic, he can directly collect information on the whereabouts of the epidemic and hunt and kill! Anyway,

He didn't think that, with the character of the plague, the latter would worry about the things that people would hunt in this area.

No! More precisely.

Lu En can be sure, even if he openly wants to hunt the plague.

It will never really take it to heart.

The epidemic has always had great self-confidence in his own strength! Although he lost the last time, but in the final analysis of the epidemic, he believes that the reason for his defeat is because he cannot activate the devil fruit on the pirate ship. Otherwise, he can Surely he will beat Luen.

Not only... Lu En has been looking forward to this battle for a long time! Even the epidemic must have been looking forward to it for a long time! "The new world is in chaos!"

"If a plague dies, even the Beast Pirates would not dare to act rashly!"

The redhead patted Lu En's shoulder with a smile.

With the words of the red hair, Lu En needn't worry even more, there will be a lot of troubles after hunting and killing the epidemic.

"Boy, don't let us down!"

Ben Beckman laughed too.

Of course they know the grievance between Lu En and the epidemic! The grievances between the two are left to the two of them to complete themselves. Whoever dares to object, even if the epidemic is really killed, Kaido will never dare to say anything more! On the contrary.

If Lu En was unfortunately killed by the epidemic, the Red Hair Pirates wouldn't say much.

The grievances that belong to the two are left to the two of them to complete.

Whoever dies in this battle can only show that the strength is insufficient, and there is more to die! This is the new world! It is also the most reasonable solution to the outbreak of friction between the Four Emperor Pirates! "Hunt the plague!"

"be good"

"Even hunting and killing epidemics is called a small target.

I have to say, Lu En's strength has really reached the top class of the sea."

The crew looked at Lu En.

They would never deny the fact of Lu En's terrifying talent! But they still didn't expect it.

In such a short time after Lu En's return, he directly set the target as Plague Quinn! This is Plague Quinn! The sign of the Beast Pirates! The top monsters in the new world exist! Before that.

No one would have imagined that Lu En's appetite was already so great that he could turn the target into a plague of monsters! If they hadn't really heard Lu En's remarks, they would never have believed it.

"The gap is getting farther and farther!"

"In the past, I had some thoughts of wanting to compete. Now that I think about it, let's forget it. Competing with this monster, I'm not just asking for trouble!"

Many crew members were completely exhausted, and they were thinking of competing with Lu En.

What a joke to compete with monsters! They are afraid that they are like day lily, and those who are abused will not be able to find the north! "Is there a plan?"

The red hair combed his thinking a little and asked directly.

Hunting and killing epidemics is by no means a trivial matter. Naturally, a careful plan is required! Small goals are small goals! To deal with epidemics, you still need to be treated with caution.

Even if it is as strong as red hair, if you want to kill the plague, you need to think about it in the long run, and it is not as simple as it sounds.

Knowing Luen with red hair.

He could be sure.

Since Lu En mentioned this, he must have been fully prepared.

"The plan is quite simple."

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, "First search for the whereabouts of the epidemic, until you find out where he is, and then rush to the scene directly,.

according to my understanding."

"The three major disasters under Kaido of the Hundred Beast Pirates generally do not act together, but act alone.

Perhaps this is also based on the premise of their great strength."

"When they act alone, as long as I find the whereabouts of the epidemic, then naturally I can officially start the hunt for him!"

In summary.

There is no such thing as a plan! Very simple steps.

Search for the whereabouts of the epidemic first.

It was found that there was no drought or fire after the plague.

Lu En started directly! Just three steps! If you really want to care about it, two steps are enough.

Search, hands-on! Simple couldn't be easier.

"You think it's very simple."

The redhead smirked.

"Otherwise, this is a simple thing, why is it complicated?"

Lu En also smiled.

The rest of the crew were speechless.

Well! We can't get involved in this kind of topic! Simple thing! Emotions! You take the hunt for the plague Quinn as a simple thing! Suddenly.

The crew just felt very frustrated! It was a failure! They have been in the Red Hair Pirates for many years, and their growth is not as good as an intern who just joined a few months ago.

I don't know why! When I heard Lu En's remarks.

They suddenly thought of the small goal that Lu En just mentioned! So whether it is a small goal or a simple thing! For them, it is a huge problem, and they can't achieve it even if it is in their hands!" What a monster!"

"Forget it, don't care too much about this monster.

Otherwise, all I can get, I'm afraid it will only be left, that full of frustration.

And, deep self-doubt!"

The crew was in awe.

They suddenly thought.

If the epidemic, which is the second biggest sign of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, learns of Lu En's current rhetoric, what kind of thoughts will be in the former's mind to be regarded as a small target, which will definitely make the epidemic more special Uncomfortable! Feilu reminds you: three things to read for collection and recommendation

Chapter 640 Set sail!The Destruction Squad is out!


Not surprisingly.

On Lu En's body, the eyes of a group of lords full of 'grievance' gathered, as if Lu En owed them eight million.

"When are you ready to go"

Ben Beckman asked.

"Just recently, since the sea area of ​​New World is so chaotic now, let it become more chaotic and turbid."

"The longer it takes, the more meaningless it is."

"It's better to end these tedious things as soon as possible.

It's just to solve the epidemic, it's not so grand.

Directly, it will save more time.”

Lu En's eyes flickered, telling the truth.

The new world is so messed up! Presumably.

Pirates in the new world, they certainly don't mind, making the new world more chaotic.

Not hard to imagine.

Once the epidemic is really successfully hunted down by Lu En! This is bound to set off a huge wave in the new world! But for now.

The New World is already so chaotic, and if there is more noise, it will only be fueled by this violent wave! It is unknown how much noise the New World will make at that time.

Anyway! If the epidemic really died.

The impact on the pattern of this sea area in the New World is still quite large.

There must be a lot of movement from the Four Emperors! Of course, these are not things Lu En need to consider, there is only one thing he wants to think about.

That is, how to eliminate the epidemic in a faster and simpler way! That's all! "Looking forward to your good news."

The redhead said with a smile.

"You won't be disappointed."

Lu En was very confident.

This time, hunting and killing the plague is bound to win! Aside.

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