A group of crew members spoke one after another, and Lang Lang shouted.

"Most definitely."

The expressions of the three of Rockstar, Weino, and Mawson all became: extraordinarily solemn.

Hunting and killing epidemics! This is an extraordinary sense of oppression for them! Not only do they not dare to be careless, but they also treat these things with [-] points of energy.

"Okay, let's sail!"

Lu En gave an order.

The entire sailboat gradually sailed from the eyes of the red-haired people to the endless seas in the distance.

With the little sailboat disappeared.

Witnessing the figures of Lu En and others leaving.

Located on deck.

Red-haired, Ben Beckman and the others had a bit of emotion on their faces.


"This kid, in just a few months, has grown to the point where he can treat the epidemic as a hunting target."

Ben Beckman said.


Redhead laughed: "Indeed!"

The growth rate of Lu En's strength is really too fast! Make them unpredictable at all! "You said"

"Boy Luen, how long does it take to complete this?"

Beside him, Jesus Bu asked with a curious smile.

"Otherwise, let's make another bet"

Rakiru's eyes twinkled.

"Aren't you and Berry all lost?"

"First owe, first owe!"


A gamble, set up a factory again!

Chapter 641 Search for the whereabouts of the epidemic!Intelligence is ready!

two days later.

new world.

The Void Sea was originally located at the junction of the sea area governed by the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beast Pirates.

Long before Whitebeard died.

As the junction of the two Four Emperor Pirates, no matter which party, it is impossible for the other party to plunder the sea area of ​​the Void Sea.

The Whitebeard Pirates dare not plunder the Void Sea easily.


Kaido didn't dare to act rashly, wantonly robbing this sea area.

Once this sea area is moved, it means that the war of the Four Emperors will be completely detonated! This also means that the Void Sea is a special area that blocks the two Four Emperor Pirates.

Prevent the two Four Emperor Pirates from colliding and rubbing against the edges of their respective territories.

over the years.

The Void Sea has never been plundered, and no one has dared to try to encroach on this place.

Whitebeard and Kaido did not dare to act rashly.

The rest of the pirate group did not dare to touch this area at all.

Some pirate groups will feel very uneasy when they pass by here.

The Void Sea is also listed as a taboo sea area by many pirates.

But with the death of Whitebeard, the Whitebeard Pirates fell apart.

Make "Seven Thirty Zero"

In order to block the sea area where the two four emperors collided, it has already existed in name only.

no one cares about this

In particular, the Beast Pirates, they didn't care about the so-called Void Sea! This day.

Blue sky with white clouds floating.

Clap la la! The sea breeze blew lightly, rolling the sea, causing waves of rippling waves.

A small sailboat sailed from a distant sea.

The sailboat hangs high, a skull flag with three red slashes in the left corner of the eye, which is particularly eye-catching.

Basically, anyone who sees it can judge.

This flag, of course, is the unique symbol of the Red Hair Pirates! Deck.

Led by Lu En, the Destruction Squad, and the rest of the three are also on this ship.

It has been two days since we left the Redford.

these two days.

Of course Lu En was not idle.

Since he led the Destruction Squad to go out to sea, and the target was Plague Quinn, he would definitely not waste time.

Instead, they directly dispatched team members to separately inquire about the news and intelligence about the whereabouts of the epidemic.

For the epidemic, a meticulous search operation has been launched! These two days have come down.

Naturally, I heard a lot of news.

That's why.

Lu En will lead a small team to the area of ​​Void Sea.

"Captain, do you really need such trouble?"

Weino couldn't help looking at Lu En.

In fact.

The whereabouts of the epidemic is not too secretive information. If you want to inquire, you can know the whereabouts of the epidemic without spending too much money.

Just like yesterday.

Weino has already inquired about the place and sea route where the epidemic is going to go.

If you want to do it, you only need to rush to the destination of the epidemic yesterday and block it, and you can attack and kill the epidemic unexpectedly! However.

This action was vetoed by Lu En.

And this is what Wei Nuo is puzzled about.

According to his thoughts, he has already inquired about the whereabouts of the epidemic, so why is he still unable to act!

Many questions not only lingered in Wei Nuo's mind, but also the two of them, Rockstar and Mo Sen, who were beside them, also had deep puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Yeah, captain, why is this opportunity, we actually missed it.

This is not in line with the goals we set before we went to sea."

Rockstar also began to speak.

Facing the questions of the three team members.

Lu En didn't answer directly, but asked with a smile: Japan, the news we have learned shows that the epidemic disaster Quinn will pass by."


Weino thought for a while, then said, "Sirius Island."

"Then here comes the problem."

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, "Whose territory belongs to Sirius Island, that area of ​​the sea?"

The words fall.

"Four Emperors, Beast Pirates!"

Mawson, who was beside him, blurted out.


Lu En nodded, beyond doubt, "As Mason said, Sirius Island belongs to the sea area of ​​the Beast Pirates.

The key reason is here"

"Although I did say, to hunt the plague Quinn.

But the big question is where is the best place to hunt the plague Quinn!"


"Sirius Island belongs to the sea area ruled by the Hundred Beast Pirates.

I imagined a little bit, if I was on Sirius Island, I would directly attack and kill the plague Quinn!"

"That area belongs to the sea area ruled by the Beast Pirates. Once a battle really breaks out, their reinforcements will be very fast!"

"Being in the sea area ruled by the Beast Pirates, once their reinforcements arrive, we will

At that time, it is really difficult to fly."

"Don't expect, the red-haired captain and the others can come to reinforce us.

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