"Okay, your mission is over."

"The next thing, leave it to me."

Lu En spoke slowly.

Just under the eyes of the three of Roxtar.

only see.

Lu En took out the demon sword Chunyu from his waist.

Eyes turn.

The field of vision is fixed on the blade of the demon knife Chunyu, which can be clearly captured, and the blade still has the relatively small crack.

I have to ask! How did this relatively small crack on the blade of the demon knife Chunyu come from?

Of course Lu En had a fresh memory! Of course he couldn't forget that the reason why the Spring Rain of the Demon Sword broke down was because of who caused it! Raise his head.

Lu En glanced at the huge pirate ship in front of him.

You can see the familiar figure on the deck of the pirate ship.


Lu En's eyes looked meaningful.


"Officially begin!"

Chapter 643 A Shocking Sword!Two thousand people in seconds!

The sea breeze blows.

The waves rolled, rippling and rippling.


Rockstar, Weino, and Mason looked at Lu En's back, hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help reminding: "Captain, be careful!"

They don't think they can get involved in a fight of this level.

What they can do is to avoid Lu En's distraction as much as possible, so that the enemy can take advantage of it on the battlefield! Just do these things well

They have already completed everything they can do! As for participating in the battlefield, don't joke! The three of them are still very self-aware.

Participating in the battlefield, except to distract Lu En, they are meaningless! Once this kind of battle breaks out, they are afraid that even the aftermath will be difficult to stop.

Not to mention, of course, wanting to get involved in such a funny thing on the battlefield.

"My strength, you will still doubt it"

Lu En smiled.

"We all believe, Captain, you will definitely win!"

Rockstar looked firm.

"That's right!"

Winor, Mawson clenched his fists and nodded solemnly.

Lu En's strength has always been trusted by them! "That's okay, don't make it like parting from life and death.

I've been waiting for this battle for a long time, if I don't have enough confidence, how can I take the initiative to die!"

"I still cherish my own life, and you don't have to worry too much.

Of course, I won't do it so easily if I don't have a certain degree of certainty."

"Compared to you, if I don't cherish my life, who else will care?"

Lu En's smile continued.


Holding the blade, the blade, began to aim at the giant pirate ship ahead.

The dark red armed color armor covers the blade, making the blade that originally exudes a very terrifying killer, filled with a more majestic and fierce aura.

The two majestic auras blended together, with Lu En as the center point, and spread rapidly in all directions.

Beside Luen.

The three of Rockstar were oppressed by this terrifying aura, making them pale and looking at Lu En's back with awe.

You can only feel this aura up close.

Only then can they realize that Lu En's horror can't be described in words! Just like a beast that escaped its cage, it is unmatched in its ferocity! "Okay, so strong!"

"Is this the strength of the captain?"

"It's just the momentum, I was almost oppressed and couldn't breathe!"

Three people's throats are dry and their faces are shocked.

this moment.

They have more confidence in Lu En's hunt for the plague The epidemic is really strong and of course strong! But the problem is that their captain destroys the swordsman, and their strength is absolutely extraordinary! A great swordsman.

I believe that with the strength of the captain, I will be able to kill this guy, the plague.

! "

"Well said."

"Next we just need to wait quietly for the final result."

With absolute confidence, the Roxtar Trio 3 looked at Lu En's back with anticipation.

before leaving.

Lu En gave a direct command: "By the way, after I leave later, you can drive this ship out of the sea area, and sail to the sea area five kilometers away as much as possible."


The three of Rockstar 3 froze for a moment: "Captain, this is"

They can't understand! "I'm afraid the aftermath will kill you."

Lu En's explanation was brief.

But it shocked the three of Rockstar, Mawson, and Weino.

What! What is the situation! What did they just hear! The sea five thousand meters away! Only in this way can they be prevented from being killed by the aftermath, what a terrifying collision! He swallowed and rolled his throat: "We still obey the captain's words. Later, we must drive the entire ship five kilometers away from the battlefield."

"Of course!"

"The captain's words, of course, must be viewed absolutely!"

They took Lu En's words firmly in their minds.

right under their eyes.

Lu En raised the demon sword Chunyu in his hand, the blade was covered with dark red armor.

Pedal air.

Lu En performed the moon step and ascended directly towards the sky.

Watching Lu En leave.

Mo Sen hurriedly obeyed Lu En's instructions just now, and immediately.

Start to take the helm, and quickly steer the entire sailboat away from this area of ​​water.

It was only five kilometers away from the island port that he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and stared at the tiny island in front of him with a horrified expression, a little distressed.

"It's too far to see clearly!"


"Can the aftermath of the battle really affect so far?"

Three people 3 couldn't help discussing.

can be final.

They still believe that Lu En will not harm them! "You said, can the captain really kill the epidemic successfully?"

Weino couldn't help but ask.


Rockstar replied without hesitation, "Our captain, that is the swordsman of destruction!"

"That's right, the captain will definitely be able to do it!"

White clouds flutter.

above the sky.

Lu En stepped on the moon and looked down from a height of several hundred meters, looking at the giant pirate ship, his eyes were slightly narrowed, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his smile was bright.

The biting sea breeze blew, blowing on Lu En's clothes.

next second.

He slowly raised his right arm.

In his right hand, he holds the demon sword Spring Rain tightly.

The blades covered with dark red armed color armor moved and aimed at the huge pirate ship hanging high below, which belonged to the unique skull flag of the Beast Pirates.

"Pandemic Quinn"

"It's been a long time!"

"When we meet again, we should give you a gift.

Hope you are satisfied!"

The blade is held in the hand.

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