"Do not!"

"I must have guessed wrong!"

The epidemic roared wildly in his heart.

By now.

It is impossible for him not to know, whose handwriting this power comes from! Look at the sea area of ​​New World.

The epidemic can be concluded that someone who can have such a terrifying slash and slash with this aftermath power.

There is only one person in the world! There is no doubt about this! Even if it is an epidemic, he has to admit it.

There has been only one example of such a strange existence in the new world for so many years! But here comes the problem.

This slash is completely different from the level in his impression! "Could it be!"

"In this short period of time, his strength has grown again"

"Do not!"

The epidemic was full of horror, and the expressions on his face changed wildly.

This guess just subverted his cognitive concept! It made him almost doubt his life.

It's only been so long, if it's really like guessing, then things are too scary! I can't believe the epidemic, and I don't want to believe it! But facing the kind of situation just now, apart from the above speculation, the epidemic has no second chance. A possibility! At the same time when the epidemic brain is blank.

The terrifying slash just now shrouded the plague's body, carrying a surging impact, squeezing every cell in the plague's body.

At the same time, the body of the plague that was like a sphere was impacted and flew hundreds of meters away, and the body hit a hill not far away.

Boom! The mountain collapsed, cracked, and cracked like spiders.

The cracked mountain turned into countless debris and stones, gradually burying the body of the plague.

Everything happened in an instant.

located in the port.

The workers who never left were frozen in place.

They are all over, and every cell is being squeezed.

up until now.

Of course they couldn't forget, the shocking scene that happened just now! Silence! The atmosphere was weird! Gradually.

The huge ocean current like a tsunami gradually calmed down.

There are not many people in the port, only about dozens of people.

But the scene just now was clearly witnessed by dozens of them without exception! Although, it was just a dazzling halo that prevented them from opening their eyes! However, the impact caused them to be horrified. Can't calm down.

"Just, just now"

"what happened!"

A weak and terrified voice came from the crowd.

No matter who it is! They can't imagine what a terrible thing happened just now! The tsunami was born because of this! The whole island was shaken because of it, as if there was a big earthquake! What! What kind of power can do such a shocking feat! "Ship, ship"


Take a closer look.

Dozens of people on the coast looked dumbfounded in the direction of the port.

The huge pirate ship that originally docked at the port has disappeared without a trace at this moment, and no trace of its existence can be found again.

Even the many broken wrecks floating on the sea surface have been dragged into the sea with the rolling of the current.

Except this pirate ship was disturbed.

All ships around this area.

More than a dozen merchant ships, without exception, were completely destroyed! The atmosphere was dead silent! Half a sound.

The crowd swallowed, their faces horrified and their scalps numb.

"do you still remember"

"Just now, the ship that was docked on the edge of the coast"

"It seems, it seems, it comes from the pirate ship of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirates, carrying more than [-] pirates!"

In fact, they certainly didn't forget.

The giant pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirates docked at the port of Gemini Island.

But now the ship! Look out to the sea ahead.

They could not find any trace of the existence of a pirate ship, not even a trace left.

"The pirate ship that belonged to the Hundred Beasts Pirates, carrying more than [-] pirates, just disappeared! Even the people and the ship disappeared!"

When the truth is known.

The mood of the people present was even more terrified.

This is the pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirates! It just disappeared! Doesn't this mean "the more than [-] pirates on the pirate ship are dead?"

"I was instantly killed on the spot!"

"I can't even resist the slightest bit!"

Deep fear haunts my heart.

They were stunned.

What kind of power is it that even the pirate ship of the Hundred Beast Pirates can be destroyed so easily! Even people and ships, without exception! All are buried in the sea! "My God!"

"It just turned my worldview upside down, who can explain it to me.

Just now, what happened.

Why was even the pirate ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirates destroyed?"

At this time.

A weak voice from the crowd sounded: "I always feel that the target of this terrifying power is actually the Beast Pirates!"

The words fall.

The atmosphere is getting weirder! There is no sound! Many people swallowed their saliva, rolled their throats, and stared blankly at the sea in front of them.

If the target is the Beast Pirates, who is it! Who has the guts to attack the Beast Pirates in this sea area! They can't imagine it at all! This is the Four Emperors! But think about it.

The terrifying level of that power, they were relieved.

If it was really artificial, would someone who could unleash such terrifying power really fear the Four Emperors? Of course not! "So"

"What is that power?"

There are still people who are puzzled.

"Yes, it's a slash!"

A swordsman's tone was firm.

"What! Slash!"

"That's right, as a swordsman, I will definitely not admit my mistake.

The power that caused such a terrifying movement is a slash, from the slash of a great swordsman!"

"God, what level of great swordsman is this!"

"With one slash, more than [-] pirates were instantly destroyed, and the crew and ships were instantly destroyed.

It also aroused the sea, setting off a huge wave like a tsunami.

Even our entire twin islands have been completely shaken!"

"Unbelievable though"

"But the truth, it seems to be the case!"

The deeper the understanding, the more intense the fear and shock of the people present.

Slash! A slash can actually do such a terrifying movement! To be honest! What they saw in front of them made them fall into a state of deep doubt about life.

If it really is to slash this... great swordsman, how holy is it! In the new world, which swordsman can make such an earth-shattering movement. "By the way, did you forget?"

"On that pirate ship, there was still one standing before, the second biggest sign of the Beast Pirates, that is, one of the three major disasters, Plague Quinn!"

The moment the crowd spread the word.

The audience was silent, for a moment.

Everyone's eyes suddenly realized, and then they reacted.

They can conclude that the previous plague must also be on that pirate ship! A moment ago.

It is precisely because of the appearance of the epidemic that their mood becomes so panicked.

Now that the existence of the epidemic can be concluded, the problem also arises.

When that terrifying slash completely penetrated the ship, including more than [-] pirates, the whole ship was destroyed by slashing and slashing, and it is now! The plague, where are the others! Under the terrifying slash, the epidemic was dead or alive.

Even this has become an unknown! Just ask.

Who is the plague? This is the second biggest sign of the Beast Pirates! One of the three major disasters! The new world ranks among the top terrifying powerhouses! Could it be! This knife killed the plague Quinn on the spot!

Chapter 645 Destroying the swordsman, like a god descending!


Dozens of workers were dumbfounded, their faces horrified, and they stared at the sea ahead with shock.

The huge pirate ship that terrified them originally, with the pirate ship of the Hundred Beast Pirates hanging high, has vanished into thin air and disappeared without a trace.

More than [-] pirates belonging to the Hundred Beasts Pirates have never landed on the pirate ship.

As a result, they were completely annihilated, even the man and the boat! "What a terrifying power this is!"

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