It really hit their cognition.

They are also unimaginable.

Lu En really did it, the amazing feat of killing the epidemic! "Quick, steer the sailboat, and get close to the port!"

Rockstar reacted and hurriedly drank.

Mawson took the helm quickly, and the sailboat gradually approached the direction of the twin island harbor.

The mood of the three of them became: extremely excited and excited.

For them, the death of the epidemic is of course a very important thing to celebrate! "The captain's strength seems to be stronger than we expected"

Rockstar couldn't help but say.


The other two players nodded in approval.

They thought that they had already accurately recognized Lu En's strength before.

But I never imagined that when I witness the scene of being killed by the epidemic.

It overturned them again, the previous perception of Lu En's strength.

Chapter 658 You care, it's called waste utilization? !

When the little sailboat approaches the port.

The three of Rockstar 3 quickly logged on to the shore and felt the soil under their feet, which seemed to collapse at any time, and their mood became: extraordinarily frightening.

From the traces of the battle, they could see it.

The battle just now was so tragic! The ground collapsed, cracked, and cracks spread thousands of meters away.

"This battle is terrible!"

Mawson's scalp was numb and he couldn't help feeling shivering.

Even if he didn't witness the battle, when he thought that just the collision between two people would make this island such a mess, his heart palpitated.

"What terrifying power is required to do this!"

Rockstar and Weino also felt the difference.

The battle just now was really terrifying! It can be said that the sky is shattering! Witnessing the horror of the battle just now, the three of Roxda and the others couldn't help thinking when they saw the twin islands that had never sunk into the sea.

It is a great luck that this island is still floating on the sea.

Although most places are in tatters with the interference of the aftermath.

But at the very least, it can still exist in the waters of the New World.

If you are unlucky.

It was only normal for the entire island to be sunk in the kind of... battle just now.

"team leader."

The Rockstar trio 3 quickly walked to Lu En's side, looking in awe.

"You are here."

Lu En was still beside the corpse of the epidemic at the moment, and with a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw the three of them, Rockstar, who landed successfully ashore.

"Captain, what's your next order?"

Wino asked.

"There is nothing to do, this trip is just to solve the epidemic.

Now that it's done, there's no need to stay here too much."

"But before I leave, I think, I still have to give a gift to the senior members of the Hundred Beast Pirates."


"Trash, learn to use it!"

Lu En's eyes flickered, staring straight at the plague's head.

In my memory.

The first level of the plague seems to be of great value! Now that the plague is dead.

Lu En also needs to learn to use waste and use the brain of the epidemic to exchange for more bounties.

In this way, it is not in vain for him to kill the plague.

Moreover, the body also suffered a lot of trauma.

"Waste use"

Mawson's trio's expression was somewhat puzzled.

Can't figure it out! Where is there any waste to use "Did you see it?"

Lu En pointed to the hideous head of the epidemic that was lying flat on the ground.

"Captain, please speak directly."

Rockstar coughed dryly.

He really couldn't understand it.

The victims of the epidemic have also died, what else can be used to use "Ask you something."

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, "I remember, as the second biggest sign of the Hundred Beast Pirates, the epidemic is so powerful, the bounty should be quite high."


Rockstar quickly nodded in approval: "Yes, Captain, Plague is the second biggest sign of the Beast Pirates, and his bounty is as high as: [-] billion Berry!"

Although Rockstar's strength is not very top, it belongs to the kind that is quite satisfactory in the new world.

But in many ways.

such as.

These intelligence information, etc., Rockstar still heard a little.

Of course, more accurate information came from Nuo's mouth.

The Destruction Squad has always had a clear division of labor! Weino is in charge of news and intelligence! Mawson is in charge of navigating and judging the direction! Rockstar is responsible for carrying the trip to sea and storing all the supplies! And Lu En is responsible for solving troubles! This is the Destruction Squad!" and many more!"

Weino's pupils shrank, as if thinking of something.

He widened his eyes and stared blankly at Lu En, "Captain, don't you think so?"

"What's the meaning"

Rockstar and Mawson half-talked to Weino, expressing their dissatisfaction.

This guy doesn't know.

Halfway through speaking, are you going to be chopped off? "This, this!"

Winor's throat was dry and he couldn't speak.

"Looks like you guessed it."

Lu En smiled.

Wei Nuo's head has always been very flexible, and his reaction is faster than that of Rockstar and Mawson.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to be responsible for the intelligence information.

"It turned out to be true!"

Weino was stunned.

He couldn't imagine that his own captain's act was simply crazy! "Captain, what kind of riddle are you two playing?"

Mason couldn't help but ask.

He and Rockstar were in a mess.

Can't wait to find out the truth.

"Captain, can you tell me?"

Weino exhaled heavily.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, when the time comes, everyone in this sea will know about it."

Lu En waved his hand with a look of indifference on his face.

After getting Lu En's permission.

Wei Nuo suppressed the shock in his heart, swallowed his saliva, and took a deep breath, and then explained to the two of Rockstar: "The captain's intention is to exchange the head of the plague with the navy for a bounty! "

"And this is what the captain just said."

"Waste use!"

The words fall.

The atmosphere was silent! Rockstar and Mawson opened their mouths, looking at Lu En with a horrified expression, their heads became blank.

Oh my goodness, what did they hear! They have to exchange the head of the plague for the bounty! Does this mean that they will completely offend the Dead Beast Pirates! When the time comes.

The people of the Hundred Beasts Pirates will definitely not give up! Epidemics can kill you.

In the sea of ​​the new world, no one is immortal.

Even if it is an epidemic, the second biggest sign of the Dignified Beasts Pirates will die at the hands of others.

All of this, Kaido and the others will never ask too much.

Whoever dies can only show the lack of strength! However, if the head of the plague is directly taken away and exchanged for the bounty, this is definitely a serious challenge to the entire Beast Pirates! The concept of the two is completely Different! They never expected it.

My own captain is so crazy! Take the head of the epidemic and exchange it for the bounty! You call this waste utilization! "Captain, this is not appropriate."

Roxtar's tone was weak, and there was an uneasy mood swing.

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