"What conditions"

Lu En asked curiously.

"If Quinn doesn't die, and I leave him alive, I can give you a certain price as compensation."

Yan disaster thought for a moment, then spoke again.


Lu En smiled, "Although I'm really curious, what is the compensation from your dignified flames.

But it's a pity, people can't be resurrected from the dead, the epidemic has died, and I can't pull him back from Huangquan Road."


The phone bug was quiet again.


I didn't even expect the fire disaster, but the epidemic disaster Quinn actually died! It's been a long time.

The fire disaster said again: "The corpse is in the twin islands"


Lu En had no intention of concealing it.

Mainly today's events, sooner or later, will spread to the sea! It's pointless to conceal it! "I see."

Except for the first time, the tone of the fire disaster had a huge ups and downs after hearing the news of the death of the epidemic disaster, the rest were controlled to a certain extent.

This made Lu En strangely ask: "It stands to reason that at this time, shouldn't you want to avenge the epidemic and be so angry?"

Indeed! Lu Enben thought that.

The fire disaster will be furious, saying that he wants to avenge the epidemic and save the face of the Beast Pirates.

But still didn't expect it.

The fire disaster is calm, a little scary! It doesn't look angry and irritable at all, but calm and natural, it sounds like it doesn't care about the death of the epidemic at all.

This surprised Lu En.

"In this sea, since there are battles, some people must die. It's not too surprising that Quinn died in your hands.

"As for revenge"

"Our Hundred Beast Pirates, of course, don't have these grudges.

It would be too irrational to seek revenge for you alone just for him alone."

Firestorm said calmly.

"That's it!"

Lu En sighed with emotion, and then said, "If, I want to hand over his head to the navy to exchange for a certain bounty at a time.

I don't think you can keep calm."

Sure enough! Just as Lu En expected.

The flame disaster's tone is stern, full of killing intent: "Destruction Swordsman, do you know what you are doing?"


"You are a provocation, a serious provocation against the Beast Pirates!"

"so what"

Lu En smiled brightly.

Without waiting for Yan disaster to let go of his harsh words, he directly hung up the phone bug.


Crush the phone bug in your hand into powder, and slide it down from your hand.

"Still angry!"

"I thought you wouldn't care.

But you are still violent

Showing your inner anger."

The smile on Lu En's face did not diminish.

I originally thought that the mentality of the fire disaster could be better.

But when it comes to handing over the plague to the navy, the flames are still furious.

"Captain, let's go next"

Rockstar couldn't help but reminded.


Lu En's expression was calm, and he glanced at the distant sea area, "Help me contact the person in charge of the Absolute Mir and let them rush to Twin Island in the Void Sea, and hand over the head of the epidemic to them."

"Yes, Captain."

According to Lu En's instructions, Rockstar quickly took out the phone bug and contacted the absolute Mir.

As for how these pirates deal with Lu En, he turned his eyes and glanced at the pirates next to him.

I noticed Lu En's gaze.

They started to panic.

"Master Dasha Jianhao, you, you promised us just now that you will let us live."

Some pirates shivered.

"Captain, do you want to solve them?"

Mason asked eagerly.

"It's okay to let them go."

Lu En's expression was calm.

It's just a group of small trash fish, it doesn't matter to him whether to kill it or not.

Anyway, these little trash fish can't make any big waves.

In Lu En's eyes, these small roles have no weight at all.

Similar to this kind of trash, when Lu En stabbed it down before.

In an instant, more than [-] seconds have passed! It can be seen from this.

Lu En's attitude towards these pirates belongs to the kind that can be killed or not.

"Yes, Captain."

Mo Sen shook his head helplessly.

0 He also intends to let these small trash fish come to accompany him to warm up! With his strength, dealing with these small trash fish, of course, should not be too easy.

"Many, thank you Lord Shattering Swordsman."

A group of pirates looked terrified and worshipped Lu En.

to this.

Lu En didn't care too much.

Waited for about half an hour:.

The head of Absolute Mir is here.

On Lu En's side, he also successfully took out the head of the plague from the swamp forest of Rockstar and handed it over to the person in charge of the absolute Mir this time.

The person in charge of the Absolute Mir this time is a woman of about thirty years old, tall, very beautiful and full of mature taste, with delicate and charming facial features.


in front of Lu En.

This... the person in charge looked extremely humble, lowered her head, concealing the deep fear and shock wrapped in her big eyes.

Of course she couldn't imagine it.

The plague was actually killed! This is the plague! The second biggest sign of the Dignified Beasts Pirates! And the one who killed the plague was the... Destruction Swordsman! This made her face When dealing with Lu En, his tone was more respectful and humble, his pretty face was full of respectful expressions, and he seemed very restrained.

"Okay, let's decide on the conditions you just said."

Lu En waved his hand and didn't entangle with the person in charge too much.

"Yes, Master Destruction Swordsman.

Please rest assured, we will handle all this for you carefully and properly, and there will be no accidents."

The voice of the person in charge was pleasant, but his tone was filled with deep awe.

Of course she knew.

What a terrifying existence the Swordsman of Destruction is! Not to mention that the plague was killed by this...! Even if we look at the new world, basically everyone has heard of this prestige! Let alone.

Now it is as strong as a top powerhouse like the epidemic.

Actually, she also died in the hands of Shattering Swordsman! This made her repay Lu En with a more awe-inspiring attitude.


After handing over the head of the epidemic to Absolute Mir, Lu En also went well, and got about [-] million bery: pure profit! Because the identity of the epidemic is unusual, Absolute Mir also needs to take part of the risk.

Therefore, the higher fees are excusable.

And Lu En wouldn't bother with them about these fees.

to him.

Being able to get a lot of Berry's harvest from the epidemic is already a pleasant surprise, and I don't expect too much.


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