No one could have predicted it at the time.

In such a short period of time, Lu En can grow to such a level! It's too incredible! "This kid has grown to the point where we can't even imagine it."

"Who said no, this kid's growth rate is too fast!"

"I still remember the scene when the boy Lu En just joined our red-haired pirates, just like yesterday.

In just a few months, it has become the backbone of our Red Hair Pirates!"

Yes! For most of the crew of the Red Hair Pirates.

The current Lu En is the backbone of the Red-haired Pirates! The strength can be ranked in the top three grades! As strong as Jesus Bu, Rakiru, they are no longer Lu En's opponents.

Only the redhead and Ben Beckman can push Luen a little

But everyone can imagine.

In a short time, with Lu En's terrifying growth rate, it is not a big problem to surpass these two.


the hearts of the crew

He couldn't help crying.

With such a monster as a companion, that kind of mood makes them both love and hate.

"Boy, what's your plan next?"

The redhead looked at Lu En with a smile.

"Captain, I can see from your eyes that you have plans and arrangements"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

I can feel that the redhead has some plans! "Is my expression so obvious?"

The redhead couldn't help laughing.

"It's almost written on the face."

Lu En also showed a smile.

"The new world is so chaotic, most of them are fighting for the territory left by the old man Whitebeard.

The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates have been unable to resist the plundering of these pirates."

"They are very smart. In order to save the last power, they voluntarily give up the dominion of these territories and reserve these powers to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates once."

"That's why."

"The battle of the pirates for territory has become more intense.

Among them, the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Charlotte Family have all intervened on the battlefield, fighting for territory."

"Although I don't want to get involved in these troublesome things, since you can't settle down.

Here, I have something that I want to leave to you to complete."

The red hair looked at Lu En.

"What does it mean to be unable to settle down?"

Lu En couldn't help complaining.

"Ha ha!"

The redhead laughed, "If you could settle down, there wouldn't be so much trouble.

Let’s be honest, do you want to do this?”


Lu En asked, "Can you disclose it first?"


The redhead nodded, "It's mainly about the territory left by the old man Whitebeard.

As we all know, the Whitebeard Pirates rule a vast area of ​​the sea."

"There are some more important places, such as Fishman Island."

"Fishman Island was once under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But with the death of the old man, Whitebeard, Fishman Island has become an unoccupied place."

"The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates have no time to take care of the movements on the Fishman Island, and they are already unable to protect themselves.

However, there are definitely not a few forces that seek to seize Fishman Island."

"Because of the special geographical environment of Fishman Island, countless forces want to seize the jurisdiction of Fishman Island.

According to what I have learned."

"The Charlotte family and the others have already dispatched people to try to take over Fishman Island.

Originally I didn't want to interfere, but since you can't settle down."

"I will teach you to complete this matter, I am very relieved!"

The meaning of red hair is obvious.

He doesn't want to interfere too much with such things, because it's too troublesome! But unfortunately, Lu En is too troublesome.

That being the case.

The red hair also decided to send Lu En to close the battle for the fish-man island! The fish-man island is very special! It is because of its specialness that there are not a few forces that want to compete for the jurisdiction of the fish-man island.

The other four emperors, the Charlotte family, have already dispatched personnel.

It can be seen from this.

Many forces are trying to seize the fish-man island! Of course, the redhead doesn't want to be left behind! Among so many people, only Lu En 730 is the most suitable prerequisite for the task of gathering the fish-man island.

"Should you close up the Fishman Island?"

Lu En's eyes flickered.


The redhead nodded.

In short, it is to close the fish-man island and divide the fish-man island into the territory ruled by the red-haired pirates! "The battle for the territory, we have to intervene!"

Lu En looked at the red hair with a surprised smile.

"Mainly, seeing as you can't be idle, I don't arrange for you to do some things.

I'm really worried, you'll pierce the sky."

The redhead couldn't help laughing.

"Can't rest"

A question mark appeared in Lu En's head.

"Okay, what do you think?"

Redhead asked.

"No idea, since the captain has ordered it.

The only thing I can guarantee is that it is as simple as completing the task.

Fishman Island, from now on, it will belong to the territory ruled by our Red Hair Pirates."

Lu En smiled, and his tone was very confident! The mere fishman island, which has become the territory of the Red-haired Pirates, who dares to object to "Okay!"

After thinking about it for a while, the redhead couldn't help but remind, "You'd better start preparing now, the time is relatively short.

If you let the Charlotte family take one step ahead."

"At that time, if we want to close the fish-man island again, it will be a little troublesome."

At this time.

Lu En, who was about to leave, paused for a moment.

Turning his head, he asked curiously: "By the way, I don't know yet, who is the person in charge of the Charlotte family's dispatch to Fishman Island?"

In my memory.

It seems that this is the first time I have dealt with the Charlotte family, who are also members of the Four Emperor Pirates! This makes Lu En's mood: extraordinarily looking forward to it! This time, the Charlotte family dispatched Who is the person in charge of Fishman Island? "The person in charge dispatched by the Charlotte family this time seems to be one of the four dessert generals. One is called"

"Charlotte Smoothie's Female Swordsman."

"It must be her right."

After thinking for a while, the red hair said the information he had learned so far.

Chapter 666 Return to Fishman Island!The monster is here!

a few days later.

More than [-] meters under the sea.

The sea appears to be pitch-dark, especially under the sea, the sunlight cannot completely fall on the area thousands of meters under the sea, without the sunlight, the darkness here is outrageous.

Occasionally, I could see some huge black shadows passing under the sea, and that terrifying body made it impossible to see the end at a glance.

This is a sea king! In the thousands of meters under the sea, the chance of encountering a sea king will increase a lot.

That's why.

The biggest danger when a sailboat carrying a coating is diving into the sea is to encounter a sea king.

Once encountering a sea king, a little turbulence will cause the coating to rupture, and the sailor will basically die in the thousands of meters under the sea.

Even corpses will be reduced to food for these sea kings.

As the sea kings traveled through, the backs rose and fell one by one due to breathing, and they continued to rise from this area, seemingly floating to the sea.

A galvanized sailboat is constantly diving.

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