She didn't plan to stay in Dragon Palace! This cooperation with Fishman Island was directly disturbed by Lu En! Of course.

For the Charlotte family, this is not a big deal.


Smoothie's mood was a little unhappy.


Smoothie seemed to have thought of something.

Immediately after.

Her eyes burned with a bit of fighting intent, and she looked at Lu En: "However, if I can, I'd really like to experience it.

According to rumors, the terrifying swordsmanship possessed by the Destruction Swordsman.

, Is it as powerful as rumored!"

The words fall.

Neptune was stunned and looked a little terrified.

Quiet atmosphere! Eerie! Located on the seat.

Lu En couldn't help but raised his head, his eyes twinkled brightly, and the smile on his face was intriguing: "So, can I take this as your challenge to me?"

Chapter 675 Unmatched!Unprecedented pressure!

Chilling aura, spontaneously arises.

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quietly looked at Smoothie who was standing not far away, with a playful and interested expression.

can feel it.

In the air, the terrifying aura emanating from Smoothie's body swept in all directions and enveloped the huge living room.

Depressed! Neptune was in the seat, shivering.

His face was pale and his throat was dry. Looking at these two top powerhouses about to clash, he felt uneasy and didn't dare to move rashly, so he could only stiffen in the seat.

He didn't think he could interfere in a collision of this level.

One of the four dessert generals from the Pirates.

The other one is even scarier.

From the Red-haired Pirates, he was called the Swordsman of Destruction by the sea! Some time ago.

It was rumored that Quinn, the second biggest sign of the Beast Pirates, was once defeated in the hands of this shattering swordsman.

One can imagine.

How terrifying the opponent's strength is! "Obey"

"Isn't it possible, let's break the rhythm of Dragon Palace Castle"

Neptune began to panic.

A collision of this level is very likely to destroy the entire Dragon Palace City.

This made him feel stiff and restless, his fists clenched, trembling all over.

The key is that he doesn't dare to interfere in it.

Avoid, get burned! No matter who, he is definitely not something he can provoke.

Not to mention the behemoths behind the other side, the terrifying strength of these two alone is definitely not an existence that Fishman Island can provoke.

"Destroy the swordsman, hear about swordsmanship.

The level is very high.”

"I happened to be able to meet today, and I really want to see it.

I think, Mr. Destruction Swordsman, you shouldn't mind letting me know."

Smoothie's pink lips moved slightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of vigorous fighting intent.

"It's okay to warm up with you."

Lu En smiled.

He also wanted to know what level and level of strength this one of the four dessert generals from the Charlotte family was at.

Compared with the three major disasters of the Hundred Beast Pirates, how should one judge only by their appearance.

The smoothie in front of him resembled a drought at best.

And the strength of Smoothie can be in the Charlotte family except Charlotte Lingling, the second person! But drought, in the Beast Pirates, can only be used as the bottom of the three major disasters.

This can be imagined.

overall combat power.

The Beast Pirates are better than the Charlotte family! Aside from Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

The three major disasters must be far better than the four dessert stars! "Then I'm welcome."

Smoothie slowly pulled out a wide and thin blade from his back, his eyes were burning with fire, but deep in his eyes there was caution and vigilance.

She didn't dare to be careless! Yes! Facing Lu En, Smoothie didn't dare to relax at all.

Of course she knew that Lu En in front of her was a top-level powerhouse with terrifying strength! Although she didn't think that she could shake Lu En in front of her.

But she wanted to meet him.

Is the rumored shattering swordsman really as tyrannical as rumored! Smooch is confident! Even if he really challenges the opponent, the opponent will never dare to kill her! Who is she, she is the dessert of the Charlotte family One of the four generals! With such an identity here, Smudge has the confidence of the four emperors and the four emperors, and many times he does not dare to tear his face. If you kill her, things will change qualitatively.

That's what comes to mind.

Smoothie dared to raise the knife directly and made a move to challenge Lu En.

She concluded that Lu En would not dare to kill her on Fishman Island in any case! "You figured it out"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing Smoothie taking out the blade, Lu En's expression also became subtle.

It seemed that the other party really wanted to fight with him, as if he had rarely fought with people from the Charlotte family.

No! It's not very few, but basically none! This time, I can get my wish and feel what the strength of the strong from the Charlotte family has reached.

Compared with the Beast Pirates, is it much inferior? "Come on."

The corners of Lu En's mouth twitched slightly.

The moment when he took out the demon sword Chunyu from his waist.

The bright red and demonic blade exudes a terrifying murderous aura that fills the audience! Gollum! Neptune swallowed his saliva, feeling even more terrified.


A monstrous murderous aura spread all over his body, squeezing every cell in his body, making him shiver in the seat without daring to move.

With Lu En as the center point, the monstrous murderous aura and the majestic sharp sword aura blend with each other.

The resulting pressure all swept across Smoothie in front of him.

Feel the pressure from Lu En.

Smoothie's pretty face, Weiwei, changed a little, took a light breath, and suppressed the horror in her heart.

Strong! Very strong! Lu En in front of her gives her an unparalleled sense of sight! "Is this the power to crush the drought?"

"It's so strong, it's so strong that I can't even think of a fight!"

"Let me just feel that I can't beat it!"

"Epidemic disasters are all defeated by this force."

"Can I really shake?"

Smoothie's heart shook.

Feeling the mighty coercion emanating from Lu En's whole body, Smoothie had to be moved, feeling the pressure, and pressing her shoulders heavily.

At this moment.

She finally felt it.

once Upon a time.

Drought and epidemic, what a terrifying top-level powerhouse they are facing! When he really experiences it personally, Smoothie will have a deep understanding.

It is not unreasonable that the swordsman of Destruction can be so revered by countless pirates in the new world.

All of this is based on the absolute strength of the opponent.

This is Shattering Swordsman! "According to rumors"

"A few months ago, Jianhao Destruction was just a small fish!"

"If that's true."

Smoothie's pink lips moved slightly, and the hand holding the blade couldn't help trembling.

If this is true, then it means! Destruction Swordsman, in just a few short months, has grown from a small fish to many ranks above her, and stepped on her ruthlessly. underfoot.

It wasn't just that she was trampled down, but the sea area of ​​the New World, countless top powerhouses.

Such as drought, epidemic, they were all trampled! "I finally understand why this guy, epidemic, chose to attack the swordsman before.

In the face of a monster with such a terrifying talent, if it were me, I could not help but want to make a sneak attack!"

Smoothie finally understood.

The reason why the epidemic attacked at that time was purely because the swordsman of Destruction was too scary! Even the epidemic had to make a sneak attack to avoid future troubles! I didn't expect it.


Still let the broken swordsman survive, and grow 730 into a more terrifying monster! "The gap is huge!"

"However, I still want to experience it for myself.

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