"The news has now completely spread to the new world, Mr. Destruction Swordsman, do you really not know?"

Cavendish smiled bitterly.

"I just returned to the new world from Fishman Island, but I haven't heard the news."

Lu En said bluntly.

"The culprit is the Blackbeard Pirates!"

Cavendish told the truth.

Lu En of the Blackbeard Pirates narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

I didn't expect it! It turned out to be this group of crazy guys.

But after thinking about it, only the guy Blackbeard would do something similar, and he didn't take into account the consequences that would happen later.

"Blackbeard, I do believe that he will indeed do such a thing.

But this kind of thing, you actually contacted me, and want to give me a commission"

"That means"

Lu En's eyes twinkled, and there was a strange smile on his face.

Not hard to imagine.

This time, Cavin Qi came to find his destination! Lu En can think of the content of this commission with his toes.

Nothing more than.

I just want to entrust myself to help 730 deal with the Blackbeard Pirates! Sure enough! Calvin said truthfully: "Mr. Destruction Swordsman, this time the Blackbeard Pirates went too far.

This has caused the wrath of the elders on our Absolute Mir!"

"Therefore, they started giving orders.

No matter how much you pay, you must gather the top powerhouses of the sea to jointly deal with the Blackbeard Pirates!"

"So, I came to you this time. I want to get rid of your entrustment. The main thing is to let you participate in the summons and deal with the Blackbeard Pirates together with the rest of the top powerhouses!"

After listening to Kavinci's words.

Lu En didn't take the lead in rejecting it, but asked with great interest: "I want to ask me to take over the commission, and it's not a low price to deal with the security guys of the Blackbeard Pirates."

"So, have you already thought about what price you will pay?"

Dealing with the Blackbeard Pirates is not... such a simple matter.

Of course, Lu En wouldn't be stupid, so he was hooked by Kavin Qi's words! Even Lu En may have accidents when dealing with the Blackbeard Pirates! Lu En must think deeply before deciding on this kind of thing.

"This reward will definitely satisfy you, Mr. Shattering Swordsman."

Cavendish seems deeply confident about it.

"Oh yeah, why don't you talk about it now?"

Lu En's smile seemed a little playful.

Dealing with the Blackbeard Pirates is not an easy task.

And the absolute Mir, if you want to please yourself, this price is by no means an ordinary reward! For this.

Lu En wanted to see it too.

Please use yourself to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates. This is definitely a Mir. What kind of price will be spent as a reward? Not all rewards, Lu En will express his heart! "The reward is"

"A great sharp knife!"

When Cavendish said this.


Lu En couldn't calm down.

His eyes narrowed, his expression became serious, and the playful smile on his face also subsided.

It's actually a supreme knife! This is really, an irresistible and attractive reward! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter 686 Commission!Head to the Mir headquarters!

Handheld phone bug.

Lu En's eyes flickered, fell into silence, and began to think in his heart, weighing the pros and cons.


Cavinqi took the initiative to contact him, which made Lu En feel very new.


The other party contacted him, but it was still a commission from Absolute Mir.

The content of the entrustment is even simpler, let Lu En take the initiative to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates.

Of course.

It doesn't mean that Lu En is the only one.

Since the Absolute Mir has already boasted about Haikou, it is naturally impossible to contact Lu En alone as reinforcement.


When the time comes to support, the number of strong players in the Blackbeard Pirates will not be too small.

It's just that it's not known how many can be summoned.

A top-level powerhouse like Lu En, looking at the new world, the number is too rare.

And the absolute Mir, who wants to worry about such a top powerhouse on weekdays, the price that needs to be spent is too high! "A supreme and fast knife"

"In exchange for me, against the Blackbeard Pirates"

"It looks like I'm in the rhythm of earning blood!"

"But why do I always feel that something is not right!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

If it is absolutely Mir, if you want him to make a move, it seems that it does not need to cost such a big price.

This is a supreme sword! A treasure whose value cannot be measured! Looking at the sea, the supreme sword is so scarce! Even Hawkeye is only in control of a supreme sword.

This time.

Absolute Mir, even willing to take out the supreme knife as a reward "No wonder!"

"Before I commissioned Absolute Mir to help me collect news of the Supreme Sword, and they haven't heard any news for so long."

"The feeling is that they absolutely hide a great sword in the Mir."

"It's just that I simply don't want to sell this treasure to the outside world."

Lu En could understand a similar mentality.

Mainly because the Supreme Sword is too precious.

Absolutely Mir is reluctant to sell it to the outside world, but it is excusable, and it is still in line with Lu En's expectations.

But this time.

In order to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates, Absolute Mir was willing to take out the Supreme Sword as a reward. I don't know why! Lu En always felt that this was obviously the rhythm that made Absolute Mir hemorrhage.


The deal is not equal! Yes! Although Lu En made a lot of money, he had to admit that this deal was not in line with the philosophy that Absolute Mir used to implement.

As a businessman! Moreover, Absolute Mir is the largest group of businessmen in the sea.

How could they possibly come up with a deal that would make them absolutely mired in blood.

That's what comes to mind.

It made Lu En a little hesitant.

Is it impossible! The absolute Mir is just empty words. In fact, the other party has no supreme sword at all.

! "

"Now they are all annoyed by the Blackbeard Pirates.

At this time, how could they dare to choose to provoke me."

"But the problem is that this transaction is really completely unequal.

Let me make a move, and I actually paid a supremely sharp knife.

It’s still unimaginable.”

Lu En's mind turned frantically.

While Lu En was thinking.

all around.

The three of Rockstar also noticed it, and the expression on Lu En's face was strange.

They dared not speak, breaking the conversation between Lu En and the phone bug.


Cavin Qi, who was opposite the phone bug, did not dare to breathe heavily, for fear of disturbing the decision.

among his many clients.


The swordsman of destruction, Lu En, is the most powerful one. If this... accepts the entrustment, there is no doubt that Cavinqi is confident that his status can be greatly improved in the absolute Mir! "You are sure, Reward is the ultimate knife.”

Lu En opened his mouth.

He was still a little unimaginable.

Absolute Mir, even willing to take out such a treasure, ask him to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates.

The opposite Cavinci was silent for a while.

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