The potential of the murloc undead body is enormous! From here.

Lu En became more determined, if he had more attribute points, he had to improve the idea of ​​the undead body of a half-murloc.

This skill is the foundation of life-saving! If it really improves to a certain stage.

Lu En can be sure that it may not be impossible to surpass Kaido's physique! When the time comes.

Then Lu En will really become, looking at the sea of ​​the new world, the newly born strongest creature in the sea, land and air! Don't forget.

At present, the undead body of Lu En's half-murloc is only a mere 2, but it can already give Lu En such a terrible defense, resilience, vitality and so on.

Not hard to imagine.

If you increase ten 10 levels, or even twenty levels.

At that time.

The immortal body of the half-murloc will definitely bring much greater changes to Lu En! "Swordsmanship.

In this respect, it has been raised to a very high level.”

"The rest, armed colors, are already at a higher level.

On the contrary, the level of the knowledge color has been unable to keep up with the armed color.

But forget it, the demigods don't

The body of death is the most important thing!"

Lu En's eyes flickered.

He has an unprecedented desire to improve the undead body of a half-murloc! Only by truly feeling it can he understand Lu En's current mood.

"Thank you, Master Shattering Swordsman!"

Green Pepper and many other pirates looked at Lu En gratefully, their eyes filled with admiration, and they were filled with awe.

in the past.

They only heard of Lu En's fame from the rumors.

But only the pictures of Lu En fighting with others can only be seen with his own eyes.

Only then can they understand why so many pirates in the New World are so in awe of the rumored Sword of Destruction.

With the end of the battle just now.

They understood.

This is a real monster! It's the first time they see a hero who can blast poison with his bare hands! "As expected of the rumored, Destruction Swordsman!"

"It's really our luck that the Mir can invite this kind of monster for reinforcements."

"If it weren't for Master Shattering Jianhao, I can't imagine who could stop the poison at that time.

The poison that burst out with all its strength is indeed terrifying and a little outrageous!"

"But it's fine."

"For Lord Shattering Swordsman, all of this is stress-free.

Even without even using a knife, he will solve all this with his bare hands!"

People are emotional.

"Okay, I've successfully completed the Mir entrustment, and I'm about to leave.

The next thing is left to you to deal with, and you each clean up the mess."

Lu En glanced at Green Pepper and other pirates from the Eight Treasures Navy.

Not hard to imagine.

This group of pirates is a temporary action group headed by the Eight Treasures Navy! "Yes, Master Destruction Swordsman."

Green Pepper and the others nodded quickly.


Lu En took a step and was about to leave Tianluo Island.

The content of the Mir entrustment is to solve this group of people from the Blackbeard Pirates.

And Lu En, it has been solved smoothly.

It's pointless to continue to stay here! And.

Lu En didn't want to waste extra time here, the most important thing was to return to the Mir and collect his own supreme sword.

The assignment is complete.

Once he gets the Supreme Great Sword and that Great Sword, he and the Mir will cancel each other out without any arrears.



Just when Lu En was about to leave Tianluo Island.

In the endless sea in the distance, a pirate ship suddenly appeared.

Clap la la! The ocean current flutters, and the turbulent rippling ripples drift farther.

This pirate ship is located several kilometers away from the sea, and it is sailing in the direction of Tianluo Island at this moment.

As the pirate ship approached.


Lu En saw the whole picture of the pirate ship, as well as the skull flag floating on the pirate ship with the sea breeze, which was clearly displayed in the depths of his eyes.

"It seems to be"

"Flag of the Blackbeard Pirates"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly, slightly surprised.

at the same time.

I couldn't see who was standing on the deck of the pirate ship! A mass of black matter had already risen from the pirate ship, and quickly began to spread over this area with a radius of [-] meters.

It is like a black screen, covering the sky and the sun, completely obscuring the sunlight on the horizon.

The dazzling halo sprinkled, but was directly swallowed up by this black screen, unable to evaporate.

The whole sky has become: extraordinarily dark.

The movement here.

Naturally also aroused their awareness of green peppers.

They looked horrified, looked around suspiciously, and looked around.

"Lord Shattering Swordsman, what the hell happened?"

A pirate was a little uneasy, and looked at Lu En's back quickly and couldn't help asking.

This is the first time they have experienced this phenomenon, so it is inevitable that they will be a little uneasy.

"Here comes a troublesome fellow."

Lu En's eyes glide through a ray of light, and his tone is intriguing.

Before seeing this shady group, he couldn't judge which ship the other party was in the big group of the Blackbeard Pirates.

But seeing this group, it can be called a dark curtain that covers the sky and the sun.

In an instant, Lu En could be absolutely certain.

Come on, there must be no surprises.

It should be the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard Tiki! An alien with two Devil Fruits! Only Blackbeard can release this monstrous shady scene.

This shady mess, if nothing else, should be a unique phenomenon created by Blackbeard using his dark fruit.

did not expect.

In the ghost place of Tianluo Island, this guy Blackbeard has been attracted! Even Lu En didn't expect it.

"black beard"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't know if your strength has improved compared to the beginning!"

With an expectant smile on Lu En's face, he looked deeply at the pirate ship thousands of meters away.

The footsteps that were about to leave, but with the arrival of the pirate ship, stopped abruptly.

Chapter 714 Blackbeard's Shot!The power of the shocking fruit!

The monstrous dark curtain rises hundreds of meters in the sky, obscuring the sky and the sun.

Even the dazzling halo emanating from the scorching sun hanging on the horizon could not penetrate this dark curtain.

Everything in the world fell into an endless darkness.

A terrifying aura swept in all directions, wrapping the entire Tianluo Island.

Depressed! Everyone can feel the majestic murderous ups and downs in the air, making them goosebumps and creepy.

Clouds of black mist, like night, enveloped the sky in this area, swallowed up all the sunlight, and the breath was particularly gloomy.

The air temperature has dropped.

The sea breeze blows.

Biting chills lingered everywhere.

Wow! The waves are rolling, and a huge pirate ship is constantly approaching the direction of Tianluo Island.

at the same time.


The black beard dressed as a black pirate admiral, with anger and killing intent in his eyes, stared coldly in the direction of Tianluo Island, his right arm turned into an infinite black mist, and curled up.

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