"Faced with monsters of this level, it is completely reasonable that the poison cannot be resisted.

Even if

So, today, I still want you to die!"

Blackbeard grinned.

For Lu En's strength, he was only surprised for a moment.


He adjusted his mood and prepared to brew a second offensive! I have to say.

Lu En's strength is indeed far beyond Blackbeard's expectations.

But that's all! Blackbeard felt unparalleled confidence in his own strength just after he got the Zhenzhen Fruit.

Of course he didn't think that dealing with Lu En this time would fall into Lu En's hands.

He must win! Who is he, he is Blackbeard! "I am a man with two Devil Fruits!"

Blackbeard laughed wildly.


His left fist continued to condense a layer of soft white halo, and began to strike against the air.

Crack! The atmosphere is torn apart again.

Spread like cracks in a spider's web.

at the same time.

The shocking force immediately began to impact the sea.

That's right! This punch is not aimed at Lu En in front, but at the surrounding sea.

With the power of this punch, it poured into the sea.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the ocean current began to churn wildly.

Clap la la! The monstrous waves were formed. Like a tsunami, the ocean current directly rose hundreds of meters in the sky.

"Sea quake and tsunami!"

Blackbeard laughed.

Watching helplessly, the tsunami he created was aimed at Tianluo Island ahead.

He is looking forward to how Lu En can stop this attack! This is a tsunami! The terrifying power of nature is triggered! And he, Blackbeard, controls such a terrifying power, what can the opponent use to fight him! "The power under my control is enough to destroy the world!"

"A mere shattering swordsman, what are you fighting me with?"

"I'm a black beard, the throne of the four emperors, I'm going to set it!"

Blackbeard looked forward with a smile on his face.

at the same time.

Loen in Tianluo Island.

As well as the green peppers of the Eight Treasures Marine Corps, Lao Cai, and the others, they also noticed that this terrifying monstrous wave, like a tsunami, vented towards the place where they were standing.

"Sea, tsunami!"

"My God, the monster Blackbeard can even trigger a tsunami!"

"It's over!"

"This is a tsunami, the terrifying force of nature!"

When they have experienced the power of nature, green peppers can deeply realize their own insignificance.

"Zhenzhen Fruit, this is the terrifying power of Zhenzhen Fruit!"

"Whitebeard, relying on this power, became a monster that made countless pirates in the new world feel fearful.

But now, this power is controlled by Blackbeard!"

"Now, we all have to die here."

They watched helplessly as the monstrous tsunami fell from a height of hundreds of meters, standing on the spot with ashen faces, unable to move.

In other words, their fighting spirit has vanished.

Feeling the terrifying power of Blackbeard, they no longer dared to hope that they could survive from each other's hands.

"Even if it's as strong as Master Shattering Swordsman, it shouldn't be able to stop it."

Some pirates looked apprehensive.

Clap la la! The monstrous tsunami, the ocean current at a height of hundreds of meters, quickly impacted down.


Lu En raised his head and looked at the monstrous waves quietly.

There is no extra movement.

He raised his right arm holding the blade.

The blades are all over the armor of the armed color, exuding a fierce and majestic aura.


Lu En's knife aimed at the tsunami in the sky.

without hesitation.

Just be neat.

A slash, slash! 咻!! A dazzling and sharp slash, with a sharp edge, shot straight into the sky, aiming at the tsunami wave that was venting down from the sky.


The pirates behind Lu En were all stunned:.

Could it be that the tsunami could not be shaken! They only felt that Lu En had gone crazy! The mighty power of nature, how can manpower shake this impossible! They were all desperately waiting to die.


Blackbeard, who triggered the tsunami, also saw Lu En's slash that was approaching desperation.

Blackbeard couldn't help laughing, his smile was wild and wanton: "Destruction Swordsman, your strength is indeed very strong.

But what you are facing is a tsunami, a tsunami caused by Lao Tzu using the Zhenzhen Fruit himself!"

"In the face of a tsunami, even if you are as powerful as you, you will definitely be able to deeply appreciate it."

"Manpower, how insignificant!"

Boom! A loud bang.

Lu En's slash directly hit the monstrous tsunami in the sky.

In an instant! The terrifying power directly penetrates and impacts the ocean current.

The ocean currents rolled, and the sea water splashed and danced in the sky.

Clap la la! The tsunami with unstoppable momentum was abruptly torn apart by a ferocious and violent gap.

That's right! This terrifying tsunami was cut off by this slash! From the middle.

Slash, cut through the sky, and directly tear open the huge crack!

After the huge wave and tsunami was cut off by Lu En's slash in the middle, the sea still fell from the sky, but it was vented to the left and right of the position where Lu En was standing.

Chapter 716 The power of mortals can also shine brightly!

Wow! The sea water fell from a height of hundreds of meters and fell frantically.

This monstrous tsunami was originally condensed into a sea current.

But with the terrifying slash just now, it was directly torn from the middle, forming two ocean currents.

The place where the tsunami hit originally was where Lu En was standing.

But this knife changed it abruptly! Thus.

Two ocean currents fell from a height of hundreds of meters, and frantically vented on the left and right sides of Lu En, under the soil hundreds of meters apart.

Boom! Boom! The loud noise spread far and wide, lingering in this area.

The terrifying ocean current slammed into Tianluo Island, uprooting many of the remaining trees on the entire island, and continued to spread farther away with the ocean current.

The destructive power of a tsunami is terrifying.

From the height of hundreds of meters, the ocean current that directly falls down is very terrifying to lethality to people.

But okay.

At this moment, the place hit by the ocean current was forcibly moved by Lu En to the position where there were no people.


With the impact of the tsunami, the soil hundreds of meters away on both sides were directly bombarded into depressions, and the cracks became more and more obvious.

The ferocious and deep cracks began to pour in a lot of seawater, filling the cracks and quickly overflowing.

Tick ​​tock! A little bit of sea water falls wildly and chaotically from the sky.

Feel the cold water.

Located behind Luen.

The green pepper, Lao Cai, Abu and other three leaders of the Eight Treasures Marine Corps, as well as many other big pirates summoned by the Mir, looked sluggish, and stood stiffly in place, motionless.

They were really dumbfounded.

Just a moment ago.

Facing the monstrous tsunami, they were all ready to be submerged by the tsunami.

But never expected.

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