It's defense, when it's broken.

So a crack was born from this wall! "Not good!"

Blackbeard's pupils shrank.

He wanted to make amends, but it was too late! In his eyes.

see clearly.

The wall he brewed with the dark fruit is known as a wall that can devour all power.

At this moment, he was torn apart by Lu En's slashing one after another! The dark curtain that could devour everything was torn apart! Thus.

The target of the slash has also become Blackbeard! The so-called, can devour all power.

at this moment.

Blackbeard's previous words were reduced to a ridiculous joke! The wall that blocked Lu En was torn open wider and wider.

"Do not!"

Blackbeard's face changed drastically, his mood was horrified, and he began to back away frantically.

But the speed of the slash is far faster than his reaction.

When the wall is torn apart.

The dazzling and sharp slashes aimed at Blackbeard's body and chopped off without reservation!

Chapter 721 Blackbeard is going to doubt his life!

The unparalleled aura and oppression swept through Blackbeard's body, covering every cell in his body.

This slash, cut through the shady curtain, and penetrated the world! Already, it aimed at Blackbeard's body! And Blackbeard, who was oppressed by the breath of this slash, only felt that every cell in his body began to tremble.

The biting chill pierced through the sky from the soles of his feet, causing Blackbeard to shiver all over.

"Stop it for Lao Tzu!"

Blackbeard gritted his teeth and roared in horror.

Clenched left fist.

A soft white halo enveloped the fist.


He suddenly struck at the slash that struck at this moment.

Crack! The atmosphere is torn apart again.

The terrifying concussion force penetrates the air and rushes forward swiftly.

But the slash is already close at hand! It is infinitely enlarged from Blackbeard's eyes, containing a terrifying and sharp slash, blooming with a dazzling and dazzling halo, and at the same time spreading the majestic and surging violent force of coercion.

It was this slash that broke the black curtain that Blackbeard said could 'devour everything'! That wall was torn apart! Blackbeard's face was also swollen.

What he said was the shady curtain that could devour all power, but it was still unstoppable, and it came from the terrifying slashes of Luen, the swordsman who destroyed him.

Just like Lu En's guess.

Any defense can't be called absolute, it has the limit of what it can carry.

And Luen.

These slashes happened to break the limit of Blackbeard's defense of releasing the shady! So the shady was torn apart! And everything Blackbeard said before has become a ridiculous joke! In this world, Ben There is no so-called absolute defense! Even if it is as strange as a dark fruit, it is the same, no exception! When the load is too large, the so-called defense will be fragmented.

It's like, at this moment! This fierce slash became the force that finally broke through the defense limit, and aimed at Blackbeard's body.

at the same time.

Blackbeard urges the shaking fruit.

this moment.

He smelled, the smell of death! "Empty shock!"

A loud drink.

The terrifying shock force rubbed against the incoming slash.

It is located less than five meters in front of Blackbeard.

Two terrifying and majestic forces officially collided! Boom! A loud bang, deafening! The two violent forces collided instantly, and the generated forces rubbed against each other.

The terrifying airflow, with the collision place as the center point, swept in all directions rapidly, and completely spread all the people and objects in this area.


Even Blackbeard was not immune to the aftermath.

He is standing in the closest range of the power explosion! Because Lu En's slashing speed is really too fast! If it wasn't for the moment just now, Blackbeard immediately released the shock fruit, he would have used his body to block Lu En from the front at this moment. This slash.

In this case, what the consequences will be? Blackbeard shudders and can't imagine! His physique, of course, is far from that of Kaido's monsters.

The best thing about Blackbeard is his control of Devil Fruits.

In addition, he is carrying two Devil Fruits, which is the source of his strength.

If he uses his body to block Lu En's slash, even if he is a black beard, this slash will seriously injure him.

Boom! The two forces collided, as if the air had been cracked.

The space around was squirming frantically.

The terrifying air flow produced affects all objects in this area.

Kacha! Kacha! The earth was torn open again and again, and it kept collapsing.

Although the ground has been covered with a layer of black dark matter, it is still possible to hear the sound of the ground collapsing, making the scalp tingle.

With the influence of this airflow.

Even if Blackbeard unleashed 'Dark Acupuncture', the impact of this power was too terrifying.

Visible to the naked eye.

The layer of dark matter beneath his feet was actually torn apart by the aftershock air flow generated by these two forces, and a vacuum was torn apart, revealing the original appearance of the soil.

"Block me!"

Blackbeard's face was full of madness.

at this time.

Air currents swept over his body.


A strange hot breath burned his body cells! "Ah!"

The tingling sensation quickly flowed through Blackbeard's body, making him unable to help but start

Screaming, and there were bursts of piercing screams of pain.

well known.

Blackbeard's physique is very special! However, his strange physique has one of the biggest flaws! That is, the injury and pain on the body will be twice as painful as usual! So! The friction between the slash and the shock force, As for the attack effect from the slash, that is, the moment when the body that covers Blackbeard is burned.

Blackbeard felt the taste of life and death! It was so painful! Twice the pain, it was unbearable! At the same time.

The aftermath of the shock hit Blackbeard's body.

Boom! In an instant.

Blackbeard was knocked into the air by dozens of meters for support, and rolled on the ground several times before it stopped.

But the tingling sensation still made Blackbeard roar unbearably, rolling on the ground constantly, his feet staring at the ground constantly, it seemed like a child playing a rogue again, it looked very funny.

"This power! This power!"

"Destruction Swordsman is definitely not a capable person, but why does he have such a strange power!"

"The hull cracked just now, it's not accidental!"

"The slash of the Destruction Swordsman contains some kind of extremely strange power.

In addition to the shocking force that gave me a sense of familiarity, there is another, burning!"

"Ace's Burn!"

While Blackbeard rolled on the ground and endured the stinging pain in his body, his mind slid frantically.

Soon he figured it out.

These two powers, coincidentally, are very close to the characteristics of Whitebeard's Shock Fruit and Ace's Burning Fruit.

In other words, the same goal is achieved by different paths! Although it cannot be truly revealed, the power contained in the slash is definitely these two types! "But this, how is it possible!"

Blackbeard was completely shocked.

The characteristics of two Devil Fruit abilities! This is impossible! Blackbeard is about to doubt his life.

What he encountered now has almost overturned his cognitive concept.

The shaking fruit is now under his control! One thing is certain.

In this sea, it is impossible for two identical Devil Fruits to appear at the same time! However, what power and why just now gave him a sense of familiarity! Except for the aftermath of the shock.

Blackbeard has also endured that stinging burning sensation! This is why Blackbeard can still understand if the burning fruit is not affected by the aftermath of the shock.

Perhaps, it was the monster that broke the sword, and got the burning fruit.

When Ace dies, the burning fruit will naturally be transferred to this sea and the rest of the pirates.

But the problem is that it's not just the burning! There's even the aftermath of the shock! How can this be explained! Aside from his black beard now, he's in control of the shock fruit.

Lu En's slash alone contained two powers similar to Devil Fruits, which was enough to make Blackbeard's head go blank.

What's the situation! Could it be! In this sea, the person who has two Devil Fruits is not the only one! Facing the current Lu En, Blackbeard felt it for the first time.

The matter is far beyond the scope of his control! "Destruction Sword Master, this, this monster!"

"Mo Fei"

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