Although Blackbeard's injury has not healed, the blood flow has indeed stopped! "Blackbeard, come again!"

No wait: Blackbeard adjusted his state, and Lu En's attack had already arrived in front of him.

"Destroy the swordsman, I will kill you!"

Blackbeard is furious.

Left fist strike.

Kacha! The atmosphere is split! Lu En's eyes have a ray of light.

Holding the famous sword Thunderstorm, he slashed at Blackbeard's body.

With the power of the shock, an extremely strong impact erupted.

Boom! With a loud bang.

The island is really shaking this time! Even spectators who are separated by thousands of meters can deeply feel that the soil under their feet is shaking violently, making people dizzy.

"Island, is it going to collapse?"

"The collision of these two monsters is difficult, and it will really destroy the entire island!"

Headed by the green peppers of the Eight Treasures Marine Corps, there were more than [-] people in total, their faces were shocked, and their bodies were stiff and stood on the spot.

Feeling the whole island shaking and shaking, they were completely shocked.

This Tianluo Island, it seems, is really about to sink into the sea! Crash! The terrifying collision, the eruption of air swept the farther sea.

The air current hit the sea, and the calm sea surface set off waves of violent currents surging wildly.

The monstrous waves washed in all directions, constantly eroding the port coast of Tianluo Island, and it seemed that it would spread to the central prosperous area of ​​the island at any time.

The pirate ship that docked at the port was swaying continuously with the waves of the ocean current, and it was about to be overturned directly by the surging ocean current.

"It's going to sink! It's going to sink!"

"It's such a big island, it's really going to be sunk!"

Hundreds of pirates on the deck watched the fierce battle ahead and couldn't help shivering.

Chapter 725 The golden card dropped from Blackbeard!

Rumbling! The earth is shaking! The sky is falling! This is the current situation of Luo Island today! The collision between Lu En and Blackbeard is really too intense.

The battle between the two has already reached a fever pitch, and basically they are playing their cards.

Blackbeard controlled two Devil Fruits, took turns to deal with Lu En, and launched a powerful attack.

Temporary, let Luen retreat, passive defense.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A deafening sound came from the collision of shock and slash.

With the outbreak of the terrorist force, the majestic and surging airflow was born, quickly sweeping in all directions and rolling in this area.

Even the sea was affected.

The monstrous ocean waves are rolled by the influence of the air current.

Waves of surging waves rolled around, surrounding the entire Tianluo Island, and the waters in all directions were completely detonated! The earth was violent and collapsed! One after another cracks spread farther.

The scope of the battlefield is getting wider and wider.

Even if it is located more than a thousand meters away, it may still be shrouded in the aftermath.

Therefore, the spectators quickly retreated from the area five kilometers away, and looked at the battlefield ahead with a horrified expression.

This battle is really too tragic! Green pepper swears! He has been in the sea for decades, and he has seen all kinds of big scenes.

Only this level of collision produced such a terrifying aftermath.

This is the first time he has witnessed such a scene!" Destroying the swordsman, he used pure swordsmanship abruptly.

, shaking the two Devil Fruits of Blackbeard.

This feat is truly a miracle!"

"Blackbeard's physique is not very good, it's just that his control over the Devil Fruit is simply perfect.

Plus, he has two Devil Fruits, both of them are very terrifying Devil Fruits!"

"That's why it reveals the terrifying aspect of Master Shattering Swordsman."

"Rao is to deal with an alien with two Devil Fruits, but the swordsman can still be destroyed, and he can still do it, causing heavy damage to the opponent.

From this, it can be seen that the strength of Lord Shattering Swordsman is probably approaching the ranks of the Four Emperors infinitely!"

Most of the pirates deeply worshipped, with shocked expressions on their faces.

By comparison.

They still felt that the strength Lu En showed had a more intuitive shock to them.

Why because Blackbeard relies on Devil Fruits all the time! This makes them have an illusion that if they have these two Devil Fruits, they will not be inferior to Blackbeard too much.

But, Lu En alone makes them out of reach! Pure swordsmanship.

, Abruptly shakes the black beard with two Devil Fruits! What terrifying strength is this! What incredible swordsmanship is required.

Talent can only be achieved at such a young age, but he forcibly shook the deeply hidden guy Blackbeard! "This is the most exciting showdown in ten years!"

Green Pepper took a deep breath and was moved by it.

In the new world, battles break out every day! But in the past ten years, there has not been a battle that can make Qingjiao think that it can be compared with the collision between Lu En and Blackbeard in front of him.

Even at that time, the outbreak of the Whitebeard's war on the top was far less than the current one, giving Green Pepper a more intuitive sense of shock.

Rumble! The island begins to crumble.

On the coast of the port, many cracks spread, and the split stones gradually began to sink under the sea with the rolling of the current.

It can be judged from this.

This island, already riddled with holes, is on the verge of collapse! At any time, it may sink into the sea! It is located in the center of the battlefield.

Lu En held the famous sword Thunderstorm, and there were countless scars on his body, and the blood spilled out, which also infected many areas of his body.

Phew! Lu En exhaled heavily, and his breathing rhythm was a little disordered.

After this battle, even Lu En was not as easy as he looked.

The one to deal with is Blackbeard! A little careless, Lu En will be directly attacked by Blackbeard in the midfield, or even beheaded on the spot! The attacking power of the shock fruit, even with Lu En's current physique, can be parried. .

Of course he didn't dare to use his physique to forcefully block Blackbeard's shocking fruit.


Blackbeard's breathing was chaotic, without a sense of rhythm, his eyes were cold at Lu En, and there were more and more scars on his body.

"damn it!"

"Destruction Jianhao, this monster, is far more powerful than what is rumored!"

Blackbeard gritted his teeth, and felt bitter hatred in his heart.

Fighting with Luen broke out to this day.

Of course, Blackbeard already understood that the Sword of Destruction in front of him was close to his strength.

Even if there is a gap, it is definitely too much! If you want to really decide the winner, you must enter a protracted war! And a protracted war, for him, is beneficial! "The physique of this monster is outrageous! "

"A good swordsman, why is it unscientific to have such a terrifying physique!"

Blackbeard took a deep breath, his face dignified.

Since he got the Zhenzhen Fruit, he has rarely experienced such a tragic battle! Or it has been more than ten years.

He Blackbeard has experienced the most tragic battle! The fight is inseparable! "Also, what kind of power does the swordsman's slash contain."

"The burning just now still radiated from the slash and spread to my body.

How can I stop the erosion of these strange forces"

Blackbeard racked his brains and couldn't figure it out.

In the slash, why can it carry such a strange power! It can carry shock and burning! This subverts Blackbeard, who used to fight against swords

Howe's perception.

Jianhao, shouldn't he use swordsmanship as the main means? But he has never heard of it! The slash released by the swordsman can actually erode with such a strange power! Therefore.

Every time, Blackbeard neglected.

When the body was burned and eroded, Blackbeard realized that he had no choice but to endure the double stinging pain, which made him feel the pain! Kacha! Kacha! The soil under his feet split more cracks.

Boom! With more and more cracks, some unsupportable ground collapsed directly and fell below, turning into a bottomless pit.

There are more and more pits like this.

It can be judged from this.

It is not far from the sinking of this island! "Although I was not used to this blade at first, now I have gradually been able to control it!"

Lu En held the famous sword Thunderstorm, and his whole body exuded a mighty edge and rose into the sky.

Using a new blade is indeed not as good as the demon sword that Lu En has used for a long time.

But after a brief collision with Blackbeard's outbreak, Lu En's mastery of the famous sword Thunderstorm among his opponents became higher and higher as time went by.

Boom! Luen attacked again.

One-handed swordsmanship.

, in the hands of the most vivid display.

"Big Earthquake!"


"Empty shock!"

As Lu En and Blackbeard collide more and more fiercely.

The soil under my feet was completely torn apart by the airflow! A crack was born.

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