into the eyes of everyone around.

confuse them.

Is this the final showdown? Suddenly, they were looking forward to the final showdown, and they were full of energy and focused on the final showdown! "Unusual feeling!"

Blackbeard raised his brows and looked at Lu En's direction, feeling a little wrong in his heart.

I just thought about it carefully, but I couldn't say what was wrong.


Suddenly, Blackbeard's expression changed slightly.

Yes! Lu En's aura has changed a lot from just now! The moment when the famous sword thunderstorm aimed at Blackbeard.

Lu En moved.

The action is neat and tidy, without the slightest hesitation.

Knife up and down.

The blade ripped open the air in an instant!

The space seems to have been torn apart by a gap, and it is constantly creeping weakly.

With this knife, everything is exhausted! Lu En burst out all the strength from his body, condensed in his right arm, and quickly poured into the blade of the famous sword Thunderstorm in his hand.

After brewing for a long time.


The knife fell.

The blade contained an extremely terrifying and majestic power, and the blade was instantly forced out, forming a purple spiritual slash that gradually turned into a semi-circular arc.

"Secret swordsmanship.

Yan back!"

Slash, forced out from the blade.

Take everything in front of Lu En as the target! The slash is inexhaustible, with an unstoppable and terrifying momentum, it rushes forward.

The dazzling and sharp slash shone with the light of these words, almost like the second round of scorching sun on the horizon.

The slash is wrapped in an extremely terrifying shock aftershock, burning! These two attack effects are blessed in this slashing slash, and on the outside of the slashing.


When the slash was forced out from the blade, Fang Heibeard attacked.

The aftershocks and burning of the earthquake began to release frantically, sweeping in all directions.

The affected playthings will suffer from the terrifying aftermath! Rumble! The earth collapses.

The power of the aftershocks of the earthquake was unparalleled, impacting the entire broken earth.

Originally, the island was already riddled with holes due to the collision between the two.

With the aftermath of the earthquake, the traces of ground collapse and cracking became more and more obvious! Rumbling! The cracked soil sank and collapsed directly below.

One by one, the deep pits were born! Wherever the slash passed, everything was destroyed, and everything was shattered and scattered everywhere.

at the same time.

In addition to the impact of the aftershocks of the earthquake, the scorching heat also madly swept the area where the slash passed.

The collapsed and cracked ground became: a charred black.

In the air, a scorching pungent smell began to rise! This slash cannot be described in words! The power of the terrifying shock aftershock and burning was beyond Lu En's expectations.

did not expect.

improved by 1.


, so that the combined attack effect of the two is almost ten times more powerful! "This knife"

"Blackbeard, you can't stop it!"

Lu En's eyes narrowed slightly.

The slash shone with a dazzling and dazzling halo, like the scorching sun on the horizon.

Not only... the terrifying coercion of violent violence, but also the hot aura it carries, makes it seem like the second sun falling from the horizon.

In the face of this terrifying slash.

Blackbeard's expression finally changed.

Even he didn't expect it.

This knife is so terrifying! Before the slash had arrived, the coercion it radiated was enough to make Blackbeard move.

The originally disapproving expression on his face had a huge reversal, becoming: horror, full of incredible emotional fluctuations, deeply imprinted on his face.

He couldn't imagine it! The moment before.

Lu En's slashing has never given him such a terrifying pressure! How long has it been since a person's strength has improved, so terrifying! "Could it be?"

"From the very beginning, I really haven't been serious about destroying the swordsman."

Blackbeard was shocked.

If not, how to explain it! This slash, the pressure brought to him is far greater than the previous slashes! But it is not scientific! Such a fierce battle just now! Destroying the swordsman, how could he really stay There's room to spare! It's impossible! Blackbeard's worldview is about to collapse.

He would have thought.

In the battle just now, he and Lu En were basically evenly divided.

But the slash in front of him subverted the only ridiculous thought left in his heart.

"This damn monster!"

Blackbeard put aside many thoughts.

He couldn't figure it out, but he didn't dare to think further.

Because of the slash, it's already here! It's close at hand! At close range, I can feel the terrifying burning! "Compared with any previous slash, the burning is much stronger! "

Blackbeard was terrified.

He didn't dare to be neglected, so he had to work hard to deal with this terrifying slash in front of him! If he didn't go all out, he always felt that he would really die! Just like.

Just as Luen said.

He will really be slashed to death by this knife! "Kong Zhen Yu Sha!"

Blackbeard frantically unleashed the power of the Shake Fruit.

Fist hits the atmosphere.

Kacha! The atmosphere was torn open with cracks and gaps like spider webs, and spread in all directions.


"Be sure to press Laozi to block it!"

Vibrating force, rushing forward rapidly.

In an instant! The shock and the slash collided again! This is not the first time that these two terrifying forces have collided.

But the result was completely different from the past! Boom! With a loud bang, it was like thunder and deafening.

Just for a moment.

The shock force was directly smashed! The dazzling slash, aimed at Blackbeard, charged forward unstoppably! "This, how is this possible!"

Blackbeard felt it for the first time.

The matter is beyond his control! When the slashing breath presses in front of him, it keeps approaching! With the mentality of Blackbeard, he only feels a burst of urgency. His eyes were filled with fear and horror.

He couldn't accept it! The power of the Zhenzhen fruit was directly broken by this slash! It was so easy! He couldn't even stop this slash! It's getting close! The slash is getting closer! A knife! From Blackbeard's eyes, magnified infinitely, it has filled his field of vision in all aspects.

"Do not!"

At the critical moment of approaching desperation, Blackbeard frantically released the power of the two Devil Fruits, without any reservation, and did everything to block them in front of him.

Endless dark matter rushes forward swiftly, as if to devour everything and devour everything! The monstrous darkness swept across the front, almost wanting to wrap this slash in it.

However! Tear! The dark curtain was torn apart in an instant! It couldn't be stopped at all! The power of the dark fruit was completely unable to swallow this slash, and countless gaps were forcibly torn open.

Slash, still aiming at where Blackbeard was.

The dazzling halo, after tearing open the dark curtain, looks more and more dazzling! "Break the five for Lao Tzu, ah!"

Blackbeard's fist slammed into the air without reservation.

The fist wrapped in the power of the Zhenzhen fruit, one punch after another! Kacha! Kacha! The atmosphere was constantly torn apart by gaps.

Concussive force, attacking forward, colliding with the slash.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The loud noise resounded through the sky, and the whole sky seemed to collapse.

The huge island was hit by these two forces, and the terrifying aftermath was swept away.

Finally! The island is unsupportable and begins to crack! Crack! One after another cracks, cracks in all directions.

There are many cracks on the ground in a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

The cracks became more and more, and the soil was no longer firm, and collapsed into small stones, which sank and collapsed in an instant.

Rumbling! The streets of the island collapsed and collapsed. The mountains were upside down and shattered! The island crumbled, the soil split into huge stones, and scattered to various areas, rolling with the turbulent ocean currents around, and gradually sinking.

It collapsed! It really collapsed! Tianluo Island, this huge island, was finally unable to support it.

Under the collision of these two terrifying forces, the earth disintegrated, split into many rocks and scattered them, and sank into the sea with the current at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The terrifying collision of two monsters is inevitable after all, and an island is sunk abruptly! Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect, recommended

Chapter 728 Blackbeard was scared off on the spot!

Boom! The mountains collapse and the earth crumbles.

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