The more information they find, the more they understand.

Blackbeard Titch, has grown to a very scary point! But they didn't expect it.

The high mountain pressing on their shoulders, the pressure created by Blackbeard Tiki.

With the arrival of this news, their moods became: extremely relaxed.

Blackbeard lost! Lost to the swordsman of destruction.

Moreover, it was still hit hard! All of this revealed the extraordinary and terrifying nature of Broken Five.

Strong as Blackbeard Tiki, they all lost.

One can imagine.

How terrifying the strength of the shattered swordsman who defeated Blackbeard.

at the same time.

With the defeat of Blackbeard Titch.

This means that their chance is here! The chance of their Whitebeard Pirates is right in front of them.

"team leader!"

The rest of the captains looked at Margo with anticipation and excitement, "This is the best time for us to target the Blackbeard Pirates.

Don't miss this opportunity, it's only one chance!"

"While this damn traitor, Titch, has been hit hard, we must unleash the most severe blow to overthrow them all!"


Everyone, unanimously agree.

This kind of opportunity is hard to come by! Blackbeard has been hit hard! Many captains of the Blackbeard Pirates have been killed! This is simply a God-given opportunity! How can they miss this opportunity, all of them will Regret for life! Although they disdain to find the rest of the power to help them deal with the Blackbeard Pirates.

But such an appropriate opportunity, they will definitely not miss it! What they want is not fair and just, and the outbreak of the collision with the Blackbeard Pirates.

It's purely just wanting to restore the dignity of their Whitebeard Pirates! Restore the dignity of Whitebeard! Kill the traitor Blackbeard Tiki! This is the most important goal of all of them.

And now.

Many captains of the Blackbeard Pirates were beheaded! Even Blackbeard was severely injured by the swordsman.

Wouldn't this be the best opportunity for them to say "That's right."

"We, of course, have to deal with this damn traitor Titch!"

Margao agrees with this.

As long as it can destroy the Blackbeard Pirates and kill the traitor Tiki! This is enough for Margo! Back then.

He did not let the others intervene in their struggle with the Blackbeard Pirates, but also in order to save the face of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But now.

The Mir summoned many pirates to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates, and what did they do with the Whitebeard Pirates? This is not what they asked each other to do.

It can only be said that Blackbeard Titch, who does too much injustice, will kill himself! Because of his greed! As a result, he has provoked a behemoth like Mir! "Heaven-sent opportunity!"

"We will definitely use this opportunity to subvert the Blackbeard Pirates in one fell swoop.

Kill Titch, the damned traitor!"

A group of captains and crew members clenched their fists and their blood boiled.

They smell it.

This time.

It's a great opportunity for them to destroy the Blackbeard Pirates! Don't miss it! They don't want to miss such an opportunity!" Of course, we must thank those who have created such a good situation for us.

He is the benefactor of our entire Whitebeard Pirates!"

Margaux's eyes were turbulent, and his face was solemn.


"Yes, he is the benefactor of our Whitebeard Pirates!"

"If it weren't for this sudden change, I can't think of how we can resist the Blackbeard Pirates who are in full swing."

"But now, here's the chance!"

"This opportunity was created by him."

The rest of the captains joined in.

The benefactor of their Whitebeard Pirates is not the Mir! It's the Swordsman of Destruction! If it wasn't for the Blackbeard being hit hard, of course they wouldn't have had the chance to attack like this! In the final analysis.

Blackbeard was severely injured, and that was the biggest good news they heard! And Lu En, the shattered swordsman who defeated Blackbeard, naturally became the great benefactor of their Whitebeard Pirates.


Margo took out the phone bug and dialed it

Boo Boo! When the phone worm rang in my ear.

Lu En was walking on the moon, standing high in the sky, looking down at the endless sea below, with a slightly surprised expression.

at this time.

Who will contact the person who owns the Mir "It's only ten minutes away from the Mir."

"It shouldn't be them."

Lu En took out the phone bug and put it to his ear.


The phone worm heard Margo's voice.

"Lu En, on behalf of all the members of our Whitebeard Pirates, I am deeply grateful for what you have done.

Thank you for solving the current predicament for us!"

"Thank you for killing two threatening enemies for us, and hitting Titch, the damned traitor.

Because you hit Titch, a traitor, and gave us the opportunity to take the initiative now!"

"If not so."

"Our Whitebeard Pirates will face more and more severe difficulties!"

"all in all."

"I don't need to say thank you, if it is useful to our Whitebeard Pirates in the future, just say it.

I assure you in the name of our Whitebeard Pirates."

"Anything we can do, we will do our best to help you do it.

This is our promise to you from the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Thank you for helping us the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Margo finished listening to the voice of the phone bug.

Lu En looked a little surprised.


A faint smile appeared on his face.

Of course he understood what Margao said.

Blackbeard was severely injured, and he killed two others as captains of the Blackbeard Pirates.

This is of course a big happy event for the Whitebeard Pirates! If it weren't for the news of this incident.

With the abilities of the Blackbeard Pirates, their overall strength will grow stronger day by day.

On the contrary, the enemies that Whitebeard Heze faces will become more and more terrifying.

But because Lu En severely injured Blackbeard, he beheaded two of Blackbeard's capable partners.

As a result, the pressure on the Whitebeard Pirates was greatly weakened.

This time.

Not hard to imagine.

The Whitebeard Pirates will definitely not miss this best opportunity in the future, and start to quickly build up their combat power, ready to deal with the Blackbeard Pirates at any time! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read for collection, recommended

Chapter 734 Lu En's Terrifying Energy!The strength is improved again!

And the current Whitebeard Pirates have the opportunity to take the initiative to attack.

This opportunity was created for them by Lu En himself.



Lu En didn't think about helping the Whitebeard Pirates.

It was purely just that when he encountered Blackbeard at the time, he had to make a move, that's all.


The result of Lu En's action will also affect the situation of the Whitebeard Pirates to a certain extent.

And let them have the confidence to take the initiative.

Lu En didn't even think about it.

In the blink of an eye.

Because your every move is enough to affect the situation of the new world! "Margao, I can see that you are about to prepare to attack the Blackbeard Pirates."

Lu En said something to the phone bug with a smile.

in the past.

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