The Four Emperors Pirates are the main target.


some time ago.

The ruler of House Vinsmoke, Vinsmoke Gadge, has released a message.

The entire Vinsmoke family, in the new world, must remember not to provoke the swordsman of destruction.

It can be seen from this that even the Vinsmoke family, who are the overlords of the North Sea, are deeply afraid of destroying swordsmen.

So what about the Overlord of the North Sea! This..., that is a monster that even the Four Emperors do not care about! Both disasters have been killed! Compared to the Vinsmoke family, they are particularly vulnerable.

"The Swordsman of Destruction will come"

Leiju's eyes narrowed, and she glanced at the crowd of various races present.

If this monster came! Things, it would be really unpredictable.

Even the Charlotte family can't control this unstable factor! "It's very possible."

Doflamingo continued, "I just saw that the people from Mo Kaido's side are also coming.

This time, if the monster that broke the swordsman really came to this feast.

Things are more interesting."

"Compared to this so-called feast"

"I think it's more interesting to watch what happened with Kaido after the Swordsman of Destruction came!"

For Doflamingo's remarks.

Leiju has a bad expression: "You are looking forward to this feast being a mess"

Doflamingo laughed: "How can this be called anticipation, it should be said that this feast should be added with some interesting seasonings.

Otherwise, this feast would have no taste at all.”

The conversation between the two did not spread too far.

Throughout the feast, a large number of people gathered.

People of all races gather here.

the other side.

When witnessing the unfolding of such a prosperous banquet, Katakuri looked serious and returned to the inside of the huge and prosperous palace to meet Charlotte Lingling.

Arrive at the palace.

Katakuri looked respectful: "Mom, I haven't found the whereabouts of the swordsman."

The opening of the banquet.

Katakuri has been watching for any unusual movement.

Just for now.

The whole feast of the nations was going on very smoothly.

"Since that's the case, don't pay attention to the matter of destroying the swordsman.

The purpose of this time for us to hold the Feast of All Nations is for the affairs of the giants."

Charlotte Lingling was expressionless.


This is the main purpose of the Feast of Nations! The giants do not give face, and do not join the big family of the nations, which has gathered countless races.

Don't blame it, they are welcome to the Charlotte family! All nations must be formed! Charlotte Lingling, she has a firm belief in her heart.

Let all races in the world join the big family of nations together.


It just lacks a giant family! In this way.

Charlotte Lingling's goal, naturally, was in the direction of the giants.


Katakuri waited silently, without a word.

The Kingdom of Giants, as the world's most powerful country.

Even if they were the four emperors, they would not dare to act rashly.

"Mom, you have to be more cautious."

Katakuri hesitated for a moment and couldn't help saying.

"By the way, are they coming from the Vinsmoke family?"

Charlotte Lingling asked after a change in the conversation.


Katakuri nodded.

"Who was the one who came to the feast on behalf of the Vinsmoke family"

Charlotte Lingling continued to ask.

"Vismoke Leiju, the eldest daughter of House Vinsmoke."

Katakuri told the truth.

"Later, remember to ask her to see me."

Charlotte Lingling then ordered.

This time, all forces are invited, and it is not just that these forces come here to participate in the feast.

"Yes, mother."

Katakuri left soon after.

outside the palace.

The feast is in progress.

Representatives of all ethnic groups gathered on one side, and the voices of noisy discussions emerged one after another and spread far and wide.

at the same time.

Universal Totland Sea.


White clouds fluttered, and a golden halo fell from the sky.

The dazzling light fell on the sea, the sea moved with the wind, ripples rippled, and the whole sea was shining like gold.

The temperature in the air rose sharply, and the hot breath permeated.

at an altitude of several hundred meters.

A small black spot gradually began to enlarge, appearing in the area of ​​the Totland Sea of ​​Nations.

This person is Lu En! From the headquarters of the Mir, all the way, with the goal of rushing to Wano Country, passing by Lu En in the Totland Sea.

It took two days.

Lu En successfully arrived at the current IWC Totland from Sargeras Island, the headquarters of the Mir.


in the process.

Lu En also took a lot of rest.

But it was still in time for the opening of the feast of playing, and arrived at Totland of the Nations! "Here is the Cake Island"

"It's very figurative!"

Lu En looked down from a high altitude, looking at this huge and prosperous island, a smile appeared on his face.

The whole cake island, countless buildings, are composed of desserts.

Many cakes and desserts, with different appearances and completely different colors, are scattered all over the cake island.

Even at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

Lu En can still smell a mellow sweetness that spreads far away.

Looking down.

at the same time.

Lu En observed carefully and noticed the many races of people gathered here! Among them.

You can capture the traces of people of these races, such as mermaid, murloc, long-legged and so on.

"A well-deserved feast for all ethnic groups"

"All nations, gathered ten thousand races"

"Only there are no giants, but the scene is already spectacular enough.

How can such a lively banquet in this prosperous world be without me?"

"It's really disgraceful that we are not invited to the Red Hair Pirates for such a prosperous banquet organized by the Charlotte family."

From the crowd, Lu En, who caught the whereabouts of the Beast Pirates, suddenly laughed.

These guys from the Charlotte family invited the Beasts Pirates, but they didn't invite the Red-haired Pirates. Obviously, they wanted to provoke the rhythm of trouble! Since that's the case, let's continue.

Lu En did not hesitate.

Stepping on the moon, it began to land rapidly on the cake island below.

He's an uninvited guest! Below.

The crowd in the midst of a heated discussion.

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