Katakuri felt a little helpless, "I thought it was resolved.

Unexpectedly, my mother was actually provoked, and now, the things I admit to counseling before are completely useless."

Smoothie shook his head: "That's not right, at least, you delayed a little time.

Otherwise, we will really have to fight against the swordsman of destruction."

They are [-]% sure of what the outcome will be when they fight against the swordsman of destruction! Even if the two of them join forces, they will both be smashed by the other side!" The angry mother, I hope to save some face for our Charlotte family.

Just now I took the initiative to admit my cowardice, which can be said to make many people doubt the majesty of our Charlotte family."

Katakuri had such thoughts in his heart.

A terrifying aura quickly spread to the audience from afar.

Everyone was inevitably enveloped in this terrible aura.

This momentum is above everyone.

A terrifying aura swept in all directions.

The affected races and visitors, their legs could not help softening, trembling all over, looking in the same direction with terrified faces, their eyes fixed, unable to move.

"This, this power"

"It's Charlotte Lingling!"

"My God, the Four Emperors are dispatched!"

"Is this the rhythm of a decisive battle with the Destruction Swordsman?"

"God, today, here today, I can actually see such a terrible thing!"

Many visitors spoke up.

They quickly retreated, leaving the empty space in front of them, daring not to stay in this area.

This level of collision, just the aftermath, is enough to directly crush their bodies! Of course, they are well aware of this.

So, they don't dare to stay too much in this place at all.

"If the aftermath of the collision is enveloped, we will be instantly killed on the spot!"

"Is the collision between the swordsman and the four emperors?"

"This kind of thing is really rare!"

"The Swordsman of Destruction is indeed very strong, but this is the first time for him to have a head-to-head confrontation with the Four Emperors."

There was a lot of talk.

in the crowd.

Doflamingo, Leiju and other representatives of the various forces looked at the open area ahead with solemn faces.

Feel the terrifying pressure of the monstrous aura.

The pressure in their hearts is also huge! Even if they are stronger than Doflamingo, when he is enveloped by this terrifying aura, he can feel that his body functions begin to become extremely slow.

His own strength, and the level of strength radiated by this aura, are completely unequal! "Charlotte Lingling"

"It must be her!"

Doflamingo was certain.

In Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling was the only one who could release such a terrifying and monstrous weather.

Only Charlotte Lingling has the ability to collide with the Swordsman of Destruction! The rest of the so-called Katakuri are completely unqualified to confront the Swordsman of Destruction.

"This battle is really eye-catching!"

"I thought this battle would stop here, but I didn't expect that the main drama will finally begin!"

"The shattered swordsman who defeated Blackbeard severely, and opposite is the ruler of the Charlotte family, the deity of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling.

The collision between the two is bound to be huge, such a terrifying level of confrontation is rarely seen in several years!"

Doflamingo took a deep breath and stared straight ahead.

There are many people who share the same thoughts as Doflamingo.


Many people began to wonder: "Charlotte Lingling dispatched herself, can she shake the swordsman of Destruction?"

for similar puzzles.

Many people began to be puzzled.

"That's a must!"

"Although Destruction Swordsman is strong, there is still some gap between him and the Four Emperors."

"Charlotte Lingling takes an angry shot, even if it is to destroy the swordsman, I believe it will definitely not feel good."

Compared to Luen, the swordsman of destruction.

People obviously have more confidence in Charlotte Lingling's strength.

The deterrent power of the old-fashioned Four Sovereigns has long been deeply rooted in the bones of most people.

It's not even a new powerful swordsman like Lu En who can shake her status in people's hearts.


For the next scene, the Sword of Destruction and Charlotte Lingling are about to collide.

More people tend to believe that Shattered Swordsman will be defeated in the hands of Charlotte Lingling!

Chapter 751 The first head-to-head confrontation with the Four Emperors!

The monstrous imposing pressure, from thousands of meters away, quickly swept in.

Almost in an instant, this momentum enveloped the bodies of everyone present.

Visitors from all walks of life, representatives of thousands of races, without exception, were affected by this terrifying momentum, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

The level is completely unequal! It seems to come from an existence that is completely above their life level.

Sending out a terrifying coercion to them, making them panic instinctively from the body.

"It's terrible, this momentum!"

"Charlotte Lingling, it seems that the momentum really has to deal with the rhythm of the swordsman of destruction."

"The Destruction Swordsman is so arrogant, he dares to break into the Cake Island alone, and he also provokes the Charlotte family.

To anger the Four Emperors to attack in person, even if it is to destroy the swordsman, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand the current situation."

"This is the deity of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling!"

The people were moved by it.

The power of the four emperors was still deeply suppressed by their bodies.

in the new world.

The Four Emperors are the most unprovoked terrifying existences! But they didn't expect it.

Dasha Jianhao actually has the courage to break into the territory of the Fourth Emperor alone, and even provoked the attack of the Fourth Emperor! This time.

Things have become: extraordinarily complicated! The Feast of Nations is basically over here.

But no one was willing to leave voluntarily.

Fighting at this level, they all want to be the spectators and see the results! No doubt about it.

No matter what the outcome, the collision between Swordsman Destruction and the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling, this news will inevitably sweep the whole new world, and attract the close attention of countless people.

no matter what the result is.

all in all.

This battle will set off a bigger wave in the new world! "Mom is here, this guy Shattering Jianhao, really damn it!"

Some of the officials of the Charlotte family clenched their fists and looked at Lu En's figure with hatred.

How uncomfortable the feeling of being oppressed by Lu En just now, and now when they see Charlotte Lingling in person, their hearts are so excited.

This damned shattering swordsman! How dare you come to our Charlotte family's territory! Now they want to see it.

When my mother comes, how can the other party be wild! "Aren't you very capable?"

"Destruction Swordsman, let's see how you survive your mother's wrath!"

"Today, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to leave Cake Island.

Unless, the four emperors with red hair come in person!"

As members of the Charlotte family, they naturally resented the fact that the Shattered Swordsman oppressed their Charlotte family just now.


Charlotte Lingling didn't come to the scene, and they didn't dare to act rashly, they could only swallow their anger.

Now Charlotte Lingling is here.

The anger in their hearts can naturally be vented.

They were eager to see it.

In the face of Charlotte Lingling, how would the swordsman of Destruction behave in a monstrous situation, approaching quickly! From thousands of meters away, he approached this area at an extremely terrifying speed.

Located in the center of the open area.

Only one person! All around.

A vacuum was formed, with a radius of [-] meters, and no one dared to approach it.

Only Lu En was in the center.

"Looks like, for so long, I haven't really tried to go head-to-head with one.

The last time I fought with Kaido, it was just a sneak attack by Kaido."

"There's no such thing as a head-to-head fight"

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