In the hearts of tens of thousands of visitors, it has been completely regarded as the most terrifying contest in the sea!

Chapter 755 The Peak Showdown!Battle Charlotte Lingling!

There is no doubt! The confrontation in front of us is bound to be the top collision of the sea! On the one hand, Charlotte Lingling, who is the four emperors! On the other hand, the shattered swordsman who defeated Blackbeard severely! Both belong to the top of the sea. Bunch of monsters.

Their contest, looking at the new world, can be said to be the contest of the top class.

The fierce battle between the two is indistinguishable and indistinguishable! And this is what shocked everyone present.

They can't imagine it.

The Swordsman of Destruction actually fought so fiercely with Charlotte Lingling.

At the beginning, they thought that the swordsman would be killed in an instant! Never expected it.

Not only did it not, on the contrary, it was inextricable with Charlotte Lingling! It seemed that Charlotte Lingling could not help each other at all.

"Destruction Swordsman, is he that strong?"

"The one opposite him is the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling!"

"But even the four emperors can't shake the swordsman of destruction."

"My God, this is not a hallucination, is it?"

The crowd was terrified inside.

Not only them, but even the members of the Charlotte family were stunned.

What the heck, their mother actually fought so fiercely with a man under the four emperors. If the opposite is also the four emperors, they can still accept it! But the problem is the opposite, not the four emperors! Even so, my mother still can't Shake the opponent.

Doesn't this mean that the swordsman on the opposite side has a strength comparable to that of the Four Emperors. "This, how is this possible!"

Katakuri, Smoothie and the others were stunned.


They were a little fortunate! When they faced the monster of Dasha Jianhao just now, they took the initiative to admit it.

Otherwise, if a battle really breaks out, it is such a fierce battle that they are currently seeing.

Katakuri is one thing for sure.

It is very likely that he will join forces with Smoothie, and will be beaten by the opposing swordsman! "This monster and my mother are inseparable."

The rest of the Charlotte family were moved.

They were dumbfounded and stiff in place, looking terrified.

"Do not!"

"Mom hasn't used the Devil Fruit ability yet. Once Mom uses the Devil Fruit ability, no matter how strong Shattering Swordsman is, he will definitely lose!"

"That's right, I almost forgot, Mom hasn't used the Devil Fruit yet!"

"The current mother's strength is only one-third of the heyday.

And Destruction Swordsman may have done his best."

"That way, once Mom uses the Devil Fruit.

The one who dies is bound to be the swordsman of destruction.

At that time, I believe that the swordsman of destruction will definitely feel despair!"

Suddenly the members of the Charlotte family begin to feel better.

Charlotte Lingling's strongest is not... physique! It's her Devil Fruit ability! This is her greatest support! Now.

Charlotte Lingling obviously didn't activate the Devil Fruit ability, but used her physique all the time to fight against the Destruction Swordsman on the opposite side.

Even so, my mother still shows no sign of being suppressed! Think of this.

The mood of everyone in the Charlotte family became: extraordinarily excited and looking forward to it.

They are looking forward to it.

Next, when my mother uses the Devil Fruit, what kind of changes will the battle situation show! "Destroy the swordsman, you must die!"

They clenched their fists and thought so in their hearts.

But even if they thought so, they still couldn't bear to be a little nervous and uneasy.


Lu En's strength is indeed beyond their imagination.

The two in front were fighting so fiercely! Boom! Boom! The terrifying collision exploded countless air currents, like invisible sharp blades, and began to attack and kill everywhere.

Wherever the air flow passes, there are many damages and cracks left behind.

Boom! Many more dessert buildings collapsed.

The scene was extremely intense! The ground was torn apart by countless gaps and cracks, and the hideous cracks spread to the area thousands of meters away.

"Go to hell!"

Charlotte Lingling attacked and killed in rage.

Watching openly.

Many dessert buildings were destroyed.

The anger in her heart started to burn even more uncontrollably.

And all of this, in her opinion, was caused by Lu En.


All her anger can only be vented on Lu En.

"The angry ones forgot to cast the Devil Fruit and Luen never forgot.

Charlotte Lingling is an ability person! Moreover, she is also a very terrifying ability person.

Charlotte Lingling's Devil Fruit abilities are weird, mysterious, and terrifying.

In particular, many means are more exaggerated than the natural system! The natural system can only be turned into an offensive of nature.

But the Soul Soul Fruit owned by Charlotte Lingling can inspire nature in an alternative way.

One can imagine.

The horror of this one devil fruit.

In all fairness.

This 1 Devil Fruit is not inferior to the Shock Fruit! At least.

Lu En said so in his heart.

In some respects, even the Soul Soul Fruit is far superior to the Shock Fruit! "You who didn't use the Devil Fruit, if you want to beat me or kill me, you're just dreaming!"

"It seems that without giving you a little injury, you can't remember the thing that motivated the Devil Fruit.

If that's the case, then I can only help you!"

Lu En smiled.

Lift the famous sword Thunderstorm in your hand, the blade, and aim at the direction where Charlotte Lingling is attacked.



The blade pierced the sky.

With one knife, it slashed down suddenly! Huh!! The purple slash immediately hit Charlotte Lingling's body.

"I said it, it's useless!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned grimly.

She still tried to use her armed wrists to block Lu En's slash.

It can be used as a slash, sweeping through the wrist! Boom! A loud noise.

Charlotte Lingling's face showed some signs of distortion, and her face began to have a painful expression, stabbing pain, passing from her wrist to her whole body.


Charlotte Lingling started screaming in pain.

A dark purple gas lingered around her body.

The strange cries, combined with the overlord's color, began to madly attack in all directions.

Under the influence of this terrifying breath, everyone shivered.

"It's no use calling."

Lu En's figure has appeared beside Charlotte Lingling.

Just ignore the latter's strange cry! Next second.

Lu En raised the famous sword Thunderstorm in his hand, the armed color was wrapped in the blade, the blade was facing Charlotte Lingling's head, and he slashed without any hesitation.

And Charlotte Lingling was still in a state of pain and wailing, completely unaware of Lu En's blade.

This is where Charlotte Lingling's biggest flaw lies.

Her emotions were not like normal people.

She can't control her emotions! Especially when it comes to anger.

Once she starts to get angry, she is on the verge of losing control.


Lu En's slash just now caused her pain, and made her even more angry. She almost lost her head, which caused her to lose her calm mind to judge the current fighting situation.


Charlotte Lingling didn't react to Lu En's knife.

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