Charlotte Lingling's figure is close at hand.

The flames and thunder brewing in her fists were even more terrifying and majestic, and the electricity and fire were intertwined, flashing a dazzling halo, and spreading an extremely majestic coercion.

When the power of the fists condensed! In front of Charlotte Lingling, a mass of extremely terrifying power substance was formed by the fusion of flames and thunderclouds.

The flames and the thunder and lightning are intertwined and congealed into a ball.


Charlotte Lingling released it at the same time.

The terrifying attack and killing aimed at the area where Lu En was located.

Rumble! Lightning flashes and flames rise.

Facing this attack from Charlotte Lingling, Lu En's expression remained unchanged, his smile unabated, holding the famous sword Thunderstorm, his raised right arm slowly fell.

A knife, chop down! The sharp blade cuts through the sky, with extremely terrifying power.

With a few desires, the space is torn apart! Buzz! The space is wriggling and trembling.

Crack! Crack! There is a faint cracking sound from the atmosphere.

A purple sword energy was instantly forced out from the blade, forming a terrifying slash in a semi-circular arc, and it charged forward with extremely violent power.

The slashing outside is wrapped in shock aftershocks and burning.

Huh!! Moment.

Slash, impact the front.

Wherever he went, the earth cracked, and the space seemed to crumble.

Boom! The aftermath of the terrifying shock ripped open a ferocious gap in the ground, filling the area hit by the slash all the way.

Above the cracked gap, the soil took on a charred color and gave off a strong, pungent charred smell.

Shock and burning, wrapped in the slashing! A terrifying knife from Lu En.

A terrifying slash wrapped in shock and burning.

With the brewing terror offensive from Charlotte Lingling.

A terrifying power born of flames and thunderclouds.

The two finally ushered in a head-on collision! The two dazzling and dazzling terrorist forces began to rub against each other.

This scene.

All eyes are on! Everyone is staring at the collision of these two terrifying forces, Lu En and Charlotte Lingling, feeling uneasy, clenching their fists, trembling all over.

They can feel it.

When these two breaths swept their bodies.

The fear that rose from their hearts! "What a terrible power"


"Don't be like this, Cake Island will really be sunk!"

Many people were vaguely frightened and tried to pray.

Boom! A loud bang.

Time is prevented from standing still.

Space freezes.

The slash instantly penetrated the electric fire brewed by Charlotte Lingling.

The two violent forces instantly launched a frantic collision and friction.

Zizizi! With the collision of the two forces, dark purple lightning flashes were produced very strangely.

Depression! There is an aura of depression all around! When two forces rub against each other and blend, the force is like fire and water.


Boom! Another bang.

Two forces exploded! Simultaneously.

At the moment when the power exploded, a monstrous air of terror was born from it, centered on the place where the two collided, and swept the sky in all directions.

Even this side of the world is enveloped in packages.

Thus rumbling! The ground collapsed, shattered, and suffered unprecedented damage.

Kacha! Kacha! The cracked ground traces spread tens of thousands of meters away.

The whole cake island was shaken by this terrible airflow.

The torrential rain that fell from the sky, and the impact of the terrible airflow that burst as these two forces collided.

The catharsis of the rainwater has been abruptly changed the trajectory of its falling, as if driven by a tornado, madly rolling in the air, dancing gracefully.

An even more hideous gap appeared on the ground.

In the area where the two forces exploded, the soil below had already been crushed, forming a bottomless giant pit.

The broken stones fell into the deep pit without making a sound.

Bottomless! The darkness is like an abyss! Rumbling! It is like a turbulence that is like the sky and the earth, and it swept thousands of meters away in an instant.

Driven by this terrifying airflow, all the objects around were crushed abruptly.

There are also many buildings that were directly rolled up and pulled up from the ground, like a giant tree, which was thrown hundreds of meters away by the uprooted.

"This this!"

"what happened!"

"Even the sky will collapse with it?"

"Cake Island, about to sink into the sea"

"The battle between these two monsters is too terrifying."

"And, even more terrifying"

"Because the two of them are too focused, they are engaged in the current battle.

They have completely ignored us, who are still on Cake Island!"

The tens of thousands of visitors present couldn't help trembling.

They are in this turbulent cake island.

That's why.

They can feel it deeply.

Currently standing in the cake island, this is like a terrifying turmoil like the end of the day! The airflow rolls farther.

Tens of thousands of visitors were swept up by this terrifying airflow.

The terrifying air pressure shrouded their bodies, directly defeating them as a group of tens of thousands of visitors.

Every visitor was swept by the air current, and his body was scattered in every corner.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Like being swept away by a tornado, the bodies of many visitors rose into the air, driven by the violent airflow, tumbled to different places, and hit below some ruined buildings.

The chaotic scene once made people fall into deep despair!

Chapter 767 From now on, there is another four emperors in the new world!

"Do not!"

"I am clearly standing eight kilometers away from the battlefield.

Why does this airflow still swept through my body.

It's not scientific!"

Many visitors cried in their hearts.

It was obvious that he had retreated nearly ten thousand meters away.

Why! Why are they still shrouded in the aftermath of the battle.

This is unscientific! The reason why they are crying in their hearts, no one will care, and no one will explain them.

At the end of the day.

can only say.

It's because they didn't expect that a collision of this level could be so powerful.

Even standing tens of thousands of meters away, it is still inevitably disturbed by the aftermath.

Buzz! The space seems to be swirled by this terrible airflow, and it keeps squirming.

The terrifying airflow spread rapidly, and even swept the sea beyond the distant coast.

Swept by the air current, the ocean current began to surging, rolling up a huge wave and surging.

Wave after wave of waves swept through the sky at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters.

Downpour pouring down the sky.

All of them were driven by this terrifying aftermath, producing a strange way of falling.

The entire Cake Island, everything, was interfered by the aftermath of the collision between the two, and their original trajectories were forcibly reversed.

Boom! The ground cracked, collapsed, and countless deep pits were born on Cake Island.

Kacha! Kacha! The shattered cracks, connecting the entire Cake Island and extending to the prosperous center of the Cake Island, could not contain the spread of these many cracks.

Boom! There are loud noises, resounding through the sky.

Today today.

Cake Island has ushered in a huge turmoil unprecedented in history.

No one could have imagined.

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