Lu En stretched his arms a little, feeling the different degrees of damage to his body, but he didn't care too much.

These injuries do not need to be deliberately treated.

Anyway, under the automatic repair of the undead body of the half-murloc, it will gradually start to recover in a few days.

Lu En never doubted the terrifying resilience of the half-murloc's undead body.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time, or things will change later."

"In case, the Charlotte family changes their tune and asks me to compensate, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

"It's time to go too."

Lu En took a step.


Walking on the moon, he rose into the air, stepped on the air, and gradually rose to a height of several hundred meters.

And left it to everyone present, a small black spot.


Lu En's figure completely disappeared in the area of ​​Cake Island.

And left, the mess everywhere.

Surrounding the entire cake island, there are many traces left, which are broken and unsightly.

Many buildings collapsed and collapsed, turning into ruins.

this battle.

Cake Island is simply riddled with holes.

The original prosperous appearance is gone forever! The Charlotte family naturally suffered heavy losses as a result.

"Broken Five, Shattered Swordsman"

"He just left"

"People from the Charlotte family, didn't you stop them?"

Tens of thousands of visitors were staring blankly at the sky. Seeing the disappearing figure, they couldn't help but blurt out.

Destroyed the entire Cake Island! Just like that, I left with nothing to do.

There is no one in the Charlotte family who dares to block each other! "After a large-scale destruction from the Charlotte family's territory.

From the eyes of everyone in the Charlotte family, leave calmly!"

"The only one who can do such a feat, I think, can only destroy the swordsman!"

"It's so powerful that the Charlotte family doesn't dare to act rashly.

This power is truly admirable!"

Thousands of visitors were amazed.

The cake grass was destroyed like this, but it was still able to leave this broken battlefield very calmly without anyone blocking it.

have to say.

This alone is enough to make them look at Lu En with admiration! If there is not enough strength as a basis, how can the Charlotte family just watch the culprit leave.

It's still strength! Destruction Jianhao's strength is too strong.

So much so that the Charlotte family did not dare to act rashly.

"It's not that the Charlotte family doesn't want to, it's that they don't dare!"

"They don't dare to stop and destroy the monster like Jianhao!"


"Don't say that Cake Island is now destroyed like this, even if it is beaten even more broken.

Even if the entire Cake Island is sunk into the sea, the Charlotte family and the others would not dare to leave behind the swordsmen of destruction."

"As for asking the other party to compensate, it's a joke.

Even the top power groups looking at the new world, the Charlotte family, will never be able to make the swordsman shattering compensate!"

Doflamingo exhaled heavily.

Yes! The Charlotte family does not dare to provoke the Sword Master of Destruction! Especially when they know that the Swordsman of Destruction is strong enough to be comparable to the Four Emperors, it is even more impossible for the Charlotte Family to provoke such a monster!" The Swordsman of Destruction is already powerful to this level."

Reiju looked complicated.


Doflamingo's mood was more complicated than that of Reiju.


He had fought against Lu En before, and the strength that the other party showed at that time was far less terrifying than it is now.

But after such a short period of time, the opponent's strength has not been what it used to be.

The other party has truly stepped into the threshold of the Four Emperors! "This battle will end here."

"No surprise, the feast of all nations will come to an end!"

Doflamingo waved his arms and made a gesture of preparation to leave.

Noisy after this battle.

How can the Feast of Nations continue to be maintained?

Naturally, it can only end in haste.

the other side.

Next to Charlotte Lingling, a group of members of the Charlotte family quickly walked over, their faces full of unwillingness: "Mom, is this matter, just forget it?"

A few members of the Charlotte family still expressed anger.

"To shut up!"

Katakuri snorted coldly.

Can't you see it? What a terrifying monster the Charlotte family faced just now! It's not enough to want to trouble the other party! That's it.

Not only...they don't get any benefit.


This will bring them even more trouble and right and wrong for the Charlotte family! "Today's matter, the matter that we only saw with the Charlotte family and the Swordsman Destruction, ends here.

No one should be held accountable for this!"

Charlotte Lingling also ordered very calmly.

She can provoke Destruction Swordsmen.

But doesn't mean.

Her sons and daughters can provoke the swordsmen of destruction! If her sons and daughters do not have eyes, they will provoke the swordsmen of destruction.

Then, she can be certain, even though her body has the blood of the Charlotte family.

She doesn't think so either.

Destruction Swordsman will be merciful to her children! At that time.

Maybe it will cause more damage to the Charlotte family! "Yes, Mom."

Smoothie and the others nodded.

In fact, there is no need for Charlotte Lingling to tell her.

They can still deeply understand how far they are from the monster that destroys the swordsman!" Order, immediately.

End the Feast of Nations!"

Charlotte Lingling continued to give orders.


The Feast of All Nations is also coming to an end! "New World"

"It's going to change!"

Tens of thousands of visitors were ready to leave.

They are not difficult to judge.

With the end of today's Feast of Nations! What happened on Cake Island will completely sweep the whole new world! At that time.

The new world is bound to usher in huge turbulence! Not just the new world! Even the great waterway! This whole sea will be completely detonated by this news! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter 770 Shocking the New World!Another four emperor level!

on today.

Cake Island was crippled.

As the main base of the Charlotte family, it is the most central and prosperous area of ​​the majestic behemoth.

Turns out, he was brutally beaten.

Not hard to imagine.

When the news spreads, it will cause great turmoil in the sea area of ​​the New World! With the order of Charlotte Lingling.

This is the end of the Feast of Nations.

Tens of thousands of visitors fled the ruined Cake Island one after another! Representatives of various forces also quickly left the Cake Island.

at the same time.

Even the members of the Charlotte family can imagine that when these tens of thousands of visitors leave, they will pour into the boundless sea of ​​the new world.

What happened in their Charlotte family base today will naturally spread to every corner of the new world at a terrifying speed along with these tens of thousands of visitors.

Sure enough! Half an hour after the end of the Feast of Nations.

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