The next thing we have is very difficult and cannot be disturbed by the rest.

The Swordsman of Destruction has indeed grown to the point where it is beyond our reach."

"He has also helped us a lot, and we can't expect him to help us deal with the traitor Titch again."

"Before this traitor's wounds heal, we must take his life!"

Margo shouted coldly.


Everyone agrees.

Titch, this is a thorn in their hearts! All of them can't wait to pull out this thorn! The news is not only spread to the ears of the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Many forces in the new world naturally got this news.

Its impact is too great.

So that all forces, no matter how bad the news intelligence network is, can hear this big news.


Eight Treasures Navy.

Don Quixote family.

The Vinsmoke family.

Farther afield, Wano Country was shrouded in these news.

Messages come and go.


The news returned to the ears of many crew members of the Red Hair Pirates.



Headed by the redhead, beside him stood Ben Beckman, Jesus Bu, Rakiru and many other crew members, looking at the red-haired captain of his family with horror.

"The news I just got, is it fake?"

Jesus Bu couldn't help asking, with deep doubt in his tone.

It's not that he doesn't believe it, but the news is so shocking that he has to look at it with skepticism.

"You said that the news has spread throughout the new world, and this is still fake"

Rakiru rolled his eyes, but the shocked expression on his face was still difficult to cool down.

"The key, this is terrible!"

Jesus took a deep breath.

It can be seen from this.

If it wasn't that the news was really too shocking, how could Jesus cloth, who has been in the new world for so many years, be shocked like this.


Laqilu also nodded, "Who would have thought that Lu En, a freak, would actually be tied with Charlotte Lingling and successfully set foot in the realm of the Four Emperors!"

Yes! This is the shocking news that has swept the entire red-haired pirates at present! "It can't be fake."

The rest of the cadres said, "You forgot, if the news is false, the Charlotte family will not silently acquiesce."

"With their character, if it's not the truth, of course they can't help but jump out and refute it."

"But now, have you heard that they have refuted them or not!"


The news is confirmed.

Even the redhead can be sure of the authenticity of the news.


Even with the red-haired experience, he had to respond with emotional waves of amazement.

"This monster has really set foot in the realm of the Four Emperors!"

The redhead shook his head in admiration.

Based on his years of experience in the new world, it is impossible to infer it at all.

How quickly this monster has officially entered the threshold of the Four Emperors, and has become the most terrifying existence in this sea! "Boss, now even you can't help this monster Lu En. "

The rest of the crew laughed.

The four emperors and the four emperors are mostly similar in strength! It is not difficult to judge.

With the red hair now, it's really hard to shake Lu En.

"Now in our Red-haired Pirates, there are two Four Emperor-level monsters!"

"One pirate group, but there are two four emperors!"

"I think, in the big new world right now, if it wasn't for the Beast Pirates and the Charlotte family joining forces.

Our red-haired pirates are enough to sweep one side!"

All the crew members were full of excitement and excitement.

The Four Emperors of the New World! Everyone can judge.

Headed by the Red Hair Pirates! After all.

The current red-haired pirates have two real four emperor-level monsters! The Beast Pirates can't stop it! The Charlotte family can't stop it either! "The growth rate of this kid is amazing."

Ben Beckman is only now coming back to his senses, with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth.

Think back to the beginning.

When the opponent was pulled into the boat, it was like yesterday.

In fact.

It's only been a few months.

But now.

The once stunned green has actually become the most top-notch existence in the sea of ​​the new world! This is really, which is unexpected to Ben Beckman.

Such a terrible growth rate must be.

Even if I look at the new world, this is the only case! "The most correct thing I have done in my life is to pull this kid on board!"

Thinking of this, Ben Beckman's unsmiling face couldn't help showing a smile.

Chapter 772 The Navy is Alarmed!Redefined Bounty!

Blue sky, clear sky.

White clouds fluttered, and a scorching sun hung on the edge of the sky, scattered with dazzling halos.

The halo penetrated the clouds, poured down quickly, and slammed on the sea.

Clap la la! The ocean current rolls with the sea breeze, rippling and rippling waves.

The golden halo, with the surging of the ocean currents, shines more brilliantly like gold.

A few seagulls soared across the horizon and passed by.

After this period of restoration, the originally broken Marin Vatican was gradually restored to its appearance.

Although it is no longer as glorious and prosperous as before, it is not as dilapidated as it was at the beginning.

At least, it still has the majesty that the navy should have.

The current Admiral has changed.

The Warring States abdicated successfully.

The current Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has become the former general, Akainu Sakaski.


With Akainu ascending.

The Navy has also undergone a series of changes, big and small.

such as.

Set the Naval Headquarters in the New World, and abandon the Marine Vando, which was originally the Naval Headquarters, and use it as a fortress of the Naval Branch.

It was this decision that made the naval headquarters move directly to the sea in the New World.

Marin Vando, who remained in the great waterway, naturally won't get more attention.

The repair work was terminated as early as last month.

Marin Fando turned into a branch fortress, and similarly, the '1' branch, which was originally a New World branch stronghold, and Marin Fando's positions were interchanged.

''The branch fortress was processed and started to be the current naval headquarters.

After several months of processing.

The naval headquarters in the new world has also been successfully completed.

Just like Marin Vando.

The naval headquarters in the New World is extraordinarily magnificent.

At first glance, you can feel the majesty and oppression that comes from the navy.

This area of ​​the sea has naturally become the sea area under the jurisdiction of the Navy.

Most pirate ships dare not approach this sea area.

dong dong dong! When the door of the marshal's office was knocked.

Akainu, who was sitting on the seat, raised his head, glanced in the direction of the door, and said in a flat tone: "Come in."

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