The crimson slash, a slash that could easily cut off even a boulder, slashed directly at Kaido's naked upper body, as if it was slashed on the vast sea or stars, without any waves, not even a single white mark. Appear.

"How is it possible, that was Lord Jason's slash!"

"Lord Jason can cut through boulders, but he can't hurt that person!"

"Is it his fruit ability?"

Many pirate minions widened their eyes and shouted in astonishment. They were very aware of the strength of Jason "Blood Knife", which was comparable to that of the major admiral of the Navy Headquarters. Now, the sword energy he wielded could not hurt him. To Kaido, it really makes them a little unbelievable.

"what happened!"

Jack was also inexplicably shocked. Even he couldn't take Jason's slash head-on without any defense, but Kaido could do it without any pressure.

"You are courting death!"

"Blood Knife" Jason was a little embarrassed and roared, the red long knife exuded a dazzling light, the whole person exuded a strong evil spirit, and rushed towards Kaido, a bloody shadow appeared from the long knife.

"Blood Shadow Slash."

The long knife in his hand slashed towards Kaido, and the blood-red sword gas turned into a red ghost, attacking Kaido with an astonishing evil spirit.

This blow was "Blood Knife" Jason's unique move, which once severely injured the major general. With this blow, Jason had the confidence to kill Kaido.

However, reality soon slapped Jason hard in the face, and Kaido just stretched out a finger in the face of the ghost and the long sword that came.


The sharp blade, powerful enough to cut through steel, was lightly blocked by a finger, making a sound of gold and iron handing over, which was shocking and inexplicable.

"How is it possible, it's just a finger."

"Blood Knife" Jason opened his eyes wide, looked at Kaido in shock, and said in disbelief.

"Too weak!"

Said a word lightly, Kaido flicked his fingers lightly, and in an instant, a majestic force passed from the long knife to Jason, as if being hit by a mountain, Jason's eyes widened. , as if it was about to protrude, the whole body cracked in an instant, blood spurted wildly, and the whole person flew upside down like a cannonball at an astonishing speed, smashed through the deck, and shot into the sea thousands of meters away.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for reward! ! !

Chapter [-] Submission of Jack

ps; This one is Kaido's humanized form, just a little rougher in appearance and a little longer in hair


In the distance, the sea splashed, Jason smashed into the sea, blood kept pouring out of his body, dyeing the sea red, and it seemed that he could not survive.

"Guru, Deputy Captain Jason was killed!"

"How could it be possible to knock down Lord Jason with just one finger!"

"This monster!"

The pirate minions broke out in cold sweats, panicked in their hearts, and in their hearts, Jason, who was extremely powerful and could be on par with the Rear Admiral, was killed by someone with a single finger.

"Damn, actually took Jason!"

Seeing that his confidant was solved with one finger, Jack was shocked and scared, and couldn't help shouting.

You know, even if it is him, although he can easily defeat Jason, he is far from defeating him with a single finger. Even if Jason wants to escape, Jack can't do anything about it.

"Just worry about yourself!"

Kaido looked at Jack indifferently and said.

"Because, I'm too lazy to waste time with you!"

After speaking, an extremely terrifying aura burst out from Kaido, radiating hundreds of meters around, like a mountain pressing the top, and many pirates including Jack had difficulty breathing, as if they were bearing thousands of times the gravity, their whole body. Trembling, shortness of breath, cold sweat kept coming out.

"Well, what's going on here!"

"It's so scary, I can't breathe!"


All the pirates fell to their knees one after another, their shortness of breath was extremely painful, as if they were under unparalleled pressure, and there were also many sea fish on the sea whose stomachs turned white and floated on the sea, obviously being directly crushed to death by the huge pressure. .

"Is this tyrannical domineering? It seems a bit wrong!"

Jack's strength is the strongest, he knows a lot of things, and his feelings are naturally more profound. He vaguely guesses the result, but he doesn't believe it.

Not only is it because the tyrannical domineering is a natural choice, and there are only one in a million people, but also because the tyrannical domineering directly stuns the opponent, rather than the overwhelming pressure that people feel like now, but cannot pass out. , extremely painful.

"Huh, you are quite sensible."

Kaido was a little surprised when he heard Jack speak of domineering and domineering. In the first half of the great waterway, few people knew about domineering, let alone domineering.

"Is that so, Wang Xuanzhizi, this is a monster-like strength!"

Jack's whole body was shaking like a mountain, his whole body was trembling, his strength was comparable to that of an ordinary lieutenant general, and he was completely unable to exert himself. It was even extremely difficult for him to even move his fingers.

The overlord is domineering. After Kaido reached the territory of the overlord, not only did he not lose that shocking power, but he went further, not only directly stunning the opponent, but also exerting enormous pressure on the opponent, crushing the opponent alive.

With Kaido's current strength, he doesn't need to do anything, just relying on the huge pressure of the overlord's domineering arrogance, he can make the ordinary lieutenant general lose his resistance.

"Life or death."

Looking down at Jack, who was already kneeling on the ground, Kaido said expressionlessly.

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