"Well, I agree too!"

"That's right, Gang Gu Kong can't abdicate now!"

The other extremely five old stars have successively stated that they do not want Gang Kukong to abdicate now. It is not that they care about Gang Kukong, but the abdication of Gang Kukong will not benefit them, or even the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. On the contrary, It's a huge risk and it's not worth it for them.

"Okay, I agree too!"

Seeing that everyone else agreed, knowing the importance of the matter, Longbeard reluctantly agreed, but he quickly continued.

"However, although Gang Gu Kong cannot abdicate, the positions of the three generals cannot be vacant. This time, Iron Fist Karp and Zefa must become generals!"

"Now the world government has paid a huge price to bring them back. This time, they must not be allowed to be willful, understand, steel bone empty!"

The tone was full of seriousness, and the bearded five old star stared at the steel bone sky tightly, and said coldly.

"I understand, this time I will persuade them well!"

Gang Gu Kong 837 nodded and said helplessly, he also knew that the Five Old Stars had made a great step backward, and it was very good that he did not punish him in this matter.

Therefore, Steel Skeleton Kong did not say anything ignorant.

"Okay, back off!"

The bearded five old star said lightly.


Nodding, Cyborg Sora turned and left the room.

"Bolu Bolu..."

Not long after Steel Gukong left, the phone worm that fell on the ground suddenly made a sound as the table shattered, apparently someone was calling.

"Trouble is coming!"

The bearded Wu Laoxing shook his body, smiled bitterly, then picked up the phone bug on the ground and connected the call!

"Five Old Stars, where is my Devil Fruit!"

As soon as he answered, an extremely arrogant message came over, making the bearded Wu Laoxing's face turn black, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only respond with a wry smile.

"Lord Varro, this is how it goes..."

After a long time, when the bearded Wu Laoxing put down the phone bug, his entire face was completely black, and even his beard was shaking, obviously he was extremely angry.


With a roar, the phone bug in his hand was thrown straight out, smashing a hole in the wall.


Chapter [-] The World's Strongest Monster - "Beasts" Kaido

The next day, the scorching sun gradually rose from the east, illuminating the whole world.


On the sea, the waves swelled, setting off bursts of slight waves.

The news birds flew to all parts of the sea with a large number of newspapers with the title of "The World's Strongest Monster - Kaido the Beast", and then there was a shock like a tsunami. After more than four months, The name Kaido shook the sea again, and this time the movement was much bigger than before.

"My God!! Is this true?"

"It's too exaggerated, how can there be such a monster!!"

"Even the hero Garp and the marshal Cyborg Kong can't be defeated together. How can such a monster exist?"

The East China Sea, the West China Sea, the South China Sea, the North Sea, the first half of the Great Waterway, the New World, and many kingdoms, countless people, pirates, and strong men, looked at the newspapers, which printed Kaido's true body like a demon, and his defeat. The photos of Zefa and Gang Ku Kong teaming up to fight, etc., were all shocked and couldn't believe it.

Destroy the slaughtering order, capture Sakaski and Kuzan, defeat the former general "Black Wrist" Zefa, threaten the world government, and come to trade with Admiral Cyborg Kong, naval hero Iron Fist Karp, and Admiral Fozhi The top powerhouses of the Warring States Period fought for hours and retreated calmly.

A man named Kaido, a self-proclaimed "Beast".

No, or rather a monster, the strongest monster in the world!

His record shocked countless people, so that countless people couldn't believe it at all, and they all doubted the authenticity of the matter.

But when I saw the news released by the World News Economic Agency and the few dozen photos above, none of them revealed the truth of the matter.

This is a fact, the man named Kaido, the self-proclaimed "Hundred Beasts" monster, shocked the whole world with his achievements, shocked countless people, and made countless people fear and fear.

"Master Kaido, I am willing to follow you!!"

"Too strong, this is the real monster, this is the 'hundred beasts', what a white beard, what a pirate king, they are all garbage!' .!"

"Master Kaido, we are willing to follow you!!"

"This is the strongest monster in the world!!"

Countless pirates are shouting, they are either powerful pirates, or pirates who have failed from the new world, they are all cheering at this time, their eyes are full of fanaticism, and their worship for the powerful Kaido is almost crazy. degree.

"What's going on with the World Government? It bowed its head to the criminal!!!"

"Even the general was easily defeated by that monster, so the navy should not fail!"

"Perhaps, the world government is not invincible, someone can shake them!"

At the same time, there are also many people and careerists who have doubts about the navy. The unshakable status of the navy and the world government in their hearts is gradually collapsing. They realize that the world government and the navy may not be incomparable.

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