The biggest feature here is that the root of the mangrove tree secretes a special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands due to the air to form bubbles and then fly to the sky.Since the bubbles are only suitable for the climatic range of the arquito trees, once the bubbles leave the climatic range of the Chambord Islands, the resinous component will shatter because it will not be able to exert its full force.

"Is this the Chambord? It's beautiful!"

Standing on the pirate ship, wearing casual clothes, tall and handsome Kaido looked at the Chambord Islands in Meilun Meiyang. Rao had already seen it in the animation, and he was also surprised. After all, animation cannot match reality. The scenery is also worlds apart.

"Boss Kaido, where are we going now?"

On the side, Jack, who has completely regarded himself as Kaido's younger brother, scratched his head awkwardly with that huge body and asked, there is absolutely no fierceness of Jack in the future drought!

"Let's visit the Chambord Islands first!"

With a wave of his hand, Kaido said directly, then pointed at the pirates, and said indifferently: "As for you, find a few clever ones and buy me a permanent pointer to the Seven Waters and O'Hara Island. , the others will keep the boat for me obediently."

"By the way, if I still can't see the direction pointer when I come back, I will screw your heads off."

The indifferent tone made the pirates, one by one, terrified, and shouted respectfully: "Yes, Lord Kaido!"

After feeling Kaido's terrifying overlord's coercion and Kaido's amazing strength, the pirate minions were even more afraid of Kaido than Jack, and did not dare to talk back to Kaido at all.

"Boss Kaido, aren't we coating it?"

On the side, Jack asked curiously. You know, there are only two ways to go to the New World. The first is to make a request to the World Government, and then directly cross the Holy Land Mary Joa at the peak of the Red Continent.

Of course, this direct rejection is not just because it costs a lot of money. If Jack, a pirate, just went to the Holy Land Mary Joa, it is estimated that he will be taken directly and sent to the advance city.

As for the second way, the other way is to wrap it in an alchemy mangrove resin boat, dive for [-] meters, pass through a huge cave under the red soil continent, and go through the "undersea route" Fishman Island to reach the new world. It does not require the consent of the Holy Land Mary Joa, but it is extremely dangerous, and as a result, countless pirates have fallen.

Of course, this can't stop the pirates' desire for the new world and great treasures, and a large number of pirates still go to the new world every year.

And what Jack said about the coating was the second way. The boat was wrapped in Alchiman mangrove resin, and then headed to Fishman Island [-] meters away.

"No, we won't go to the new world for the time being!"

He replied to Jack indifferently, Kaido took a slight step, stood directly in the air, and flew towards the Chambord Islands. For Kaido, who controls the territory of the Tyrant and controls all elements of nature, flying is simply unnecessary. so easy.

"Boss Kaido, wait for me!"

Seeing Kaido go straight away, Jack shouted and jumped off the boat, rushing away like Kaido, his tall body did not affect his amazing speed at all.


"What a beautiful place, not a place to hide sin at all!"

Squinting, Kaido looked at the beautiful scenery around him and sighed again.

"Well, I heard that this place is called the Island of Failure and the Island of Beginning Again. It is an island of sin that combines entertainment and crime!"

Jack, who had already caught up, explained softly.

Looking around, thick tree trunks and bubbles blocked the line of sight. Except for the sound of bubbles bursting from time to time, the surroundings looked quiet and beautiful.

It didn't take long for the two to walk to a thick tree trunk marked with the font size "27".

"Hey, it's area 27, I remember it seems to be an illegal area for human trafficking!"

Looking at the prominent font size, Kaido said in a strange tone.

"Wait, no one will come to kidnap us and make it an auction item!"

Having said this, Kaido couldn't help laughing, what kind of trafficker would be stupid enough to hit him?Of course, if he really got his idea, it would be the bad luck of the trafficker. He is not the unscrupulous old man from "Pluto" Rayleigh who can pretend to be caught and go to auction for the sake of wine money, and then rob the buyer.

If you mess with him, you will die.

"Hahaha, how could there be a trafficker who is stupid enough to hit our idea, although no one knows about Kaido's boss, but I, Jack, the big pirate with a reward of [-] million, but no one dares to hit my idea! "

Hearing Kaido's self-talk, Jack laughed and said with some pride, this is the only place he is proud of at the moment.

"Oh, really?"

Kaido replied playfully, as if he felt something, and said lightly.

"Isn't this coming?"

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded as if it were Kaido's words in response.

ps: The grades are a bit poor, please ask for flowers, rewards, and collections! ! !

Chapter [-] The Grand Auction

ps: Regarding the reward and thanks building, the author thinks that it is better not to do it. After all, it is very troublesome to do it, and it affects reading, and it is also a waste of time, and the author himself has his own work. There is not much time for coding, only Two or three hours, at most two chapters, if you waste time on the reward building, it will only be worth the loss.So here, the author apologizes to the person who gave the reward.

A group of brawny men carrying guns, holding sharp knives, and fully armed surrounded them, and the headed one was holding a long knife, looking fierce, more than three meters tall, and exuding a suffocating strong man arrogantly said: "Haha, I didn't expect it. There are good things again so soon, I just caught a beautiful girl, and now there is a little white face and a big guy!"

"Hahaha, this little white face looks good, and he is strong. Those ladies will definitely like it."

"I think this big guy is even better. It is the favorite of the nobles who like powerful slaves. There are also Tianlong people coming to this auction. If the Tianlong people like it, then we will be prosperous!"

A group of human traffickers surrounded Kaido and Jack's angry eyes, laughed unscrupulously, and looked arrogant, completely ignoring Kaido and the others.

"Tsk, Jack, is this what you said absolutely no one dares to mess with?"

Looking at Jack, Kaido said with some playfulness, he didn't take the arrogant language of these traffickers to heart.After all, he didn't have to care about a bunch of dead people.

"Boss Kaido, rest assured, these ignorant people will soon pay for their stupidity."

Looking at the many gangs of human traffickers with icy eyes, it was like watching a group of dead people. Jack said indifferently, and his incomparably tall body exuded a strong murderous aura, icy and terrifying.

Damn, I just boasted about Haikou, but I was slapped in the face in an instant. This made Jack very angry. The [-] million big pirate was targeted by a group of traffickers. Where does this put Jack's face?Does this mean that he is not popular and no one knows about him?

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