The extremely talented Hancock is strong enough to be comparable to the old lieutenant generals, while 2b is even more exaggerated. Even if she is against the top lieutenant generals, she can still achieve the slightest weakness, and her strength can be described as turning over Heaven and earth cover.

Compared to five years ago, it was completely two people, and his words and deeds were closer to the 2b in Kaido's impression.

"Yes, sister 2b!!"

For 2b, Hancock and others still have awe and respect. After all, they were the first women to follow Kaido, so they all responded and followed 2b to the center of the island.

At this time, far away on the other side of the island, the Nine Snake Emperor - Verna, Hancock's mother, also brought Olvia, Jessica, Lu Jiu and others who had advanced in strength to the center of the island. go.

Five years have passed, and everyone has undergone earth-shaking changes.

ps: By the way, what should Ace call Kaido? _(:з"∠)_.

Chapter [-] The monstrous shadow, the terrifying gaze (second more)

Ruscaina Island, the center of a vast island.

When 2b arrived with Hancock and others, a large crowd had already gathered in the central open space. The most striking one was undoubtedly standing in the center, wearing a white dress and long silver hair. The crimson eyes are quietly staring at the "ice disaster" zero in the terrifying minefield in the air, and standing beside Zero are women such as Olvia and Jessica.

In other directions, Jack "Drought", Horton "Wind Disaster", and the team leader Fan and several other top-level personnel. At this time, they were standing in their respective positions, and the momentum exuded from their bodies, Formed a clear field, making people a little scared.

After Jack and the others, there were about thirty pirates with a terrifying aura. Those were the pirates who had followed Jack. After five years of cruel training by Kaido, a large number of unbearable pirates had become unbearable. "[-]" died one after another, and the rest were elites who washed away the sand and ate the Devil Fruits from the World Government. Each of them can be called the elite among the elites, and it is no better to pick one out. The major generals of this department are weak, and there are even a few that are comparable to the lieutenant generals.

And after that, there are dozens of pirates. Although their strength is not as good as the previous ones, they are also elites, and even some of them are quite powerful. These pirates are Kaido, who has brought zero and other women in the past five years. In actual combat, conquered.

After all, he possesses powerful strength, but does not have the combat experience and awareness to match it. When he encounters a powerful opponent, he will undoubtedly suffer a great loss.

Therefore, Kaido, who knew this, would take them out of the pirates who swept the first half of the great waterway every once in a while, and thus subdued dozens of pirate captains with good potential, with what their subordinates possessed A large number of pirates add up to form a pirate fleet of tens of thousands of people.

Because of this, although he has been cultivating for five years, Kaido has unknowingly owned tens of thousands of pirates, dozens of them are comparable to the general-level powerhouse, and several top-level powerhouses.

With this power alone, even if it doesn't count Kaido, it is enough to rival the top pirate groups like BIG-MOM.

Of course, this only refers to high-end combat power, and the combat power of middle and low-level ranks is still far inferior to them.

After all, a top pirate group like BIG-MOM has gone through more than ten or twenty years of development. In addition to the amazing top-level combat power, their forces are also extremely large, spreading throughout the new world, and their overall combat power, Even the navy headquarters should be treated with caution.

"elder sister!"

2b shouted softly and walked towards zero quickly, immediately attracting everyone's attention!

"It's Lord 2b!!"

"I have seen 2b adults!!"

"I've seen Mr. Hancock!!"

When a group of pirates saw 2b and others coming over, their expressions changed slightly, and they said respectfully, their voices resounding around them.


Responding in a mild manner, 2b quickly walked over to zero, and then threw himself on it.

"Sister, I miss you so much!!"

With her delicate little face buried on zero's soft abdomen, 2b said in a coquettish tone, without caring about her image at all.

"Well, hard work!"

Gently stroking 2b's short silver hair, zero gave a gentle smile, and said softly, for his sister, who is dependent on each other, zero is very important. In zero's heart, he is one of the most important people. Kaido isn't bad either.


Hancock and Robin on the side also came to Verna and others, their voices sweet and nostalgic.



Just as Zero and the others were reminiscing about the past, the terrifying thunder sounded wildly, shaking the sea area of ​​hundreds of thousands of meters, shaking the entire windless belt, attracting countless attention.


The violent roar shook the sky, intertwined with light purple light flashes of lightning, streaking across the sky, making a thunderous roar, with infinite power, making both Jack and Holden under observation a bit chilly, there The thunder on the top, just one down is enough to split them into pieces, not even the slag.

And this level of thunder, there are hundreds of thousands of paths in the terrifying thunder field, densely intertwined, making people extremely frightened.


The terrifying roar shook the world, and the terrifying sound even overwhelmed the roar of the thunder. In the huge thunder field, Kaido's demon-like body exuded pitch-black gas, and a monstrous atmosphere emanated. Like the invincible demon god who looks down on the ancients and the present, the terror is extremely terrifying.


Kaido opened his mouth, and with the control of the Tyrant's territory, endless thunder accompanied the entire vast thunder field, madly pouring into his mouth, the terrifying thunder stirred in the body, raging, in madness The destroyer of Kaido's body, but when the thunder was raging and destroying, a mysterious and terrifying force hidden in the deepest part of Kaido's body was also awakening from practice. . .

"Boom boom boom..."

The dazzling lightning shrouded Kaido, making it impossible to see the figure inside, but he could clearly feel that a terrifying force was awakening in cultivation, like a demon god who was about to awaken.

"Boom boom boom..."

As the Yellow River roared and moved, the sound of the surging river came from Kaido's body, shaking the sky, that was Kaido's bloodline awakening, roaring, and the terrifying power shook everything.


With the recovery of the bloodline cultivation, silently, an extremely vague and terrifying shadow emerged from behind Kaido. The terrifying body, the eyes as clear as a prison, and the terrifying horns, were like a demon from ancient times. Looking down at everything now.


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