A Rear Admiral with a handsome face wearing a cloak of justice shouted solemnly, and a middle-aged man beside him, also a Rear Admiral, was scanning the surroundings solemnly.

They are major generals stationed in the Chambord Islands and are responsible for guarding the Chambord Islands. When they learned that there will be many nobles participating in this auction, as well as the arrival of Tianlong people, especially when many pirates will also come. , immediately acted decisively, and led a large navy to come to guard to prevent someone from being daring and attacking the Tianlong people.

Although Tianlong people are aloof and rampant, they have the privilege of dispatching generals to maintain them once they are offended.

However, if you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of what happens. What if there are pirates who don’t know the heights of the sky and dare to attack?Going back [-] steps, what if some nobles clashed?

You must know that the pirates who can be pirates and can reach the Chambord Islands are not unscrupulous and daring.

And this time, because of the auction of two princesses of the country, a large number of noble nobles will participate. If one of them has an accident, the two major generals will also be severely punished.

And if the Tianlong people also had an accident, even if it was just a little bit, then they would probably have their heads hit the ground.

Even, just in case, they also brought a phone bug who could directly contact the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Gang Gukong. If there was a situation beyond their control, they would immediately contact the Headquarters, dispatch a lieutenant general, or even a general in front of them. to suppress.

"Yes, Major General!"

The navy responded loudly.


Half an hour later, a large number of civilians, aristocrats, rich people, and pirates began to appear one after another. They were either noble or arrogant, or upstarts, or cruel and cold-blooded. All of them came to participate in the auction.

"Mr. Hull! Come in, come in!"

"Ms. Huayue, please come in!"

At the entrance of the auction, there were already many waiters standing here. After seeing the noble nobles, they all smiled and greeted them.

"Hey, that's 'Wild Wolf' Richie with a reward of [-] million?!"

At this moment, a navy colonel took a deep breath and looked dignifiedly at a young man who was walking from a distance with many pirates around him, with a cold and arrogant face, and suddenly recognized the other party.

'Wild Wolf' Richie, who has the ability of the wolf fruit of the animal system, is powerful and has fought fiercely with the major admiral of the Navy headquarters.

You must know that in today's era of great pirates, since Gol D. Roger died only two years ago, the number of pirates has increased significantly, and the amount of bounties offered by pirates will not be as high as in the time of the straw hat boy, which is always in the hundreds of millions. Unless it is committed to slaughter towns and the like, under normal circumstances, the bounty will not exceed its own strength too much.

Therefore, although the bounty of 'Wild Wolf' Rich is only [-] million, it will never be weaker than the supernova of the straw hat era.

"It's him! 'Tiger' Bauer with a reward of [-] million!"

The rather handsome Rear Admiral's face suddenly changed, his right hand subconsciously pressed the long knife on his waist, and he looked solemnly at a tall, rough-faced man with a fearful expression.

"Tiger" Bauer is one of the newcomers in the first half of the great waterway, with a reward of [-] million. He has killed two major generals one after another, and even escaped safely under the pursuit of a lieutenant general. Among the pirates in the first half, only a few can surpass him.

"Oh, trash!"

At this time, "Tiger" looked over, looked at the fearful Rear Admiral, sneered, and said sarcastically, the sound was not loud, but it spread throughout the aisle.

Many pirates and noble merchants looked over in surprise.

"That bastard!"

A navy colonel was so angry that he was about to draw a knife, but was stopped by the rather handsome major general raising his hand.

"Don't act rashly, now is not the time to have a conflict with him." With a cold expression, he looked at "Tiger" Bauer coldly, with a strong murderous aura. "When the auction is over, take care of him."


Although the colonel was impulsive, he still knew what to do, put down the long knife, and retreated with a look of unwillingness.


Seeing that the navy did not intend to do anything, "Tiger" Bauer snorted coldly, but did not intend to provoke again. After all, the Tianlong people would appear at any time, and he did not want to provoke the Tianlong people, thus attracting the pursuit of the generals.

After all, no matter how arrogant he was, he wouldn't consider himself an admiral's opponent.

"Heaven... Tianlong people are here."

At this moment, a slightly fearful voice appeared, which immediately silenced the audience.

"Damn, the Tianlong people are here!"

"Get down on your knees."

In an instant, the audience became a little noisy. Everyone was talking in a low voice, but they didn't dare to speak too loudly. They hurriedly fell to the ground. Kneeling down wisely, without resisting.

Even the navy knelt down one after another, without exception.

"Blah, blah..."

Soon, as the kneeling crowd separated, an ugly-looking man wearing a bubble helmet and a space suit was riding on a tall slave and was slowly crawling over.

"It's him?! Madman Horton?! How did he become a slave?"

Raising his head slightly, when he saw the slave that the Tianlong people were riding, the expression of "Tiger" changed, and he couldn't believe it.

"Crazy" Horton, known for his arrogant personality, is also a powerful rookie pirate. He once fought "Tiger" Bauer, but he was on a par.

However, it was such a powerful pirate on par with him that he became a slave of the Tianlong people, which made him a little horrified. He really felt the power of the Tianlong people and felt a little panic in his heart.

The rest of the pirates obviously recognized it, and although they were shocked, they didn't show it, so as not to be noticed by the Tianlong people.

"Climb in!"

Apparently, the Tianlong people were already used to others kneeling and worshipped, and they didn't care, but kicked the slave under him and ordered.

"Crazy" Horton's body trembled and his face was extremely humiliated, but he didn't say anything. He just moved forward on all fours and slowly climbed into the auction.

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