If Saint Rollos really gets this fruit, then as long as it is dedicated to the ancestor of the Tianlong people, his family status will be greatly improved, and he will truly enter the top of the Tianlong people and become a nobleman among the world's nobles.

Even if it is used for his subordinates, even if he can't match Whitebeard's shoulders, he can create a monster-level powerhouse comparable to a general.

A general-level monster cannot be commanded at will by a Tianlong person. Even if the Tianlong person has a very deep background, it is difficult to cultivate a general-level powerhouse. If he can cultivate one, then his family is in the Holy Land Mary Joa. Status will also be greatly improved.

Among the Tianlong people, there are also high and low status, and the family of Rollos is in a middle position, neither high nor low.

"How dare you deceive the adults, I got this fruit at a great price, and even for this fruit, I lost several strong people!"

With a careful laugh, Fatty Jin took out a beautiful box from his arms. The whole body of the box was covered with golden patterns made of gold wire, and there were several beautiful treasures embellished in it, which looked exquisite and luxurious.

"My lord, this is the ice dragon fruit."

Fatty Jin opened the box carefully, and what caught the eyes of Saint Rollos was the blue pineapple-shaped fruit. The whole body was covered with beautiful patterns, as if there was a cold air lingering around it, which made people inexplicably cold.

"Is that the legendary phantom beast - the ice dragon fruit?"

"Tiger" Bauer, who has been staring at St. Rollos and Fatty Jin from a distance, Richie "Wild Wolf" is full of greed, and almost wants to snatch it. Although Fatty Jin has lowered his voice, the distance is only ten meters away. , No matter how quiet you are, you can't hide from "Tiger" Bauer, "Wild Wolf" Ritchie and the like are either comparable to major generals or powerhouses who can kill major generals.

Hearing the conversation between Saint Rollos and Fatty Jin during the whole process, coupled with the appearance of the ice dragon fruit, they couldn't suppress the greed in their hearts, so they almost subconsciously wanted to take action and snatch the fruit.


At this moment, an extremely cold murderous aura suddenly pressed towards Ball and Ritchie. This murderous aura was so terrifying that even those who had experienced hundreds of battles could not help but feel chills all over their bodies, as if they were being targeted by tigers like mortals. , trembling involuntarily, extremely frightened, the greed in their hearts was instantly extinguished, and then they saw a pair of cold eyes looking at them indifferently.

"It's him!"

When they saw that the owner of the eyes was the ruthless man in the black suit beside Roel Rose Saint, Bauer and Richie were shocked, and they quickly lowered their heads. idea.

"Well, you are very good. You will be my retainer in the future. If there is a chance, I will recommend you to the Five Old Stars!!"

Saint Rollos touched the Devil Fruit with a fascinated expression, and then nodded to Fatty Jin with some approval, and said lightly.

"Sir Cherol Rose!"

Hearing the words of Saint Rollos, Fatty Jin was ecstatic and almost jumped up. Why did he give the Devil Fruit he got at a huge price to Saint Rollos?Not just to please the Tianlong people, hoping to get more support from the Tianlong people.

In the past, although he was able to get some support from St. Rolle Rose, it was just a random act of St. Rolle Rose, and it was just to cultivate an obedient dog. Now, with the promise of St. Rolle Rose, he can say It is a step up to the sky, becoming a big man who even the high-level officials of the world government dare not underestimate.

"Whoever dares to underestimate me from now on, even the high-level officials of the world government will have to curry favor with me!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Fatty Jin is extremely proud. Although the price is a very precious Devil Fruit, Fatty Jin has no regrets. He prefers power over power, exchanging a useless Devil Fruit for a bright future. Definitely a bargain for him.

"If there is a chance, I will consider giving it to you!"

He glanced at the man in the black suit beside him, and seemed to sense the longing in his heart, and Roel Rose said indifferently.

"If there is no chance, I will help you find a powerful fruit."

The man in the black suit is his confidant and his strongest subordinate. His strength can be said to be extremely powerful. He is considered a strong man among lieutenant generals. If he really gets the ice dragon fruit, his strength will definitely skyrocket. , may have the opportunity to impact the general level.

"Thank you sir!"

It can almost be said to be overjoyed, the man in the black suit said excitedly, although Saint Rollos might not give him the ice dragon fruit, but with Saint Rollos' promise, he would definitely get a powerful devil fruit. At that time, his strength will skyrocket.

On the side, the "madman" Horton, who was lying on the ground, stared at the ice dragon fruit, and was extremely eager in his heart. However, when he saw the man in the black suit beside him, the desire in his heart suddenly disappeared without a trace. trace, only full of fear!

Because it was the man in the black suit who crushed him unilaterally and shattered his pride.


Chapter Thirteen Admiral Cyborg Kong

ps: Regarding the reason for the Devil Fruit, I admit that it is indeed a bit too deliberate. After all, the author is a pure rookie writing a book for the first time. There must be many flaws and shortcomings. Please bear with me here.

I went to the hospital for a gastroscope this morning. Damn, a thin, long and black root-like object was inserted into the throat for one step and nauseated, and it was repeatedly thrust.

Area 25, when Kaido and the others arrived, more than half an hour had passed.

"Looks like this is the 'shampoo' auction!"

Looking at the luxurious buildings in front of him and the many navies guarding the door and the avenue, Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly.

"Come in, Jack!"

Saying that, Kaido took the lead towards the entrance of the auction, and Jack, who was behind him, followed closely.

"Stop, the auction has started, and no one is allowed in now!"

When Kaido walked to the entrance, the two naval officers reached out to stop Kaido, said sternly, and looked serious.

"Huh?! Jack!"

With a frown, Kaido was a little unhappy, but he did nothing, but said indifferently.

"Yes, Boss Kaido!"

With his fists tightly clenched, Jack stepped forward, his incomparably tall body, with a terrifying sense of oppression, looked down coldly at the two naval officers.

"Get out of the way, or die!"

After speaking, a terrifying aura suddenly pressed down on the two navy, causing their faces to change greatly, their bodies kept shaking, and they were extremely horrified. When they recognized Jack, they were even more terrified.

"You...you're Jack with a bounty of [-] million?!"

Resisting the horror and fear in their hearts, the two naval officers recognized Jack's identity and felt nervous.

They couldn't help but be nervous. When the auction started, the two major generals had already entered to guard them, ready to suppress any turmoil that might occur. As a result, there was no strong fighting force to guard here. Facing Jack, this statue could be killed. The major general, and the vicious pirates who retreated from the subordinate general, were naturally fearful in their hearts.

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